Fluffy Hamburr - Foodie

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College AU

Aaron's P.O.V.

The first thing you need to know about me? I'm a huge foodie. So I'm usually the one who brings my boyfriend, Alex, to restaurants. Alex, on the other hand, prefers to take pictures before eating. That drives me crazy! He spends 5 minutes just taking photos, just to annoy me. So, perhaps I should get revenge! But with what? Hmm... Heh, I've got an idea...

Friday night, and as usual, I'm taking Alexander down to a nice restaurant with delicious food. As usual, Alex is taking photos for every meal. I dig in, and wait for him to put down his phone.

"So Alex, didja finish your debate project on time?" I ask casually. Alex nods.

"Duh! I finished it a month ago! Can't wait to submit it tomorrow." He says happily, taking a bite of rice. I pretend to gasp, but it's so convincing (Hah! Thank god I took acting classes in high school) that Alex looks up at me curiously. After staring into his breathtaking eyes for a millisecond, I clear my throat and regain my composure.

"What? But didn't you get the email from Mr. Washington?" I ask him. Alex scrunches his face up in confusion. "Y'know, the email that said the project is due 2 days early?" Alex's jaw drop.

"No! When was that email sent?"

"Like 2 weeks ago!" I try not to laugh at my boyfriend's gullibleness.

"Noooooo!" Alex sighs, collapsing into the table. I laugh.

"I'm kidding! That's what you get for purposely starving me when there's good food in front of me!" I confess, sniggering while doing so.

"Oh my god Aaron!" Alex howls as I laugh harder.

And so it began. From that day on, Alex and I played harmless yet life-threatening pranks on each other, like that time Alex hijacked a fanfiction I was reading and made everyone die. I was in tears for characters who weren't real for DAYS. I still don't know how he did that.

"Hey, Aaron?" Alex asks. We're sitting in our dorm, relaxing and binge-watching some series I barely care about.

"Yeah?" I yawn. It's 1 am, whadda expect?

"So, all the pranks, that's no hard feelings right?" He asks, a small blush creeping up on his face.

"Of course!" I reply.

"It's just that, we don't really do anything anymore. It's always just pranks, y'know?" Alex sighs. I hesitate, before kissing Alexander.

"So, no more pranks?" I say after I pull away. Alex nods with relief. "Just saying, you started it."

"No, I didn't!" Alex says, and I chuckle. "Ugh, you're so annoying." He mumbles.

"But you love me." I counteract. Alex rolls his eyes.


"And I love you." Alex rolls his eyes again.

"Yes." He says before kissing me again.

Short? Yes. But this week I'm uploading twice! This Hamburr, then a Jamilton. Huzzah! I'm living up to my 'Once or twice a week' upload schedule!

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