Jeffmads - Space - Part 1

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Space AU

James's P.O.V.

My name is James Madison. You may know me as the most fearless killer on the pirate spaceship called S.S. Jeffmads. You may know that I have killed over 1000 people over the course of my life. And that's true. But I hate it. I hate my power, I hate this ship, I hate those space pirates and I hate what I've become. I wasn't always like this. I used to live on my home planet, it's been so long that I've forgotten its name, but there I loved it.


I'm so excited! Today is our planets...planet national day. Is that how you say it? I'll have to ask Mummy. Today we're going to see the parade, which is taking place right outside the palace! I can't wait!

I skip along, holding Daddy's hand as we walk through the crowd. We push to the front and I gasp at all the decorations and things the ceremony has. Giant floaties with pictures of our King, Queen...and Prince. The Prince's float had his face on it and behind it a throne. And there he sat. The Prince, who looked super bored for some reason. His hair was neatly brushed, and he was resting his head on his hand. How could he be bored with all these things around him? Fireworks, dancers and so much more! I gawk at some of the moves the dancers pulled off, while the Prince's float moves on from where Daddy and I are standing.

Time skip

"The Prince is gone! The Prince is freaking gone!" One soldier shouts. The crowd is hushed into silence. The parade had ended and now our family is walking around the fair when a group of soldiers had run in. "Everyone go home! We must search the perimeter." The same soldier orders. The crowd bursts in shouting as parents get ahold of their children. Mummy grabs my arm and pulls me out of the way of the advancing soldiers.

"C'mon Jam, let's go home." She says to me. I smile and nod. We start to walk home, past a park. I'm happily chatting to Mummy like the 5-year-old child I am, who's already forgotten all about the soldiers when I spot something out of the corner of my eye. A rustling in the bushes. I turn my head and stop walking. "Hmm? Jam, baby come on, we don't want to be in the way of the soldiers when they come through our neighborhood." Mummy tugs my shirt but I run and dive into the bushes. "James!" She cries. In the bushes, I land on something. Or someone. The someone pushes me off and runs away. I follow them. I hear the yells of my Mummy fading away as I delve deeper into the wild part of the park.

"Who are you?" The someone says, stopping. They sit, trying to make themselves comfortable in the bushes. I follow their lead.

"James Madison!" I say confidently. They eye me curiously. They seem around my age, which is cool!

"I'm Prince Thomas Jefferson!" He says. I gasp. The Prince? No wonder his hair is so big and fluffy!

"Really!? That's so cool! What's it like being Prince?" I ask excitedly. Thomas scrunches his face up.

"Boooorrriinng." He whines. "You get homeschooled and never get to do anything fun. Actually, you're the first child I've met. Ever." Thomas eyes me. I scoff.

"That's not possible! What does homeschooled mean anyway? I go to school, then I go home." I say.

"Lucky! I have a private tutor. I stay at home all day learning maths and languages." Thomas sighs. "I don't get break time and I always have to play alone, since Mother and Father are too busy." He growls, and I scooch back. When Thomas growls his face contorts into a very frightening expression.

"You're scary." I say softly, hugging my knees. His face relaxes into a worried look.

"Sowy, Jemmy." He says, giving me a hug.

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