Fluffy Jeffmads - Crazy Rich Virginians

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Spin off of the movie Crazy Rich Asians but with our favourite Southern Democratic Republicans (get outta here BURR)

James's P.O.V.

Wanna have a recap on my terrible life? Well, I HAD a wonderful boyfriend and a great job back in New York City, but then he convinced me to visit his family in Virginia, (which is also where I'm from but I grew up in New York), then everything went wrong. People started calling me a gold digger just because his family is super super SUPER rich. Thomas's mother told me that I'm not the one for him, and that she would rather have Thomas marry a nice girl from a well known family here in Virginia. Not some random man who has a job all the way in New York City.

I sigh, getting on the plane with my mother, who came to see me. We shuffle into economy class, with tons of people settling in for the flight. It's not anything like when Thomas and I came to Virginia, when I was surprised to be going first class in a private room and stuff. That was insane, man. I sigh again, slowly walking down the aisle. I wish I could have Thomas, but it's all about his family's reputation and what I would bring to the family. I would bring shame, because of my past. I don't really want to think about any of it right now...Bah, why can't I and Thomas just run away to New York City and have lives there as politicians? Ugh, because his family would probably kidnap Thomas back with some hired bodyguards or something. I smile at the thought. Suddenly, I hear someone pushing their way through the small lane. What a rude person.

"James!" I whip my head around to see Thomas was the one pushing his way through on the other side of the aisle. People started giving him annoyed looks before they realized it's THE Thomas Jefferson, the most famous person in Virginia. Then they started taking out their phones and taking photos. "James, um, I know that my mother doesn't really approve of us but I don't care! It took me uh, hold on, here let me help you," He stops mid sentence to help someone put their luggage in their compartment, just so that he could get past. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips, and no matter how hard I tried to conceal it, it still shone through. "Anyway, it took me two days but I finally convinced her to let me um, anyway hold on," He stops again and climbs over some seats to be in the aisle as me. I grin, knowing what must be coming next.

"Thomas? Is this what I think it is?" I say uneasily, my heart starting to race. Thomas smiles ad gets down on one knee. I squeal and cover my mouth.

"James Madison, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Thomas says with a smile, opening a box to reveal a beautiful moonstone ring. Custom made, just for me. I gasp with happiness.

"Yes!" Thomas slips the ring onto my finger as the people around us clap. I see my mother behind Thomas start to cry tears of happiness. I smile and hug Thomas, and he plants a quick kiss on my nose. I kiss him, properly, and he smiles in the middle of it. Thank god. I thought I would have to live my entire life with the thought floating around in my head, the thought of a entirely different life that could've been with Thomas. But now that's coming to a reality! I love Thomas, and he loves me.

O o f sorry for the short one but idk how to cram an entire movie into 1000-1500 words.

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