Fluffy Marliza - Rainbow the Lizard

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Modern AU

Eliza's P.O.V.

Oh, how I love college! And Maria. Especially Maria. Our relationship coming to be was just so unexpected, it's amazing. It came to be after Alexander Hamilton cheated on me with Maria (we don't talk about those days), then after that he cheated on Maria with John Laurens. Maria and I came together, heartbroken and miserable, when our relationship started to blossom.

"Marrrrria!" I yell excitedly, running up behind my girlfriend. She turns and grins at me with that ever so cute smile.

"Hey 'Liza!" She greets me. We share a quick hug, before heading onwards.

"Let's go through the snail garden!" I propose excitedly. Maria shrugs and nods her head.

"Cus you just loooove snails." She teases. I push her with my elbow jokingly and we both burst into laughter.

We walk in easy silence through the garden. I point out some snails and I coo at them. So cute! I think every animal is cute, no matter what they look like. We walk into a clearing, and I see James Reynolds and his 'friends' crowding around something, laughing and jeering. I frown. Perhaps it's a snail? I turn to Maria, but she has already stomped on forward to the boys.

"What's going on here!? Oh my god..." Maria stops, her hands over her mouth in shock. I walk on over. I wonder what happ...


There's a lizard on the ground. Dead.

"Oh my god...oh no..." I murmur absentmindedly, kneeling down next to it. Maria flared up, facing Reynolds, Charles Lee and John Adams.

"Did you kill it!? Which one of you killed this innocent lizard!?" She glares at them, shoulders tensed up as if waiting for a fight. Reynolds shrugs.

"We were running and I jumped that gap," he points to some plants. "And the stupid little thing ran under my foot. HA! What an idiotic creature." Reynolds sniggers.

"You're the idiotic one, Reynolds!" Maria snarls. I stare at the lizard, not making a sound.

"Whatever. Let's go." Reynolds says, his voice laced with hatred. I hear feet shuffling and soon Maria kneels down next to me.

"I can't believe those guys." She sighs.

"Yeah." I slowly say. Gotta be careful gotta be careful gotta be...and there goes the waterworks. "Maria why did they have to run through the garden! T-they knew that there are snails and other creatures around here..." I cry.

"C'mere." Maria pulls me into a hug, and I turn and sob into her loving arms. "It's alright Eliza." She murmurs. "Hey, why don't we name it?" Maria says, breaking away from the hug. I smile weakly.

"Name a d-dead lizard? Really?"

"Yeah!" I chuckle at Maria's enthusiasm. "How about Rainbow?" She offers. I roll my eyes. I'm feeling a bit better than I was 2 minutes ago.

"Rainbow? I mean, like, oh sure we're straight as rainbow, huh?" I laugh. Maria giggles.

"Pretty much." She gets up and offers me her hand. I take it and she pulls me up.

Okay, what happened next is super confidential. Don't tell anyone, dear reader.

Maria pulls me up a bit too hard. I get up and my lip collide with hers. My eyes widen. Our first kiss! This is like, a huge milestone or something! Once we move away, Maria stares in childlike wonder at me.

"That was-"

"Awesome!" I interrupt, jumping up and down. Maria laughs.

"I was gonna say magical, but I guess that works too." She says. I take hold of her hands and peck her on her lips.

"I think magical is a way better word for this." I glance back down at the ground, at Rainbow the Lizard. "And to think we just ignored the fact that Rainbow just died."

"C'mon, let's not think about that. I mean, if we don't hurry we're gonna be late to class..." Maria mentions. Darn! She knows about my reflex to never be late and be a good student.

"Whaaat? Ah! Let's go already!" I start to rush to class but stop. "Wait wait, we don't want anyone else to step on Rainbow." I find some dead leaves and pick Rainbow up, putting them in some bushes. "Alright, let's go."

'You're way too sweet for this world." Maria teases, and I roll my eyes.

"Ugh! C'mon let's go." We run off to class.

Well that was short. Eh.

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