Jeffmads - Bullies - Part 1

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Oh wow! Another Jeffmads chapter! And an unoriginal one too! Awesome. Wow.

High school AU

James's P.O.V.

Back to High School after the winter break. How fun. The worst part? Reynolds. He makes my life the absolute worst. He's not satisfied that I have no friends, or that my parents got divorced when I was 5, NOPE. Reynolds has to cheat off of me in every test, otherwise, I get beat up. Even if I let him cheat, he gets his 'friends' to beat me up.

"My life will be terrible, for forever..." I mumble, walking to school. Well, more like shuffling slowly. Hopefully, some cute boys have transferred over the break...

"HEY! WEIRDO!" I hear Reynolds shouting, and I lift up my head. There he is, with two of his goons; Charles Lee and John Adams.

"Wow. Weirdo. How original. One of your best works." I clap my hands sarcastically and Reynolds goes red.

"That's it you little..." He grabs me, and I drop my books as they drag me into the school, through a hallway I've never been through. I don't struggle, there's no point. They push me into a bathroom. Huh. I recognize this place, it's in the school. Guess I didn't know there was another exit. A boy who happened to be in there looked over curiously. Woah. He has brown, poofy hair, and eyes that just makes me feel helpless. Thank god we have cute new kids. He's mine.

"Move it, nerd." Adams snarls at him. The cute boy raises an eyebrow and leaves. Darn.

"Alright, time for a punishment." Reynolds sneers, pushing me into a bathroom stall. What is he doing? Usually, he just beats me but...Aw hell no. He isn't gonna-

"In ya go." I hear Lee behind me as Reynolds shoves my head into the toilet.

"Waaaaaait! Usually, you guys just beat me up what's with this new thing!?" I yelp, grabbing the sides of the bowl.

"I don't know. Just feel like it? Now get that stupid head of yours into the toilet!" Reynolds says, grabbing into my head and shoving it forward. Aw well, flip.

After 5 minutes of absolute torture, Reynolds and the others seem to get bored.

"Shove it R, my turn," Adams says, pushing Reynolds away. I take the moment to breathe, and boy did that last long. Adams grabs me and pulls back, causing me to crash back on the floor. Yeouch. Lee kicks me in the gut, and I yelp. "Hey! I said it was my turn!" Adams yells at Lee, before crouching down next to me. I sit up and scoot back to the wall. Adams follows. "Hey there buddy." He says softly but menacing, lifting my chin with his finger. I start to sweat. tHiS iS uNcOmFoRtAbLe. Suddenly, he punches me in the gut, well not really punched, he used two of his fingers to kinda stab me but it hurt okay! Adams keep punching me while Lee and Reynolds laugh. Their laughter swarms me, and when I close my eyes that's all I can hear. Not the shouts of pain I was letting out, or the sound of the punches hitting me, just the laughter. It multiplies, the sound echoing inside my head, again and again, and AGAIN.

Suddenly, the door is kicked open loudly. I open my eyes to see the cute boy from earlier standing there, with two guys behind him. Lafayette and Hercules. Cute boy grins.

"Sup." Then all chaos breaks. Cute boy runs and kicks Adams in the throat, and I hug my knees and blush. He came for the guy that was closest to meeeee! Does that mean he likes me? Aahhh I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even see what Lafayette and Hercules do, I suppose I was just staring at cute boy. Oh wait, he's right in front of me now. ", are you alright? I'm Thomas Jefferson, by the way." He says. I stay quiet. What do I say? "Um...okay, what's your name?" Thomas sits down, cross-legged. Behind him I see Lafayette and Hercules fighting Lee and Adams, then the three wimps running out the back door. Ha! "Hello?" Oh right, cute boy. I mean Thomas!

"M-my name is J-james M-madison." I mutter.

"Cool! Um, I know we shouldn't do this since I'm a new student wanna skip school? Uh! Because y'know, you could have injuries and at my dorm, I have a first aid kit annnd..." Thomas's voice trails off as he realizes that Lafayette and Herc are still behind him. "Oh! Laf, Herc, you guys can go now." Hercules smirks.

"Always happy to defend someone getting bullied." He says, walking on over to me. "If those dweebs ever lay a finger on you...just holler." Hercules smiles, and he and Lafayette leave. So it's just me and Thomas. Alone. In a bathroom. Wow.

"So um, James, as I was saying, you wanna go to my house?" Thomas smiles reassuringly. How can I say no to going to my new crushes house? No wait, don't get ahead of yourself. Just become friends with him. Yeah. I nod. "Okay. Let's go." He stands up and offers his hand. I take it, blushing.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"No problem!" Thomas grins. I smile weakly. I don't feel so good... Suddenly, I run past Thomas and throw up in the toilet. Ugh... those punches in the stomach did not do wonders for my...stomach. Huh. Thomas comes up behind me and tentatively puts his hand on my shoulder. "You good?" I nod before vomiting again. "Ah." He mutters. I raise my hand.

"Nope nope, all good. I think." I stand up and wipe my mouth. I turn around. Thomas smiles.

"Alright. D'ya need help walking or..." His smile turns from happy to nervous. I shake my head. He's so cute, I might explode. "Okay, then we can leave through the back door." He points and we leave.

I'm lazy so there'll be a part two.

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