Fluffy Jeffmads - Ballet - Part 2

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Let's go.

Thomas's P.O.V.

"Thomas, I forgive you. But our first date better be the best thing ever!" James squeals, hugging me. My heart literally, okay not literally, but it did, pumps out of my chest. YES! JAMES MADISON IS NOW MY BOYFRIEND! YES! I giggle and ruffle James's hair, before realizing, oh yeah we gotta get to class. I release James, then tell him we gotta get to class. He agrees, and we get to class. I can't till after school!

Time skip to a few months later

I'm so nervous! Today is our performance for ballet, and I'm already changed, into (see photo above) and James is almost done. Huh, there he is, my adorable boyfriend in (see photo above).

"Cute." I smile at him. James looks down, embarrassed.

"Shut up Jefferson." he mumbles. I giggle, then I put my arms around James, his head only reaching my chin. I rest my head on his.

"Listen Jemmy, I know you're nervous, but don't worry! We've been practicing for ages. Plus, you look stunning! We got this!" I reassure James. He blushes, but then hugs me back, burying his head in my chest.

"Okay." he says, muffled. I grin, and we get to our places.

You guessed it another time skip

That...was...AMAZING! James was perfect! I made so many mistakes but James looked perfect! *Cough* Whoops, I meant he was perfect. James didn't make any mistakes...Yeah he did look perfect too. Right now James is talking to his mum, who has a huge bouquet of flowers. I smile bitterly. If only I wasn't afraid to tell my parents that I'm bi. I didn't even tell them about this show. Oh well. I least I have James.

James's P.O.V.

I'm so happy! These last few months have been the best! One, Thomas Jefferson is my boyfriend, two, Thomas Jefferson is my boyfriend! Okay fine, two, all our hard work paid off in the performance! I worked so hard, and no one even cared I was wearing a dress. Oh sorry, a tutu. It's still a dress! Mum is so happy as well! Well, she's happy that she finally has seen Thomas, and she said, and I quote, "I'm jealous."

Anyway, me and Thomas are going out for our 5th month anniversary dinner, so I wave goodbye to mum, take the flowers, and walk away with him. We walk onto the street, and Thomas suddenly slips his hand into mine. I smile a little, trying not to let him see.

We arrive at the restaurant, it's a sushi place because I LOVE sushi. A kind waiter shows to our seats. Thomas takes one look at the menu and says,

"I always have no idea what to order at these places." I giggle, then order Omakase. We begin chatting about our performance. "Wow James, you were AMAZING! You didn't make ANY mistakes! Wish I could say the same about me..." Thomas exclaims. I roll my eyes.

"Puh-lease Thomas, sure I didn't make any mistakes, but you had passion. You were, and ARE, great!" We start playfully bickering about who did better, and started eating as well. SO MUCH GOOD FOOD!

After our delicious meal, Thomas took me out to the park. We walk, hand in hand, on the path through the forest part of the park. We reach a clearing, and we lie down on the lush grass, me sitting on Thomas's lap, staring at the night sky. The stars are beautiful, but not as beautiful as the man below to me. Hehe. Wait isn't that a pickup line? Oooooh I should use it! That will make him all nervous and flustered, and it's super cute when he stutters.

"Hey Thomas, the-"

"Hey Jemmy," he interupts. "The stars are pretty tonight. You know who's cuter? YOU of course, no one can beat you, EVER!" I giggle. Hey, I don't mind being on the receiving side of it. Just so long as I get him back!

"Well Thomas, that's where you're wrong. Kinda. You see, I may win the prettiest competition-"

"And no one can take that away from you!" I sigh, smirking and continue.

"But when it comes to who's the hottest, well, you win in a landslide." I giggle, even start to laugh when I see Thomas blush, and try to stutter another pick up line.

"W-well, are y-you f-from Tennessee, cus uh, you're the o-only ten I uh, I see! Ha!" He grins, still blushing. I giggle and go, 'Awwww so cute' repeatedly, and Thomas keeps muttering 'Shut up' with a adorable smile still on his face. We stay there, giggling and talking late into the night, until we cuddle up together and watch the stars.

Time skip

I open my eyes to see Thomas's arms around me. Okay. Wait, we're still in the park. Oops... Well, we are in HUGE trouble. At least, Thomas is. My mum is A-okay with everything as long as I tell her, and I did warn her that I might fall asleep there with Thomas. So I think I'm alright. The only bad thing that could happen is that she presses me for details...which she loves to do.


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