Fluffy Thomgelica - Perfect

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Modern AU

Angelica's P.O.V.

I sigh, searching through my handbag. Where are my freaking keys? I need to enter my own house for goodness sake! Gosh, what a perfect day at work. I'm saying that sarcastically, it actually was really boring. Luckily, I texted my boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson, to come over. Thomas is...well, quite something. He's tall, lanky and always seems to have a smirk on his face. Always confident, snarky, and has a witty reply to anything anyone says. With me, though, just the two of us, his mask falls off and he becomes sweet, caring, and overall like a oversized child. I smile at the thought as I dump all my stuff on the couch. Eh, I'll put it all away when Thomas gets here.

I jump a little bit when I hear the doorbell ring. Ah, Thomas is here, how wonderful. I smile and go over to the door. As the door opens the first thing I notice is Thomas's hair. You see, usually it's neatly combed and at its worst, slightly messy. But not today. Today his hair is a absolute mess. Curls flying everywhere, the hair just pointing in all directions. I stand wide eyed as Thomas puts on a foolish smirk.

"Thomas, jeez what happened to your hair?" I ask incredulously, letting him in. He lets out a nervous chuckle before collapsing on the couch.

"Eh, even I have bad hair days," Thomas shrugs. I giggle, sitting down next to him.

"Really?" I ask sarcastically. "The great Thomas Jefferson, with the most magnificent hair in the entire Earth, has bad hair days?" I tease, and Thomas elbows me playfully. I laugh, and as Thomas smiles at me all the stress from the day fades away.

"Alright Schuyler, just for that I think I'll wreck you in Fate and Dragons." (Not actually a real game) Thomas says, turning on the TV and getting out the PS4 controllers. Fate and Dragons is a How to train your dragon racing game, and boy am I great at it.

"You're on." He tosses me a controller and I catch it, determined to defeat my boyfriend.

After a few hours of gameplay, something weird happens. Every few minutes or so, Thomas would look at his watch or the clock that's above the TV. I mean, it's only 7:46pm, and Thomas usually goes home late in the evening. I wonder what he's waiting for...GAH! Gosh, in my thought tangent I let Thomas's dragon overtake me. I better focus, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it.

At around 8pm I hear the doorbell ring. Weird, I didn't invite anyone else here. Thomas's eye light up, and he jumps off the couch to get it.

"Thomas, who's-" I start, confused at his sudden actions.

"Shh! It's supposed to be a surprise, Angie!" Thomas cheekily puts his finger to his lips as he walks backwards towards the door. I smile curiously. What's he got up to now? "Close your flipping eyes!" I let out a laugh before turning away, and with a smile still on my face, I close my eyes. I hear Thomas say 'Thank you!' to whoever is at the door, before closing it. He walks over to me, his footsteps heavy. Is he carrying something? I get more excited, thinking up what it could be. Perhaps a gift? Well, it's pretty obvious that it is a gift, but what could it be? "Alright Angie, come and look at what I got you!" Thomas squeals happily. I open my eyes eagerly to see a rectangular box with a blanket draped over it. I look at Thomas, an eyebrow raised. What is this? He gestures to the blanket. I grip one corner of the blanket, and with one last look at Thomas's excited expression, I dramatically pull the blanket off the...cage! A bird cage! And best of all, there's two birds! As if the moment couldn't be more perfect, Thomas started to play a song off his phone. I recognized it immediately. Romantic Flight, from How to train your dragon. The little birds inside the cage, budgies I think, Started squawking and making cute little movements together. I gasp at it all, Thomas getting me my second favourite animal as a pet, (Because of course dragons are my favourite), him playing the song that has the most nostalgic impact on me, and the fact that he's grinning at me right now just the way I love it.

"Oh my gosh! Thomas, I..." I don't know what to say. The moment is just too perfect, I can feel tears pricking my eyes. So what do I do? I lean over and kiss Thomas. The bird chirps, and I can feel Thomas still grinning into the kiss. The cheeky bozo. The loveable cheeky bozo. Once we pull away I glance at my new pet lovingly.

"They're both dudes, and they're lovebirds by the way. So, what are you gonna name them?" Thomas asks me, putting his hand on mine. I think for a moment, before the perfect names come to mind.

"Hiccup and Toothless, of course." I say, leaning into Thomas's arms. I can practically feel him rolling his eyes.

"Of course." He says in a sweet yet teasing tone.

"Oh, please Jefferson. You would've done the same." I say knowingly. Thomas laughs, before agreeing. What a lovely throwback to my childhood, which was full of dragons, Hiccup's adventures, and Thomas. Of course.

How perfect.

I was listening to the HTTYD soundtrack and I couldn't help myself. HTTYD is my childhood okay-

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