Jeffmads - Alarm

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The world needs more angsty Thomas. Also, James can't stop falling for JD's-

James's P.O.V.

I gulp as I ring the doorbell. Hercules Mulligan, my cousin, invited me on a road trip vacation, where we'll be sightseeing and thankfully staying in hotels and not a car. I don't think I know anyone else but him, so this should be 'fun'. The door handle starts to open so I put on a smile.

"James! Finally!" Hercules beams, giving me a bear hug that stopped me from breathing for a few seconds. "Come on in, I'll introduce you to everyone." He puts a hand on my shoulder and ushers me in. As we enter the living room I tense up. There's a lot of shouting in here. Two guys are drinking from the neck of the bottle what the heck? And a guy with a ponytail is watching them with an amused look on his face. I feel myself gravitating to Herc before I notice another guy who looks similar to ponytail guy, who's just sitting in the corner looking bored. "Everyone shut up! This is my cousin James Madison!" Hercules shouts. All the technically adults but are still children quiet down and look at me.

"H-hi..." I mumble, looking down at my shoes.

"James, that's Alexander, that's John, that's my boyfriend Lafayette, and his brother Thomas!" Hercules says, pointing to the drinking guys, ponytail and quiet one.

"Adopted brother, actually." Thomas corrects, standing up. "I'm technically his cousin." He's wearing a magenta shirt and on top a black leather jacket, black jeans, and boots. His entire outfit puts my oversized sweater and leggings to shame. I feel myself blushing. Why am I always attracted to the mysterious emo guy? Ack! Stop pulling a Veronica, James. This ain't Heathers.

"Um, okay. Well, James, I thought you might have gotten bored on this trip so Laf invited Thomas." Hercules explains. I nod, not taking my eyes off Thomas. He notices this and grins, doing that thing when you move your feet around but not actually go anywhere. "Alright! We leave in 15 minutes." He says.

"What! I haven't started packing!" John says, alarmed. The four of them start shouting and run off into another room. Which leaves me alone with Thomas. He walks up to me.

"So, James. Apparently, since Hercules doesn't have too much money, we're gonna be sharing rooms. Cus, Laf and Herc are sharing since they're together, same for John and Alex. Soooo, hey roomie." He tries to put his hand on the wall all cool-like but forgets that the wall is 2 meters away. Thomas's eyes widen as he falls. I giggle as he gets up and dusts himself off. He's like those people who act cool but inside they're actually a big, lovable dummy.

"Aw, thanks, roomie," Thomas smirks as realisation comes over me. I said that aloud... I laugh nervously. Thomas regains his cool composure and clears his throat. "Do you have any stuff to put into the car?"

"Hm? Oh yes, I think my stuff's by the door." I turn to grab them. As soon as I pick my suitcase Thomas swoops by and grabs it and glides out of the house. "H-hey!" I smile, running after him. I swing right to see Thomas packing it into the back of a huge car, along with four other suitcases. "Thanks..." I say. He grins.

"No problem, roomie. But now we have the first pick of where we sit!" Thomas says excitedly. We walk around to the front of the car and open the sliding door. It has front seats, driver and shotgun, middle seats, and three back seats.

"I-I think the back looks nice." I say quietly. Lots of space to nap, and lots of space to put food in.

"Then strap in!" He says in a funny accent, climbing in. I chuckle and follow him. Eventually, everyone else gets in and we leave. I smile, looking outside the window. Maybe this holiday will be fun.

Time skip

It's been a week and I've really gotten to know Thomas. He has a very strong opinion on macaroni and cheese. Of all the landmarks we've visited, I think the hotel rooms are my favourite when we just relax and read. Well, I read. Thomas goes on his phone and I'm pretty sure Laf and Hercules, Alex and John, are doing other stuff. Anyway, now we're in the car on the way to a lunch place Lafayette picked. It's French, of course.

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