Fluffy Lams - Marriage?

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36: Did I say that out loud?

Modern AU

Alexander's P.O.V.

'Hurry the hell up, Alex!' John shouts from downstairs. With a jolt, I drop my pen and curse. Was it just half an hour ago John told me to start getting ready? Half an hour can fly by when you're working. Luckily, I practically slept in my wedding attire.

No, no, not John and I's wedding. It's Lafayette and Hercules joining together today. I stand up and brush all of my case papers into a rushed pile before tugging down my suit and rushing down to John.

'I knew you would keep working,' John sizes me up from inside the car, similarly attired in a navy blue tuxedo. 'I can't believe we're going to be late for our two best friend's wedding.'

'No, definitely not late!' I rush into the passenger side, and with a slam of the car door, I pause. 'You brought the keys, right?' In my rush, I've forgotten to bring my wallet and phone. It was beeping incessantly with messages from Laf and Herc freaking out, so I put it on the side to focus on my case. John jingles the keys and leans over to tuck them into my suit pocket. He kisses my cheek and I laugh.

'I know you're working hard on that immigration case, so I've already prepared everything,' John starts the car up, and we're on our way. 'And yes, the wedding present is in the back.' I grin and turn around to see our present bowed up beautifully. What kind of friends would we be if we didn't give them an inappropriate toy?

'Are you ready to get absolutely wasted tonight?' I bounce in my seat and turn on the radio. John laughs.

'Just like back in college, only now we don't have the alcohol tolerance of a nineteen-year-old.' He quips.

'And we're almost seven years older.'

'Yet we still don't act our age.' We both burst into laughter as the banter continues. Eventually, (and I mean eventually, New York City traffic is chaos!) we roll up at Tribeca Rooftop. Lafayette and Hercules chose a rooftop wedding, where apparently there are great views all day round. It cost a fortune, even I and John had to pitch in a few hundred to help them reserve it.

John and I walk into the lobby with our wedding gift, totally ready to spend the day getting wasted. Apparently, we're just on time (maybe a little late), and we get ushered up to the rooftop. John marvels at the view as we get ready for the ceremony. Today and tonight is gonna be a long one, I already know, but it's going to be hella fun.

Time skip

A few drinks (okay, maybe more than a few), and I'm hella drunk and leaning on John as he leans onto me and Hercules is over there leaning on Laf and-

I need another shot.

'Yo, Alex, I think your wedding gift is the most useful one that we've received,' Hercules says with a smirk and twinkle in his eye. We start to laugh as I grab another glass.

'Just like old times, hey mon amis?' Lafayette says, completely alert. Somehow, throughout the years Laf hasn't lost his huge tolerance for alcohol, maybe it's because he's French, but then again Hercules is Irish, I wonder what their kids will be like oh wait they can't have kids they have to adopt-

'Hey, don't mon ami me Laffy,' Hercules rumbles with a grin. He holds up his hand, which gleams in the moonlight from the ring around one of his fingers. 'I'm mon amour forever now, baby.'

'Mm, maybe not forever.' Lafayette says with a raise of his eyebrows. Hercules laughs like "oh ho, you're gonna get it."

'Frick you!'


The happy couple stumbles off to get another drink and I turn to John.

'Y'know, this whole wedding thing seems like a good idea.' I burp and crash on a nearby sofa. John laughs and crashes down with me, snuggling up.

'Feels like it cost a fortune. Honestly, they didn't need to get this sweet place for the after-party.' John waves off into the nothingness before slumping back down on me.

'Pretty sure this is the after, after party.' I yawn, ruffling John's curly hair.

'Whatever,' He mumbles. 'All we needed to have a good time was someone's place to crash in, and a good pint of Sam Adams, or two. Though this stuff is pretty good too.' John looks up at the large bottle of beer that's menacingly standing at the bar top.

'Maybe at our wedding, I'll buy you three pints of Sam Adams.' I say dreamily. John snaps up to look at me in disbelief.

'At our wedding?'

'Did I say that out loud?' I chuckle nervously, sitting up a bit.

'Well, Alexander Hamilton,' John says, raising his voice with a large smile. 'I think you'd have to propose to me first!' He sits up, his smile still growing bigger. 'And tell your Dad! Boy, that would be a fun conversation, wouldn't it? Then we'd probably tell him about all the saucy stuff we did in high school and college.' John laughs and grabs another shot to down.

'Hey, hey, slip of the tongue, y'know?' I properly sit up to grab another drink.

'I mean, we've never really talked about marriage before,' John says in more of a hushed tone. 'We've only been living together for what, two years now?'

'Hey, uh, let's not try to crash Laf and Herc's after, after party by talking about ourselves.' I feel the colour rise to my cheeks and I try to brush it off with another shot.

'Yeah, yeah sure,' John says, leaning back. He catches my eye and smiles, while multiple dimples come out. 'It's nice to know you've been thinking about marriage, though.' I cough and gulp down another shot as I realise that drinking will only pronounce the colour of my cheeks more and oh man John's right-

'Let's just keep partying!' I stand up and walk over to the newly married couple, trying not to let John see how right he is.

Cus oh man, this is not how I wanted to start discussing marriage, I would prefer it to be with us snuggled up in bed with our dog at like 3 am when we can really talk to each other, like REALLY talk to each other about our futures.

'Ay, another shot, Alexander?' Hercules says, shoving a cup into my hand. 'You're really a shot guy, aren't you? I prefer a good, full glass of beer.' He laughs and starts chugging. I smile and look down at my shot as I remind myself why I'm a shot guy.

Life is like a full pint of Sam Adams. The more you drink the further you go. Hercules drinks full glasses, like how he's practically planned out his whole life ahead of him. He knows his calling of tailoring, he knows the man he loves, so all that's left to do is to enjoy being alive.

But for me? I grew up in the streets, taking any opportunity I could get. Every path in my life, work, love, I was unsure of. Who knows what could happen next, y'know?

I glance back at John, who's staring at the floor with a small smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye.

Love is a step by step process, well, at least it is for me. Between the first date and the wedding, there are years dedicated to building the relationship. It takes time.

As much as I want that late-night discussion about our futures, I know it's a long way till we're ready for it. John is still searching for his passion as a person, and I'm still working my ass off to provide for us.

But I'll be there, waiting. I lift my head up and down the shot, feeling the electric buzz slide down my throat.

Waiting for our own wedding day, if it ever comes.

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