Angsty Jeffmads - A Moment

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Requested by @official_luna

6: You can't die. Please don't die.

Spy AU


James's P.O.V.

I'm a secret agent at...wait, why would I tell you? This is top secret info, I'm not gonna have some teenage girls knowing about this stuff or something like that.

"James?" I look up from my paperwork to see my boss, George Washington standing at the door. "Your next mission starts now." I nod and push my seat away. I follow him into the mission room, where my boyfriend Thomas Jefferson is hanging out awkwardly. He sees me and his expression turns happy, giving me a smile. I give him a grin and a quick wave before I direct my attention back to the computer screen.

"Hello, Agent Madison and Agent Jefferson. Hope you're doing well today, because this mission is very serious." The computer screen speaks, the AI is programmed to tell us the mission information, since it would be dangerous for Washington to know about every mission and every little detail. "You two are going to be infiltrating an area set up by some shifty people we have fought in the past. Be careful, don't be caught. Agent Lee will fly you close to this area using his helicopter. Now, report to the helipad upstairs when you're ready to start your mission." The computer shuts off and the room is no longer illuminated by the light. I turn to Thomas and take his hand. He smiles and pulls me towards him.


"Yeah James?"

"Please don't screw this up."

Time skip

We weren't supposed to get caught. They weren't supposed to have those type of guns. Thomas wasn't supposed to wear nothing on his torso but a shirt.

Everything happened in slow motion. The guard fired his high tech machinery (aka a GUN) at my boyfriend. I watch in horror, unable to do anything, as the bullet pierces his chest. Thomas stares at his now bleeding body.

"Huh. James? I love you." And with a painful and pitiful shout of agony, my beautiful boyfriend Thomas Jefferson fell to the ground. I scream, unable to think. I pull out my gun and shoot the guards, who had been aiming at me. I stumble towards Thomas and fall to my knees on his side. With my shaking hands, I prop Thomas on my lap. He's taking shallow breaths and has closed his eyes. I- I don't... No. I'm not accepting this.

"N-no, Thomas no!" I shout, tears streaming down my face. This can't be happening...not to my Thomas..not to my Thomas, who buys me stuff toys and takes me out to casual restaurants a-and buys me ice cream and hugs me when I'm scared or sad and...

Who's gonna hug me right now? I gulp and try to comfort him.

"D-don't worry Thomas, I'll be here for you u-until the rescue team gets here. J-just, stay alive. Please." I say softly. Thomas groans, and the sound tears my heart to bits. "O-ok, maybe we should..." With a heavy sigh, I tug Thomas's body to behind a tree and some bushes.

"James..." Thomas mumbles, reaching over to me. My eyes widen, and I clasp my hands around his. "Those bullets and that gun...they're weird..." I can't help but let out a laugh. Must be nerves, but just the sight of Thomas being himself, all cute and random, just makes this whole situation just a little bit better. "N-no, James I'm being serious, something is..." Thomas struggles for the words as he starts to cough.

"Shh, Thomas I'm here." I say in a comforting tone, holding him closer to my chest.

"S-something is o-off about them. James, if I-I don't make it out of this..." Thomas's voice chokes up and a new wave of tears start flooding out of my eyelids.

"Don't say that Thomas, you're gonna make it out of this." I say semi fiercely. "You can't die." Thomas starts coughing again and doubt starts to creep in my mind, poisoning vines of hope I was still clinging onto. "Please don't die." I add, my voice a pitch higher than it was before, and laced with fear. Thomas frowns, and sits up with some difficulty, with my help.

"James, I'm pretty sure the bullet is poisoned or somethin'," Thomas says in his iconic southern accent. "I don't think I'm gonna make it out of this alive. But I don't want anyone else to suffer this fate either. James, please promise me you'll do everything in your power to make sure that these bullets are destroyed." Thomas pleads, looking at me with desperate eyes. I swallow nervously. Thomas, always looking out for others. Always looking out for me.

"This can't be the end." I say, my voice hollow and cracking. Thomas sighs sadly. I realize he doesn't want this anymore than I do, and that he has already accepted the fact that he's going to...die.

"It has to be." Thomas says quietly, on the verge of tears. I tear up for the millionth time today and hug him. I hear my mission phone beep and I take it out.

'We're on the way, just hold on tight!'

But will there be enough time? I glance back at Thomas, who is trying to take deep breaths. My hope falters for a millisecond before I shake my doubts away. He has to survive. He needs to survive.

"Thomas, I-I'll...I will do e-everything I can to make sure t-that you are safe!" I say determinedly, but a little voice at the back of my mind is telling me that maybe, just maybe this once, I can't save someone I care about. Thomas smiles at me sadly. The sad smile makes me even more paranoid about this whole situation.

"C'mon James, one thing about being a spy is that you can't be afraid of death. I'm not afraid, James, and I don't want you do be either." I close my eyes for a second to let some tears fall, and when I open them Thomas isn't moving. My heart starts to quicken and my eyes widen.

"T-Thomas? Thomas!" My voice cracks as I shake him, as if that would make a difference. I hear the whirring of a helicopter above me, and all that I can think is that they're just a moment too late.

A moment I'll never get back.

The last moment with Thomas I'll ever get.

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