Jeffmads - Bookworm

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WARNING: This gets pretty angsty. Trigger warning for abuse.

High school AU

Thomas's P.O.V.

Ugh, I hate having a part time job during the summer. Which is why I always go with the least effort required kind of jobs. Hehehe, being a librarian is so easy.

I show up to work and open up the library. I yawn as I stand at the main desk and some people come in. Goodness me, I can't wait till my shift is over. And it just started so I have a long way to go. Luckily, I brought my laptop. I pull out my beaten up pair of glasses and start surfing the web.

After I get bored of watching endless cat videos, I notice a boy around my age walk in, the bell ringing as the door opens. He winces and quietly closes it. Hmm, he doesn't look like he's from here. Never seen him before, and this is a pretty small town. He's dark skinned and has some pretty hazel brown eyes. Hold up, I just called his eyes pretty. Eh. I watch as the boy takes a book off the shelf and plops himself down on a beanbag. Holy corn nuts, he's chubby in a super cute way, and really short compared to me. I watch him read peacefully before realizing I'm being hella creepy. I force my eyes back to the computer screen and just stare at him using my peripheral vision.

Towards the end of my shift the boy comes up to my desk. I try to not panic and play it cool.

"Hey! How can I help you, dude?" I greet, pushing my glasses up my nose. It's always so annoying when they just slide down. After a while, pushing them back up just becomes habit.

"Hi, um, c-can I borrow this book please?" He says shyly, placing a book on top of the table. I pick it up and scan the code on it. History is all you left me, interesting book title.

"Alright, done. What's your name by the way?" I ask, passing him back the book.

"James Madison. I-I'm new around here," James stutters. I smile at him.

"I'm Thomas Jefferson. What school are you gonna be in when August comes?" I say. Please be my school please be my school please be-

"Uh, Eastwood High School." James answers, his voice progressively getting more clear the more he talks to me. A big grin appears on my face.

"Woah! That's my school! I'm only here for part time, y'know?" I explain excitedly. James nods happily.

"Oh, well it's been great to meet you Thomas. Um, if you don't mind, on the first day of school could you show me around? Please?" He smiles so innocently I almost melt.

"Of course!" I say immediately.

"Thank you so much!" James gushes, as if a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders. I feel so...alive. This boy has something in him, something that just makes me want to know more about him. I start to ask him a question but I'm cut off by him. "Anyway, I better get going," James heastaites. "My father must be wondering where I am. See ya Thomas!" And with that, before I could ask him about why he said father instead of parents, James hops off and walks out. Huh. I'll ask him tomorrow, when he comes back. If he comes back. I should probably get going though, it's pretty much the end of the shift. Who's next anyway? Ugh. I hope James will be back tomorrow.

Time skip

It's been about a month since I've seen James. After that day where I met him, James hasn't returned to the library. I've been pretty worried about him. The picture of him in my mind has been slowly blurring over the weeks, and I hope he'll be at school today. I did say I would show him around. I look around the school yard at all the miserable kids preparing for the new school year. My eyes land on a dark skinned boy who's shorter than me. James! I grin and run over to greet him. He has some questionable bruises on him, but maybe...uh, maybe he just tripped over. Yeah, that must be what happened.

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