Fluffy Jeffmads - Valentine's Evening

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Alright so, this day one year ago, I uploaded my first oneshot to this book. Fluffy Jeffmads - Valentine's Day. No, this is not a sequel, their story is complete. This is just to celebrate the whole year that has passed since I first started writing these oneshots. <3

Modern AU

Thomas's P.O.V.

I slowly wake up, letting out a tired groan as I do so. For a split second, I don't recognize where I am and I freeze. Oh, wait...I relax my muscles as I remember that I'm on my honeymoon in Japan. With James. Oh my god, I'm a married man-

"Thomas? Jeez, finally you're awake," I hear James's soft voice from behind me. "After we got to the hotel you just collapsed on the bed!" He giggles. I turn my head and smile, seeing that James is curled up in bed, reading. Of course, with his insomnia and all. I yawn and sit up, stretching as I do so.

"What time is it?" I ask, surprised to hear that my voice is all gravelly as if I just woke up in the morning. Hey, maybe it is morning! I must've have slept long since we arrived early morning.

"Eh, about 3pm," James answers, checking his watch. I jump up in astonishment.

"Already!?" I exclaim. My mind starts racing, thinking of all the time wasted. "Oh gosh, we could've explored the hotel by now! We could've eaten LUNCH by now! And breakfast!" I get up and take a look around our room. One single queen sized bed, a pretty large room, I'm guessing a bathtub and-

"Thomas! You're jet-lagged and tired from traveling! Rest!" James says, closing his book with a snap, making sure to put a bookmark in it. And that's when I remember that it's Valentine's Day.

"OH MY GOSH JEMMY IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY! We should be out doing romantic things!" I shout, panicked. James shrugs.

"I don't know, seeing you sleep and drool is pretty romantic," He teases. Even while I panic James still makes me smile. I start to argue with him again but James shushes me.

"It's alright, Thomas, I've already come up with a plan for this afternoon. This hotel has a huge indoor pool-"

"You've explored the hotel without me!?"

"No, I read the brochure Thomas," James chides me, booping my nose. My heart melts as I remember why I married this man. Always kind, always has a plan, gosh I'm a lucky guy. I stay silent as he continues. "And there's a nice warm jacuzzi, so perhaps we could go soak a while in that, being romantic, and all," Jemmy puts on some air quotes as he says romantic, and I chuckle a bit. "And also from when I read the brochure," He says pointedly, "I read that the hotel's TV has a large collection of FREE movies we can watch, and then after that, we can go down to the hotel's restaurant, or if you're feeling lazy we can order room service. Nothing too tiring for our first day, while we're still getting over jet lag, okay?" James explains. Wow, he's really thought of everything. I nod and smile happily.

James always knows how to calm me down, whether I'm panicking about anything and everything, or even when I've gotten pissed with Hamilton being a heartless creature. He's just an amazing person, an amazing friend, an amazing boyfriend, and now, an amazing husband. My heart soars at the word. Husband. We're properly married now.

After we've changed into swimming attire, the two of us make our way to the swimming pool, which was fairly easy (Bless this hotel for labeling the floors). I'm still a little tired but with Jemmy holding my hand, I'm sure I'll be fine.

We reach the pool and James lets me pick out one of the weird cave sunbed things. It's like embedded in the wall with two connected sunbeds inside, with a small table on top with two bottles of water on it. James sees the bottles and scowls.

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