Fluffy Phildosia - My Idiot

539 14 2


49: I may be an idiot, but I'm your idiot

High school AU


Theodosia's P.O.V.

After zooming out of what the teacher is saying for almost half an hour, I finally frown and start paying attention.

"Okay, so the homework is to choose one of these cells and make a poster and model of it. Oh and I'll let you choose your partner. Uh, due Friday. Peace." The bell rings and I grin, collecting my stuff. Mr. Lee is my favourite teacher, he's just so chill. Even if I hate science. I walk up to my boyfriend Phillip Hamilton, who's picking up his science book.

"Hey Phil, wanna be partners?" I say. He grins a goofy grin that I love.

"Duh! Wanna head to your house after school today to work on it?" We walk out of class, him intertwining his hand in mine.

"Eh, actually I'm heading over to my friends house to work on some Drama homework. Maybe tomorrow?" I sigh. I want to be a actress when I graduate, so I take Drama while Philip dropped it in 9th grade. "Speaking of Drama, that's my next class." I check my timetable to make sure. Philip keeps smiling.

"Alright, well I'm off to French." He kisses me on my forehead. "See ya Theo! And by see ya I mean I'm gonna spam your phone with texts after school!" Philip heads off, and I lose track of him in the crowd. I giggle to myself and make my way to Drama.

Time skip

It's Tuesday, and as we planned Philip and I took the bus to my house. We enter the house to see my Dad sitting on the sofa frowning at his laptop.

"Hey Dad! Phillip's here, we have science homework." I walk past him, and Phillip grins nd says hello.

"Hello Theo! Dinner's at seven thirty, make sure you finish the project before then. Oh and Phillip, please tell your father that he wrote way too much for 'edit suggestions.'" Dad says, turning to smile at me. Phillip sighs and leans against a wall.

"How much did he over do it this time?"

"By about over 300 suggestions." I giggle and lead Phillip up to my room, which is filled of posters for movies I'm waiting for to come out, and photos of me and my friends, and of course photos of me and Philip.

"Okay, so what cell should we do? I'm thinking root hair cell, since I'm pretty sure no one else will do it." Phillip shrugs.

"Sounds good to me. Can I do the model? Or at least colour in the poster?" He says with hopeful puppy dog eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I laugh, before the both of us are in fits of giggles.

"Oh Phil, you innocent idiot." I tease, grabbing some paper.

"I may be an idiot, but I'm your idiot." Phillip says while winking and making finger guns. I start to laugh again.

And that's how the afternoon went. We slowly slogged through the project, since every five minutes Philip would do something that made me laugh, and it would take another 5 minutes for us to refocus. Not the best way to do homework, but hey, we finished it. I hold the poster up proudly to examine it while Phillip adds the finishing touches to the model, which we made out of playdough. It looks great! I grab a pen and scribble, 'By Theodosia Burr and Philip Hamilton.' Underneath the title. I smile, admiring our work. Suddenly I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"C'mon Theo, now that we're done, we can have fun!" Phillips cheerful voice comes from behind me. I smile for the millionth time that day, and turn around to kiss him. We share a nice kiss before cuddling for longer. Gawd, without Phillip Hamilton my world would be as dark as the colour of my mother's hair. I love him. I love my little idiot.


Sorry if it's too short!

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