Fluffy Jeffmads - Ballet

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(I think a Jeffmads book like this exists somewhere on the internet, but I haven't read it so this is entirely moi)

(High school AU)

James's P.O.V.

I walk into school, nervous as usual. Who knows? Someone might actually walk up to me and ask...a question. GASP! Yikes... Anyway, I pass the school notice board, looking to see if there's anything to do with my life. Huh...a sign up sheet for ballet classes. I've always been interested in ballet...well, the whole school already knows I'm gay so why the heck not?

As I scribble my name onto the paper, I notice another name on the list. Thomas Jefferson. Who dat? I don't really keep tabs on anyone at school. I usually just keep to myself and read or somethin'. Okay, so first class is today after school. You can do this James, just don't make eye contact with anyone for a further hour. Easy.

Time skip

I shuffle into the gym, and there's only one guy there. He has poofy hair, the beginnings of a beard...wait wHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE HERE DANG IT NOW I HAVE TO TALK TO HIM. I take a deep breath and before I can introduce myself two teachers strut into the gym. Not that I'm complaining

"Hello class! Hmm, only two people this year. Great! At the end of year assembly we can a pas de deux dance!" the male announces. I blinked. Pas de deux? What is that?

"Okay class, I think we need to introduce ourselves. I'm Mrs Rose, and this is Mr Browne. We shall be your instructors for these ballet lessons for the rest of the year. Now state your name and experience with ballet." Mrs Rose's shrill voice rings through the hall. The poofy haired boy spoke first.

"Kay, I'm Thomas Jefferson and I have, uh, zero experience." he says. Woah. Derp. Uh, I mean, DUH. There was only one other guy who put their name on the sign up sheet. Hold up, the teachers are looking at me. Oh RIGHT I have to introduce myself.

"Uhm-uh, me too. I MEAN! UH, my n-name is James m-Madison, and I a-also have no experience wi-wi-WITH ballet." I stutter while my cheeks started to heat up. Darn social anxiety! It's all fine in my head till it passes through my mouth. Ugh. Mr Browne frowned and started talking to himself.

"Okay so we have two boys that won't really work for a pas de deux but it'll be fine. So we need one boy to do that and the other to do that, mmhmm okay so listen up!" He says. "You, James, you're gonna learn ballet like a girl would and do the girl part in the pas de deux. Thomas, since you're taller, you shall play the male. OKAY LET'S DO THIS!" Mr Browne screams. Mrs Rose shushes him and begins to speak. "Thomas, from now on you shall meet Mr Browne at his home to practice basic steps and movements, and James you shall meet me here. Any questions?" I clear my throat and timidly ask,

"Uhm, s-sorry but why aren't there any girls here? A-and, what is a pas de deux?" Wow so little stutter. Wait I didn't know what to say, and it came out okay, whAT? Mrs Rose opens her mouth to speak but Mr Browne jumps in.

"A PAS DE DEUX IS A DANCE PERFORMED BY TWO PEOPLE USUALLY ONE BOY ONE GIRL BUT IT'S OKAY FOR THIS." He shouts excitedly. Mrs Rose gives him a look then answers my other question.

"I suppose girls are much too interested in hip hop or something to join ballet. Anyway, that will be all. Next practice is in oh, two days. Goodbye, students." Mrs Rose says before dragging Mr Browne away. I start to gather my things, thinking, what was the point of coming here if the 'lesson' is two minutes long? I turn to leave when Thomas stops me.

"Hey, uh, since we're gonna be working together from now on, I thought that maybe we could get to know each other better. So uh, what's your favourite song? Wait, you might have more than one (yeah i have 46 favourite songs), uh, what's your favourite movie? Wait you might not have one, uh uh uh what colours your toothbrush? Mines magenta." he asks nervously, his southern accent drawling out his last statement to maines magEnta.

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