Jeffmads - Space - Part 2

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Space AU

James's P.O.V.

I start to panic.

This is the first time I've been out and about with no one to help for...THIS IS THE FIRST TIME! I shift in my seat. Okay, so the AI will drive the pod to the moon of the planet Swearia, where'll I'll meet Thomas. Till then, I'm alone for...

"Excuse me, how long will it take to get to the destination?" I ask.

"One month." The female AI responded. I sigh. That's a long time to be alone. Suddenly, I feel a buzz in my pocket.

(It was too weird to say buzz in my pants)

Hello? James? You there?

I quickly scoop my walkie-talkie out of my pocket.

"Thomas?" I say quietly. I mean, I could recognize that accent anywhere, but just to make sure.

James! Thanks goodness! How's it going?

"Good. I've got a month till I reach the moon of Swearia...why did you choose a place that's so far away?"

Oh um, I just like the name of the planet. But, my ship can get there in two weeks, so maybe I can intercept you before you reach there.

I sigh. "Okay, I guess." There was silence for a while till I decided to ask him something. "Thomas, why did you come rescue me?" A visible sigh is heard from Thomas's end.

James, I thought we already covered this.

"Yes, you gave me a lengthy explanation, but why? Why did you decide to go? You could've lived your whole life as a King, but why did you throw that all away to rescue me? You could've died out here!" I say. Thomas stays silent. "Thomas, c'mon, there has to be a reason. You had THE life back on our home planet!" were the only friend I've ever had, Jemmy.

That answer surprised me. "Thomas-"

Back on Chemolia, I was always meeting adults and their snobby kids. After I turned 13, the girls of those adults tried to get with me, so that they could be queen. I hated that. Besides, I don't think I really like girls that way.

My heart started doing jumping jacks as I started to slightly sweat. "R-really?"

Yeah. They're weird. Anyway, even though we knew each other for like five minutes, you were my only legit friend. I had to save you.

"Thomas, I'm...thank you." I say, honestly touched.

Eh, it's nothing, hehe.

We continue talking, about anything and everything. Once we got into a discussion about the extraordinary. Because extra means very, so extraordinary should mean very ordinary. One week later, when I wake up and switch on my walkie-talkie to find a message. I didn't even know walkie-talkies could do that! I play the message, and Thomas's voice rings through the air.

James, um, I couldn't sleep so I tried to contact you.

Thomas's voice sounded quite unsure and nervous.

Then I realized that you switched off your walkie-talkie, so... Well, there's a reason I couldn't sleep. I uh, I think I have a crush on you.

I gasp and drop the walkie-talkie. It falls into a gap in between my seat and the armrest. I fumble and pick it up, Thomas's message still playing.

I know it sounds crazy, b-but hear me out! Over the week we've been talking I-I just felt a connection, a-and, oh that sounds stupid. Let me start over.

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