Fluffy Jeffmads - Soulmates

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Rules: Colour thing where once you see your soulmate your world turns to colour. Also if you don't know who your soulmate is but you've met them, you don't have any emotions except a sense of humour.

I think I'll do Historical for a change.

No one's P.O.V.

Everyone knew Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, I mean, who can't? Jefferson was a loud, arrogant, confident man, who has loud fashion statements.

As for Madison, although he was quiet, he was strong. During cabinet meetings, I mean battles, whenever Madison's voice rang through the room everyone turned silent and listened to him. People say they do that because they respect him, but in reality it's because they fear him. Because James Madison is different. James Madison has seen colours for as long as he could remember.

James's P.O.V.

People say I'm weird behind my back, they say I'm emotionless. But I'm not! Just because I'll never know who my soulmate is doesn't mean I have no feelings. I mean, it can be fun sometimes! Like when I was in school and my friends all turned up in the wrong uniform, because they couldn't tell the colour between their middle school and primary school uniforms. That was hilarious! Heh.

Right now I'm just doing some work for my best friend Thomas Jefferson. I shift through some papers, when suddenly I hear a knock on my door.

"Um, Mr. Madison, Mr. Jefferson would like a report on what you've been doing." a squeaky voice rings through the door, Thomas's secretary.

"Yes yes, I'll be out in a moment." I call back, still looking at my papers. I hear quick and frantic footsteps fading from my office door. I sigh, and gather my papers. Everyone still thinks I'm a unemotional guy. Maybe I am. Huh.

I walk out of my room and make my way to Thomas's office. Once I've reached it, I push the handle and use my foot to open the rest of the door, still looking down at my papers.

"Okay Thomas, I've done some research on our upcoming debate against Hamilton. Oh, and you gave me your mail to read and you've got 93 meetings tomorrow for some reason." I begin to give him the rundown on everything, before realizing he isn't even paying attention. Instead, he's pacing the room quickly. "Uh, Thomas?" He sighs, sits down at his desk, and motions for me to sit as well. I pull up a chair and settle in it, nervous. Thomas is usually so extra and confident, this is...different. Huh.

"James, remember when we worked together for the first time?" Thomas starts, and I nod, unsure of where this is going. "Well apparently, that wasn't the first time we met." he says as he slips me a letter across the table.

I take the letter, and read the underlined sentences. It seems to be a letter from a teacher to my father.

Dear Mr. Madison,

As you know, today was James's first day of school. He quickly made friends with another student, Thomas Jefferson, who sadly can't come back for another day due to family issues.

I look back at Thomas, my eyes wide. I can't believe it. His face confirmed it. I...met Thomas in school? Huh. Wait, what's happening? The world's going hazy, and the next thing I knew Thomas's hand was over mine, as the world turned to black.

I open my eyes, to see a classroom full of children socializing around my small desk. I hunch my back, unsure of what was going on, and in another world I was thinking of...actually having friends? Huh. I have friends. But not in this world? Suddenly my vision doubled, and one side was black and white, but the other was full of colour. Weird. I was forced to turn around, still not able to control my movements. Who is moving me? Me? Coming out the door was...Thomas? My black and white vision swirled and like the clouds moving out of the way of the sun, my whole vision turned to colour, then a flash of white appeared.

My vision turns back to normal, to see Thomas staring at me. I feel my cheeks heat up, what is this? Is this...blushing? Wow. I've never blushed before. The flashback...when I saw Thomas...the colour...of course. But I have to make sure.

"Uh, I uh, Thomas, have you always seen colour as well?" I ask, stuttering. When did that start? Wow. He nods, lost in his own thoughts. Then he looks me straight in the eyes and says,

"I've always remembered that day, James. I just thought you didn't like me back since you always seemed distant, far away." I blush harder at this. Wow. What is this feeling? It brings me back to as far as I can remember. Is this...love?

"I didn't remember, not until now. These feelings...I think it's...well, um...love." I tell him, staring down at his desk. His hand is still on mine. Not that I'm complaining. It's comforting. So I guess... We're soulmates. Wow.

I wonder how this will turn out.

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