Fluffy Jamilton - Karate Tournament

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College A.U.

Hamilton's P.O.V.

Sensei Washington just announced that there's gonna be a Karate Tournament, and I'm representing our class! Or Thomas is. He hasn't decided. But it's definitely gonna be me!

"Hmm, alright. Alexander, Thomas, to decide who's representing us, you're gonna have to fight each other." Sensei says. My jaw drops. Fight my boyfriend? I mean, we already fight on a monthly basis, but this is on purpose. Okaay, c'mon Alex you can do this, I think as Thomas and I stand opposite each other in the middle of the room. I can see our friends, Laf, Herc, and others watching intensely. Ha! They know that I and Thomas are the best at karate. Ha! Thomas smirks at me before we bow.

"Imma beat you so hard, Alex." He says in his cute southern accent.

"Mmm yeah, when pigs fly." I shoot back playfully. He laughs and we stand in our fighting stance.

"Fight!" Sensei's voice rings through the room as I run at Thomas. He plays defensive, blocking my punches.

"Aargh!" I start to get annoyed, so I shout as I start a wall of punches, punching at his chest, stomach, and face. Thomas blocks all of them. How does he do that!? I start to slow down and Thomas starts his attack. First he quickly crouches down and trips me with his leg. I do a backward roll and stand up, fists up. I run at him and try to kick his head. Thomas blocks it with his arm but loses his balance. As he stumbles I rush forward and punch him in his chest. Thomas falls backward and I grin triumphantly. I turn to Sensei Washington, hands on my hips. Suddenly I feel a kick on my back as I fall forward. Thomas! I turn my fall into a cartwheel, my balance still shaky. Thomas starts a attack full of punches and kicks. I block all of them, thankfully. As I block a attack to my shoulder, I realise I left my stomach undefended. Thomas sees yet doesn't attack me there. Instead he attempts to trip me over again, which I jump from and I push him over. He recovers and kicks me in my stomach, and I grunt as I block it.

Time skip

It seems the class is starting to get bored of my and Thomas's intense fight. We keep getting the upper hand over each other before losing it, and repeat. I grind my teeth as I try to pin Thomas down, but yet again I leave my stomach undefended. Thomas sees the opening yet doesn't try to kick me or anything again. What is he playing at? I manage to pin him down, heck it wasn't that hard.

"Alright, Alexander you win." Sensei proclaims. I lift my arms in the air in victory. Yes! I get off Thomas and do a victory lap around the room. Yes! Thomas chuckles as he gets up.

"Congrats Alexander." Thomas shakes my hand. YES!

Time skip

It's been a month since the actual Tournament, AND I WON OF COURSE. Thomas and I are chilling at the library. I had to finish my essay that's due in two months, and Thomas just came along.

"Thomas?" I start.

"Nggh?" He groans. I roll my eyes.

"Remember the karate fight we had?"

"Which one?"

"The one which decided who was gonna be representing us in the tournament."


"In that fight, you had two chances to punch me in the stomach and potentially win, but you didn't. Why not?"

"Cus I love you Alex." I turn in surprise at the Virginian. He's lying back on a beanbag, his hands behind his head. We haven't gotten to that point in our relationship to say that, but I guess we just did.

"Me too." I say quietly. Thomas grins and sits up.

"Well then, let's get outta here shall we?" He suggests.

"I have to finish this essay though..." I reply. Thomas laughs, and that sound makes my spirits lift.

"Puh-lease, you have two months for that! You know what they say, you've never lived till you've procrastinated." He says, wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh and close my laptop.

"Alright, let's go then." I say, getting up. We walk together as we left the library. As we walk on the street Thomas suddenly says something.

"Hey Alex, can you hold something for me?" He asks. I look at him. Thomas barely has anything on him...I still play along.

"Sure." I shrug. Thomas stops me, as we both just stand there.

"My hand." Thomas holds out his hand. I break out into laughter as I take his hand. Dang, how smooth is my boyfriend? We walk along together on the pavement, holding hands and making jokes.

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