Fluffy Any ship - Cuddles

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So I'm trying out a new thing with any ship. First, pick a person A. I'd recommend a more dominant person, like more example if you chose Jeffmads, person A would be Thomas, unless you like a more dominant James. Then, the other person will be person B. I'm gonna use 'their' and 'they' instead of 'him' or 'her' to y'know, make sure it works for any ship. Let's do this!

A's P.O.V.

Finally, I'm home. I can finally see B! I walk into our house, quietly closing the door, hmm, maybe I can surprise them! I stealthily make my way to the living room, grateful that the couch was facing the opposite direction to me. I sneak up to B, who is reading peacefully. Hehe.

"Boo!" I yelp as I crouch down and spread my arms around B. They jump up in fright, before realizing it's me, then they giggle and crane their neck to look at me. B plants a little kiss on my cheek in greeting.

"Hello, A. How was work?" B asks as I jump over the couch and sit with them. I let out a big groan while sliding my arm over their shoulder.

"Boring as usual! Hey, wanna watch a movie?" I say, snuggling into the couch and B's shoulder. They shrug, before leaning forward to get the remote.

"Sure. We can Netflix and chill. Whadda wanna binge?" B asks, turning on Netflix. I stand up, kiss B on the forehead, and walk to the kitchen.

"Hmm, let's just binge some LEGO movies. I'll go make popcorn!" I say as I open the cupboard to get some microwave popcorn. B turns on the TV and opens up Netflix. 5 minutes later I return to the couch, popcorn bowl in hand. Woah, B has been busy! We now have a pillow fort!

"Wow, B! You've outdone yourself." I gasp dramatically as B blushes. We settle down together in our invincible but not really pillow fort, B sitting in my lap. I sigh happily. This is how I wanna spend my free time. With B.

Okay, okay, I know it's short, but it's just a little experiment to see if this will work. Please comment soI know if this new writing styles works for any ship, because I'm too lazy to go over it with different ones every time I edit. If you people liked this, and I would really wonder why since it sucks, then I will make more in the future and try to include the major ships in Hamilton. In my opinion.

(in my opinion Lams, Mullette, Jeffmads, Phildosia, Jamilton, Meggy and some others are major ships)

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