Fluffy Jeffmads - The Pretend Date

601 25 11

Requested by @-holywaterr

23: Just pretend to be my date

High school AU


James's P.O.V.

I sigh while staring at the board. Math is so easy, therefore IT'S BORING HERE. I grin when the bell rings and the teacher dismisses us. I rush out of class, determined to get to the lockers first before EVERYONE gets there. It's a mess. Don't question it. Once I get there I crouch down to open my locker. My best friend, Thomas Jefferson, who happens to have the locker above me leans over my small frame.

"Hey, give me some space." I laugh up at him. He smiles and proceeds to do the opposite, like all good friends do. Squished against my open locker, I start putting my stuff away for lunchtimes. Suddenly, a note falls in my lap. Curious, I turn around to Thomas, but he's nowhere to be seen. Huh. I open up the note. It says, 'Meet me in the den. Ditch Aaron and Theo, just us, k?' and Thomas's signature is scribbled at the bottom. Weird, we haven't been in the den for years, since middle school. I grab my wallet and close my locker, telling Aaron and Theo to go on without me, cus I need to go to the toilet. I rush on, past the toilet, to get to the den. The den is actually a locked classroom in the science block, but Thomas found a way to crawl into it round the back, and we usually cover it with a bench. I crawl through the whole and pull the bench back to its spot.

"Hey James." Thomas says. I squeak in surprise. Forgot that he's already here. "Oh, s-sorry." He helps me up. Thomas seems...nervous. His fingers are tapping the side of his leg, and his eyes are flicking around everywhere, before focusing on me. And uh, he's blushing. The fact that he's blushing makes me blush which makes him blush more and- Yeah. You get the idea.

"Yeah, it's fine. Uh, why did you want to meet anyway?" I ask him casually, leaning against a table. He better ask me out I've been dreaming of this day for years. Please ask me out please-

"I need a favour from my best friend." Thomas smiles, and my heart cracks. Best friend. Right.

"O-oh, what is it?" I say, trying not to let the disappointment show through my voice. Thomas scratches the back of his head nervously.

"I-I need you to be a...pretend date for this thing my parents are hosting." He says. I blink a few times. Not what I was expecting. "Basically, it's a adult party, and my Mum was all like, 'Thomas you have to bring a date to this, I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl but just bring one. Doesn't even have to be someone you like, but you still have to act all lovey dovey or something.'" Thomas says in a high pitched tone. I giggle at the voice he's putting on. He grins. "Yeah, and I was like, 'UMMM OK.' So...yea or na? The next person I was gonna choose was Aaron or Theo, but your my number one choice." Is that a compliment?

"Of course Thomas! You're my best friend, dude." I give him a fake punch on his arm, while emphasizing the words 'best friend'. Might as well take the friend-zone up a notch and kill myself emotionally. Thomas laughs happily before we share a high five.

"Great! It's this weekend on Saturday, meet you at my house at about 7. Wear something nice. Okay, wanna get lunch now?" He says. I nod and we exit the den. I can't wait for Saturday, real date or not, I can just pretend it's real.

Time skip

I show up at Thomas's house at 7 on the dot. I ring the doorbell and Thomas opens it. He's wearing a navy blue jacket with a white polo shirt, and jeans. I'm wearing something similar except with black. He smiles at me and my heart melts, just like it does whenever he smiles.

"Great, you're here. I was dying of boredom." Thomas exclaims, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. Inside, it's a full blown...adult party. Fancy wine and people standing in groups chatting quietly. Gawd this is gonna be a long night. Thomas takes my hand and I blush.

"Thomas, is this necessary-"

"Shh, yes, it's necessary, just pretend to be my date and we can get through tonight together." Thomas smiles at me and I give back a faint grin. We walk through his house and Thomas drags me to one group of adults, and I recognise his mother in the midst of it. Her eyes brighten up when she sees Thomas with me.

"Ah! Guys, this is my son Thomas and his..." She motions for him to speak, spilling some of her champagne on the floor while doing so.

"This is my boyfriend James." Thomas introduces me. I smile warmly.

"Hi." Real smart, James. I catch a glimpse of Thomas's father in a different group glaring at me. Ha! Maybe he would've liked Thomas to bring a girl instead of me. Well screw him. I'm not even his actual date...right. I'm not Thomas's actual date. I let go of Thomas's hand and tip toe up to his ear.

"Uh, I have to go to the toilet." I whisper. Thomas nods, before grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek. I stumble off, dazed, reminding myself that we're not actually a thing, and that Thomas did that to keep the lie going. I feel tears prick my eyes as I slam the door open to the bathroom. I control myself long enough to lock the door, my hand shaking as I flicked the knob. I take a deep breath, crouching down against the door. It's okay, James. You've known from the start that Thomas doesn't like you. Why are you getting upset over this small thing?

"James?" I hear Thomas on the other side of the door. I wipe away a few stray tears and stand up. "James there's something I need to tell you. Let me in." I roll my eyes and unlock the door. He's probably gonna be like 'No homo bro' or something stupid like that. Thomas opens the now unlocked door and steps into the bathroom with me.

"So what is it-" Suddenly, Thomas leans forward and kisses me. My eyes widen in surprise. I want to kiss back, but... I push him off.

"Thomas, c'mon there's nobody here, we don't have to pretend." I laugh, pretending to shake it off when actually I'm freaking out right now! Thomas shakes his head frantically. Is there somebody here? Or... no way. NO WAY.

"J-James, the real reason I asked you to do this for me is that I wanted to confess my feelings for you!" He blurts out. I blink, eyes wide.

"Thomas, I-I-"

"AHHH IT'S OKAY I KNOW YOU WOULD SAY NO ANYWAY!" Thomas tries to leave the bathroom but I was like 'NOPE.'

"Thomas I like you too!" I shout. He stops and turns around.

"R-really?" He says with hopeful eyes. I smile shyly.

"Y-yeah, why else would I say that h-huh?" I say cheekily.

"Oh James!" Thomas wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a warm hug. I laugh and hug back. I can't believe him. Accidently playing with my emotions just to make this the best day of my life. That is just something Thomas would definitely do.

Guess the pretend date is now a real date.


Hope you liked it! It's my first request, sooo hopefully I did well.

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