Fluffy Jeffmads - Valentine's Day

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(Modern Day AU) 

James's P.O.V

Beep! Beep! Beep!

James eyes fluttered open as he groaned in bed. He grabbed his vibrating phone to see his boyfriend Thomas Jefferson was calling him. At 12 am.

Seriously?! James thought as he pressed accept and put his phone on speaker.

"JAMES!" Thomas's wide awake voice rang across James's room. James sighed sleepily.

"Happy V-day baby!" Thomas screamed across the line. James felt his cheeks heat up. He could practically hear Thomas's smirk. Wait...did he mean V-day as in Valentines day? Or V-day as in the other V word which is too weird to be typed down?

"T-thomas!" James yelped.

"What is it baby? It's 12 am on Valentines day," Thomas cheerfully said. James felt himself relax. Of course it's Valentine's day. Apparently, Thomas wasn't done talking yet. "And one year ago, on this day you lost your-

"THOMAS!" James screamed, his cheeks turning red again. He could hear Thomas giggling. Giggling, I tell you. James sighed. His boyfriend was SO immature. But that's why he loved him.

"Anyway Jemmy, plans for today include: breakfast in bed by the best boyfriend ever, macaroni and cheese for lunch prepared by the best boyfriend ever, and a special dinner surprise from the best boyfriend ever! See you later Jeeeeemmmmmy!" Thomas exclaimed happily before hanging up. James sighed and face planted on his pillow, determined to get a few more hours of sleep before the love volcano called Thomas melted him.

le time skip brought to you by mac n cheese~

"Jeemmmy! Wake up!" The familiar sound of Thomas's voice definitely woke James up. He opened his eyes to see a tray in the hands of his grinning boyfriend. "Morning Jemmy! Happy Valentine's day!" He squealed, yes squealed, before letting the tray down on James's lap, on the tray there was chocolate filled pancakes, James's favourite.

"T-thomas? Wow, you didn't have to do this... How did you get in?" James asked. He remembered that after a door breaking incident, he had taken Thomas's keys from him. Thomas beamed.

"I stole them from you yesterday at the park!" He said. James recalled that yesterday Thomas had been hugging him a bit more than often, which was already a lot.

"Ah. Well okay, thanks for breakfast Tommy!" James reached his arms out and Thomas came in and hugged him, before Thomas gave him a quick peck on his forehead and pulled away.

"Okay, Jemmy. You woke up late, so now I have less time to make lunch! Gotta go!" Thomas said before starting to leave James's bedroom.

"Woke up late!? You woke me up!" James spluttered.

"Sorry Jemmy, you just looked so cute sleeping, I couldn't get the guts to wake you up." Thomas called back from the hallway. James sighed in happiness and gratefulness for the best boyfriend ever. He quickly dug into his delicious breakfast.

time skip brought to you by Thomas's cuteness~

James yawned as he walked to his kitchen. He had finished his breakfast, had a quick shower and chose his clothes. He had decided on a light blue sweater Thomas had made for him last year, and jeans. James walked in to see Thomas cooking, the mac and cheese smell in the air.

"Hi Jemmy! While you wait you can go put on a movie. I have all your favourites!" Thomas told him. James walked to the TV, seeing that on the coffee table Thomas had placed the DVD's of Moana, The LEGO Ninjago Movie, The LEGO Batman movie, and The LEGO Movie on top of it. (I'm sorry, I'm a LEGO fan with pride, you talk about these movies I cannot let it slide!)

James took Moana out of its case and put it in the DVD player. He didn't press play though, he waited for Thomas to finish making his mac and cheese. Later, He walked out of the kitchen proudly, holding two plates of the cheesy stuff. Thomas looked at James, adoration in his eyes.

"Awwwww, is Jemmy waiting for me?" He drawled out the awwwww, reminding James of how immature and cute his boyfriend was.

"Yup. Now come here so we can cuddle." James said. Thomas obliged, and soon the two of them were in a comfortable position. Thomas was sitting down on the couch, one arm around James's shoulder, other arm on his fork. James was next to him, head resting on Thomas's shoulder, and both hands holding cutlery for his mac and cheese. James pressed play and the movie began.

Thomas giggled when James tried to sing How far I'll Go, and in turn James chuckled when Thomas tried to sing Your Welcome. (Somebody please draw Jefferson as Maui and James as Moana)

le time skip brought to you by my horrible singing~

James smiled as the LEGO Movie finished. Thomas yawned and took his arm from James's shoulder to check the time. His eyes widened.

"C'mon Jemmy! We gotta get to the special surprise!" Thomas said before kissing James on his cheek. He groaned but got up, super excited. 5 minutes later they were in Thomas's car, driving to who knows where. James looked out the window, they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Uh, Thomas, where are we going?" James asked.

"Shh! Surprise!"

"Hmph. Fiiiiiine." James closed his eyes and fell to sleep.

le another time skip because lazy~

"Jemmyyyyy! Get up we're here!" Thomas shook James awake excitedly. James looked up to see that they were at a creek surrounded by lush green trees. Thomas jumped out of the car and jumped into the water, clothes and all. A huge wave of water left the creek and sploshed itself on Thomas's car. James giggled and ran out to join his boyfriend. He quickly took off his sweater, didn't wanna ruin Thomas's present, and jumped in. The two of them just floated and giggled in the water together. Thomas then leaned in to kiss James, and he obliged. The boyfriends kissed, and Thomas put his arms around James. Then James surprised Thomas by dunking both of them into the water, and they underwater kissed. (heh I like Percy Jackson too)

After making out more and splashing in the water, the two of them got out and Thomas revealed spare clothes in the trunk of the car. They changed behind a tree each, then Thomas led James up a hill, and they was a picnic mat with food ready. He couldn't believe his eyes. This is so much...MORE than Thomas usually prepares for Valentines, and that's saying something, James thought as he and Thomas cuddled on the blanket eating sandwiches.

At some point Thomas lit up and turned to James.

"Yes! Jemmy, here's the suuurprise!" He squealed, pointing up at the sky. James looked up to see...a meteor shower. It was beautiful, the colours dancing across the darkening sky. James gasped as he watched the shower, then turned back to see Thomas was on his knee.


"James Madison, there are no words known to man to tell you how much I love you. You helped me get through my depression in high school, and we've been together since. Even through our ups and downs, and meeting people like Reynolds and Hamilton, we shine together brighter than the brightest star, or meteor, and I just LOVE you. Will you marry me?" Thomas asked nervously.

"OF COURSE YOU IDIOT!" James screamed, throwing his arms around Thomas Jefferson, his future husband. Thomas laughed and hugged him back, and the two kissed, full of happiness.

"Happy Valentines Day, my dear James." Thomas whispered into the night.

60 years later~

Happy Valentines Day, my dear James." Thomas whispered to his husband, James Madison. It was Valentine's Day and the family was spending time together. The little kids ran about as the adults talked together. James smiled and hugged Thomas.

"As long as you're here, I'm happy. I love you, Thomas Jefferson." He said.

Whoop! That felt good! I'm laughing hysterically with happiness.

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