Fluffy Jeffmads - GIMME ATTENTION

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Requested by @offical_luna

33: I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.

College AU


James's P.O.V.

I enter my dorm room, greeted by the sight of Thomas squinting at a recipe in the kitchen. Uh oh.

"Thomas what are you cooking?" I ask, not really wanting to know the answer. He turns to me and smiles that goofy grin that I just adore.

"The only food acceptable to eat these days. Mac and cheese, made with love for my boyfriend." Thomas hugs me and I blush. His hair was looking so poofy I had to touch it. I had to. Don't judge me.

"Aw, thanks Tommy. I'm gonna go study, please don't burn the kitchen down." I kiss him on the cheek and we share a giggle. I go into our room and crack open my science textbook. I stare at the book. I keep staring, not reading, staring. Science, ugh. Why did I even take science as a minor?

Time skip

"James? I'm done!" Thomas enters into our room with an apron on that says 'Kiss the cook', and some cute magenta oven gloves, holding a tray of mac and cheese. I squint at my laptop, bouncing my leg while doing so.

"Thanks Thomas, I'll eat it later since I've some stuff to do." I say calmly. Thomas pouts and walks out. Two minutes later, he comes back in with two plates full of his favourite cheesy stuff.

"Hey James I'm back!" He chirups, setting my plate next to me. I groan but take a bite.

"I've got a test tomorrow for science, I really need to focus Tommy." I complain, staring at my laptop again. Thomas shrugs.

"Alright, but I'm gonna be sitting here eating, and watch you do your concentration face." He takes a bite off his plate.

"My what face?" I ask him, confused.

"Your concentration face! It's super cute, you squint your eyes, and you seem to bend forward over your work. Super duper cute." Thomas kisses me on my cheek and I blush. Leave it to Thomas to distract me. But I can't afford to fail this test, neither can I say no to the puppy dog eyes Thomas puts on.

"Fine, you can stay, but please be quiet." I plead, and Thomas nods his head vigorously. I smile at him and return to my work.

I'm really getting into it, I finally understand 5 topics I didn't understand yesterday, and now I'm tackling how people organized the periodic table. My favourite element is Bismuth, because I love the show Steven Universe, and the symbol for Bismuth is Bi, which reminds me of Thomas. Speaking of the devil, I felt a finger prod my shoulder.

I turn my head to face Thomas, but he had gone back to eating his mac and cheese and only smiled at me innocently. I roll my eyes and return to my papers, I can't be bothered to get annoyed about that.

Among the next half hour, Thomas kept poking me, and whenever I turned to look at him he only turned his head and tried to look innocent. A couple times I tried to say something, but Thomas only said the same thing over and over, 'C'mon James, don't you have to focus?'

After a while I just ignored it, which was a mistake. His poking got to the point where he just repeatedly poked me, into the same place on my shoulder. There's definitely gonna be a bruise there, but I honestly can't argue with Thomas. He's too amazing for that.

"Thomas please stop poking me." I say in a flat yet annoyed tone, dropping my pencil. He continues to poke me. "Thomas." I whine.

"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention." Thomas says. Typical Jefferson.

"Don't you have homework too?" I exclaim, exasperated. Thomas shakes his head. "Any tests coming up?" He shakes his head again. Remember, this whole time he is STILL poking me. Suddenly, I have the idea to fake being hurt. "Ow! Thomas you're gonna leave a bruise." I say in my best 'I am hurt' voice. He stops poking me, visisbly alarmed.

"Sorry Jemmy!" He gave me a hug before starting to poke my other shoulder.

"You're just gonna poke another part of me everytime I say that, right?" I ask dryly. He nods, a grin starting to tug his cheeks. I sigh and get on with my work. Thomas notices this and starts poking me faster.

"James gimme attentiooooon." Thomas whines. He grabs my head and kisses me on my cheek. I start to blush, wondering why I have such a cute boyfriend who is also very clingy.

"Alright, but only for five minutes." I sigh, giving in.

"Yay!" Thomas scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the living room. I squeal in surprise.

"T-Thomas is this necessary?" I ask, a light blush creeping up my face again.


He puts me down on the couch and we cuddle together. I kiss him on the cheek, and he returns it with a quick peck on the lips. We cuddle and giggle together for six minutes. I check my watch. Oop! Gotta study!

"Ok that was six minutes, I'll see you in a hour or so." I get up, giving him one last kiss on the cheek.

"Dang it Jemmy, why you gotta be like this?" Thomas groans as I walk towards the bedroom door. I turn to face him, the perfect comeback forming in my mind.

"Because, Tommy, I care about our future, and I'd rather us have a beautiful wedding than be living on the street or something." I blow a kiss before closing the door behind me. I can only imagine how flustered Thomas was after I said that. He's probably blushing, staring at the door. I chuckle to myself and focus back on my work. I mean I'll probably drop Science next year, but my report card this year NEEDS to be good.

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