Jeffmads - Wings

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^^^I made that for this chapter

This is my AU! Well, it probs shares the same idea as another AU, but like I made it my own. Thomas has wings. 

James's P.O.V

I run quickly through the forest frantically, trying to find my boyfriend Thomas. He is not gonna believe what I heard in the village! I hear leaves shuffling and wings soaring behind me. I turn, smiling to see Thomas flying towards me.

"Hey Jemmy, what's with the rush?" He asks me as I pant. I clear my throat.

"We have to run away..." I say. Thomas's eyes widen, and he comes over to support me. Ugh, why did I run here so quickly? Suddenly, I can hear voices, shouts. They seem far away, but... "Thomas, I heard in the village that the king has sworn to hunt down your kind, the winged. He swore to cut off their wings! We gotta get outta here!" I grab his shoulders, his fluffy hair bouncing in the wind. I look into his eyes pleadingly. The shouts come closer and I can now hear dogs as well. Thomas puts his hands around my waist and we lift up. Woah! I've never flown with Thomas before. We fly through the sky together, up into the sky. I reach my arm out to touch the fluffy clouds, and the vapor dissipates through my fingers. "Woah..." I mutter under my breath. Thomas chuckles.

"Cool, right?" I nod, lost in this beautiful world above the clouds. All of a sudden, arrows and spears start coming straight to us. Thomas evades them and we start flying away faster. How can they see us? I think as I hold onto Thomas. He stops in the sky for some reason.

"What is it?" I ask.

"How could they see us..." Thomas mumbles, looking around. We stay there for a few moments, but then a spear starts heading right towards me. Aaahhh!

"T-thomas!" I shout, kicking my legs as if that's gonna do anything. Thomas spins around and sees the spear, and blocks the spear from me with his wing. Thomas lets out a shout of pain, and I feel his grip on me slipping. I keep panicking, how can I help? I don't have wings! We start falling through the air, and Thomas lets go of me. "N-no!" I shout, trying to grab Thomas. I hold his hands as we plummet towards the forest. He falls unconscious, spear still stuck in his wing. I feel tears pricking my eyes, it hurts to see Thomas like this. At least I'll die with Thomas. I close my eyes, trying to think of better times...

Thomas flys through the forest while I run behind, the roots of trees slowing me down as I try not to fall.

"Wait up Thom!" I shout happily. He laughs and slows down. We run/fly together till we reach a cliff. I skid to a stop and lose my balance. Thomas quickly grabs my waist and pulls me back. We both fall backwards and I end up on his lap. I blush crazily and get up, dusting myself off. Thomas gets up too and we both stand there, blushing. "W-well...anyway." I mumble. Thomas scratches the back of his neck before taking a deep breath.

"James, I don't want to hide this from you anymore. I...I have a huge crush on you. I-I know it's weird since we're practically two different species, b-but we can make this work! I promise. So, um, whaddya say?" He says nervously. I blush, this is everything I've been dreaming of.

"Yes. Y-yes, Thomas, I would like to go out with you." I say, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He breaks out into a huge and infectious grin, and soon we're both smiling. Thomas reaches out his hand, and I take it, thrilled that this is actually happening.

I feel myself hit the water, and I try to get sense of my bearings. Water? Didn't see that coming. I grab Thomas's wrists and pull him up. Once I reach the surface I take a deep breath of good ol' air. I kick, trying to keep myself and Thomas afloat. Quickly, I sling Thomas's arm around my shoulder and make my way to shore. Coughing, I throw Thomas onto the soft sand and collapse next to him. I rest, trying to make sense of what happened. We were flying...a spear...Thomas saved me. I look over at my boyfriend. Thomas saved me! I have to pay him back.

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