Fluffy Phildosia - Wedding Day

796 21 30

(Modern AU)

Theodosia's P.O.V.

There I was, in the changing room about to marry Philip Hamilton, my childhood crush. While my mother tied my hair into beautiful braids, I remember the first text Philip sent me.

It was back in third grade, when Philip got his first cell phone for his 9th birthday. I had also gotten my first phone recently so we exchanged numbers and whatnot. (I can RANT and RANT about what age kids should get their phones but I'll keep it short: 12. THAT'S how old they should be. Well actually it depends on the area they live in GAH IT'S BECOMING A RANT OK ON WITH THE STORY) When I got home from school I received my first text from Philip. It said,

my dearest, theo, (aunty angelica told me to put the comma after dearest, idk why)

for you, a poem,



from phil

I smile at the memory. I think of the next time when Phillip actually made a poem for me. It was in 5th grade, when we were older and ...wiser? I'm not sure. Well, anyway I was old enough to know that I had a crush on Philip, so it was a surprise when on Valentine's Day he sent me a poem on our chat.

My dearest, Theodosia

I didn't fall in love with you.

I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing every step of the way.

I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd do anyway.

And I'd choose you;

In a hundred lifetimes,

In a hundred worlds,

In any version of reality,

I'd find you, and I'd choose you.

From (thing i found on internet.) P.Ham.

(what no it was from a thing i found on the internet wh-)

I smile sadly. That was a complicated time, full of deep but complicated feelings. But it all worked out in high school! Those were the years...except now I'm starting a new chapter of my life with Philip! I can't wait!

I was finally ready. Dad led me down the aisle and there he was. Philip Hamilton, with his goofy smile and freckles. I get a flashback from when Philip proposed to me.

"Theodosia, there's something I need to tell  you." Phil said nervously. I spun around, Phil doesn't usually call me by full name. I see that he was on his knee, holding a box. He opened the box, holding a ring. I gasped in happiness. "Theo, I love you. Will you marry me?" I nodded, too awestruck to say anything. Philip slipped the ring onto my finger, and I giggled in delight before kissing him.

I walked up to him, smiling, and we said our vows. We kissed, and after 20 years after meeting him, I finally married Philip Hamilton.

Philip's P.O.V.

Can I just say...WHOOP! I'm finally marrying Theodosia Burr! Girl of my dreams! WHOOP!

Can't say my Pa was ecstatic when I told him I was marrying Theo, but it all worked out! Whoop! To my wedding I invited all my friends, and Dad invited some family friends. Here's the list!

Wedding List Guest List

Hamilton Side






Richard Price (my best man!)

 and Peggy

Burr Side



Yeah...not a lot on Theo's side. Whatever, her mother's gonna be her maid of honour.

After they got married

That...was...awesome! Now we're at reception. My beautiful wife and I sit together, my hand over hers. (is it bad that I'm listening to stay alive reprise while writing this) My new father in law sits next to Theo, while Dad sits next to me. Across from us sits Richard, my mother in law and Mum. Aaron Burr (Do I call him that? Or do I still call him Theo's dad? Or father in law?) raises his glass for a toast.

"Alright everyone, a toast. There has never been a prouder father-" he started before Dad interrupted him.

"WANNA BET!?" he shouted, and Laurens, Lafayette and Hercules chuckled. Burr frowned at Dad before continuing with his speech.

"Anyway...I am extremely proud of these two youngsters, and hope that your love will be everlasting and that you always provide!" He cheered, and everyone else followed his example.

Soon everyone was heading for the buffet. Jefferson dragged Madison to the mac and cheese, of course, and others started filling up their plates with food. I smile at Theo, and she smiles back. I lean forward and kiss her, and Theodosia, the most awesome and beautiful and amazing and and and, perfect girl, is now my wife.


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