Jeffmads - Bullies - Part 2

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Thomas's P.O.V.

My first day at this new high school has been going pretty well. Got to school, saw an adorable cutie, kicked some butt, headed home. All before school even started. Sweet. You know what else is sweet? James Madison. I saved him from some bullies and we're now headed to my house. He's just so cute! Shuffling slowly, fiddling with his fingers, and overall just being adorable.

"So James, this is my dorm. Um, yeah. I'm a boarder. Are you a boarder, or..."

"N-no, I'm a day student." He mumbles. I shrug, not knowing what to say, and open the door for him. James walks through and I go in after him.

"So, it's not much, but ah, it's home and all that." I say, putting my hand on a table. James nods.

"Um, where's t-the bathroom?" He asks, not looking at me in the eye.

"Down the hall and to the left."

"That sounds really g-generic..." James smiles a little as I laugh.

"But seriously, it is down the hall and to the left." I tell him. He walks off, slowly. I stand there for a few minutes, bored out of my mind before it dawns on me.

James gets bullied. He lets it happen. Doesn't try to stop it. He was really shy and insecure around me. James went to the bathroom. I have a nail clipper in my bathroom. The nail clipper is sharp. Crap he might have depression and might want to kill himself crap-

I run down the down the hall before coming to a screeching halt, my trainers rubbing against the wood floor. I proceed to kick down the door. Before I realised the door was obviously locked.

"Ow! Crap, ow!" I yell, holding my foot and hopping around. I stop and face the door. "James? Are you okay?" I hear sniffles from the other side.

"G-go a-away..."

"Hell naw! I saved your life from those bullies, I'm not letting you die now!" I say softly but firmly.

"J-just l-leave me..." I roll my eyes. I take a few steps back, and I use all my strength and kick down the door. It slams open, the lock breaking with a loud 'Crack!' I see James sitting on the toilet (the lid closed, thankfully,) with a shocked expression on his face.

"Listen James Madison, I might have just met you today, but I already know that you're worth saving!" I walk over to him and he scooches back.

"You just k-kicked open the d-door!" He stammers loudly.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. I did. Well anyway..." I sit next to him, both of us squished on the toilet together, James holding his knees. I put an arm around him, and pull him closer. I was about to speak when James's voice spoke up.

"If y-you were w-wondering why I'm like this, all d-depressed and u-ugly-"

"You're not ugly! Quite the opposite actually!" I argue. I blush immediately, and so does James.

"U-um, anyway...t-there are a n-number of r-reasons. O-one, my parents divorced when I was five." He suddenly turns quiet, and when I turn to look at him I see multiple tears running down his face. I wipe them away and James looks at me, obviously weirded out. I shrug. "T-two, my mother has since become an alcoholic, and then I m-moved in with my dad when I was t-ten. He was a p-problematic gambler. Still is, a-actually..." James laughs bitterly.

"Have you ever told anyone else about this?" I ask softly holding him close.

"N-no. They w-would just s-see me as w-weak. Because I am weak." James closes his eyes and tries to move away from me.

"I don't think you're weak. Just someone who should've gotten help a long time ago." I say, turning to look into James's eyes. They're dark brown, my favourite shade of brown. But right now they're shattered, holding pieces of a broken soul who needs love. Guess who's gonna deliver that love? Yours truly. That's who. "Don't worry James. From now on, I'll be here." I mean it. James needs someone, anyone, to make sure he's safe and happy. Heck, I'll be satisfied if we become good friends, no need for a relationship, even no matter how much I want one.

Then it happened.

James and I were looking into each other's eyes, in a completely not gay way when James smashed his lips into mine. Oh. My. Macaroni. It feels amazing. James pulls away, his face red. Mine too. He looks away.

"Thank you, Thomas," James says softly, so softly I could barely catch it. "Um, also I think we should just stick to being friends first if that's okay with-"

"Yeah that's okay!" I shout a bit too over enthusiastically. James chuckles.

"Now, um, here's a question. Can I...c-can I move in with you? I mean you don't' have to if you don't have room but I really don't want to go home to my dad and-" James says nervously, stumbling over his words.

"James, it's fine. I have room. You'll be fine." I smile, and James does too.


"No problem! You can go home and get your stuff while I clean up your soon to be room." I get up and pull James up too. "And maybe I can fix the bathroom lock..." I glance at the broken door.

"A-actually Thomas, um, can you come with me? I don't want to explain it to my dad alone..." I look back at him. The blush on his cheeks has gone down by a few shades, but it's still there. A few tears were also still there, so I absentmindedly brush them away. "Hello? Earth to Thomas?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah of course! Let's go!" I take James's hand (in a completely non-gay way I prOMISE) and lead him out.

Third person P.O.V.

And so the friendship-and later on relationship-between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison began. Thomas helped James get through his depression, and in return, James helped him in parts of school he didn't understand. After both of them got into the same college, Thomas asked James out and James happily agreed.

So there's a happy ending. Except there are no happy endings because Reynolds and his goons also got accepted into the same college.

But I'll let you, dear reader, imagine Thomas beating them up and hugging James afterward.

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