Jeffmads/Thomgelica - Let go - Part 2

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Angelica's P.O.V.

I smooth down my crop top excitedly. Today is the day! The day of the dance, of course. I sit in the car with my sisters, Eliza and Peggy.

"Ooh! I'm so happy! I wonder what type of people will be there." Eliza gushes. I smile, putting on a brave act.

"Well Eliza, I've already been to the orphanage and met some people. Three people. So, stay away from Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton is fine I guess, and Thomas Jefferson..." My voice trails off as I stare out the window. Thomas Jefferson. That guy who is like, dead inside. The guy who I'm kinda into. Kinda. "Um, Thomas might not even come, but if he does try not to talk to him. He's still sad about y'know...being an orphan."I say as I retain my composure.

"Didja meet anyone else?' Peggy asks, bouncing in her seat. I shake my head. "Awwwwwww..." She whines. I laugh. My sisters. So immature yet loveable.

Time skip

I glance nervously into the room. People are mingling about, but I can't see Thomas. I sigh. Guess he's not coming. I gather up all my courage and enter the room, smiling, and basically dazzling the room. Eliza and Peggy follow me.

"Hi! Hey! Sup." I greet everyone, waving. They wave back nervously. I catch sight of Alexander talking to Aaron.

"Oh. My. God." I hear Eliza mutter. Huh. Perhaps she has a crush on Alexander. I mean, he's nice but Thomas...Thomas is different. Heh, I'll help her.

Time skip

That was...tiring. Not physically, but just seeing Eliza so happy talking to Alexander reminds me of Thomas. I wonder what he's like when he's not so sad. Why is he so sad? I mean sure, orphanage, parents dead, but...I shouldn't think about it. I don't know what it's like to lose your parents. I walk out of the room and onto the balcony. I sigh contentedly as I sit down on the bench, staring up at the stars.

"Am I late?" I swiftly turn to see a smirking Thomas, wearing a collared shirt and jeans. His hair is messy and barely styled, and his entire look seems rushed. Thomas looks terrible. I love it.

"Thomas! You came!" I cheer, getting up and clapping my hands. I can't believe it. Thomas chuckles, adjusting his collar nervously.

"Yeah. I thought about everything we talked about, and what happened to Jame-I mean, um, yeah." Thomas's smile is wiped off his face.

"Who's Jame?"

"James. Oh wait, I mean-"

"Oh uh no no no! You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to!" I quickly assure him. I wonder who James is.

"No no! Um, it's okay I guess..." Thomas mumbles. "If I want to get over it, perhaps talking about it will make it better?" He says unsurely while sitting down on the bench. I sit down next to him, and just like that, it's like us sitting on his bed, talking about random stuff like dogs. "So um...a few months ago I think...I was just eating dinner, like any normal day. But it wasn't normal."

Thomas slowly launches into his story, of eating dinner with his parents and boyfriend, James Madison. Huh. He tells me about when the bombs hit, and him running away to the forest with only James by his side. Thomas explains how they survived, until the day the soldiers found them.

"Mmf!" Thomas clamps his hand over his mouth, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. I don't know what to say. I put my hand on his back.

"It's okay to talk about it." I say to him. Thomas takes several deep breaths before removing his hand away from his mouth. He looks up at the stars, and out of the corner of my eye, I swear I see a small flash of light.

"Y-yeah. So, um, we were running away from the soldiers, w-when I tripped. I-I fell into the river, p-pulling James with me. I-I...I let go of his hand. I-I k-killed James!" Thomas yelps, leaning down and sobbing into his hands and lap. No wonder he's so dead inside. I mean, with that kinda guilt inside him, it's a miracle he's not dead outside as well.

"Thomas,'s not your fault." I say. Thomas looks up and glares at me.

"Don't act dumb. Of course it's my fault!"

"Well okay yeah it is but-" I'm thankfully interrupted by Thomas groaning in an annoyed tone. "But, it's okay Thomas. There was no other way."

"Yes there was! If only I hadn't let go! If only I hadn't let my guard down that day! If only-"

"You're gonna kill yourself one day with 'If only'," I say. "Listen up Thomas, stop moping around! Please." I stare convincingly into his chocolate brown eyes, and for a second I thought I could see a flicker of recognition in them. Recognition? Weird.

"God, your eyes look just like James's," Thomas mumbles, looking away. I blush lightly, was that a compliment? "Listen up Angelica, I like you a lot, kinda like how I liked James but, I just can't do this right now." I'm freaking speechless. What's my name again? Oh yeah. Angelica. Anyway! Thomas likes me! YES! Oh, wait...

"Hmm, oh of course I mean, um, yes, I understand. day, hypothetically, that day when you put James behind you B-B-BUT still remember him of course...hypothetically..." I splutter, my light blush turning into the colour of my top. Dark pink.

"Then yes, Angelica Schuyler, I would go out with you." Thomas chuckles. "Hypothetically." I nod my head frantically.

"Hypothetically! A-and, it would be just us, right? James won't have like, an effect on our relationship or anything, right?" Thomas nods.

"Then it would be Only Us," Thomas whispers. My blush deepens more if that's even possible. "But, erm, not yet. I still have some personal things to figure out." Thomas adds awkwardly. I nod.

"Of course. Just learn to let go."

Cheesy story? Check.

DEH reference? Check.

Bad part two? Check.

Annnnnnd ladies and gents, that's how you write a terrible Hamilton fanfic. You're welcome.

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