Mullette - The Promise - Part 2

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K first of all thanks to jeffermads for this idea, and second of all there's no actual fluff or angst in this, it's just funny. Here we go!

Lafayette's P.O.V.

Okay, so mon amour and I are just hanging out in heaven (I'm not even Christian) and suddenly...BAM. Hamilton just shows up. I glance at Hercules and I know we're thinking the same thing; Let's beat him up.

"Oh, Laf! Herc! It's great to see you guys! Um, have you seen Laurens?" Alexander grins nervously. I laughed.

"Yes Alexander, we have seen Laurens. You've broken him. First we told him how you deliberately stopped America from helping France, then he learnt about the Reynolds Pamphlet. That was the last straw." I say.

(Okay I lied there may be some angst in here)

Alexander's face pales.

"Is he okay?" He says. Hercules snorts.

"We just told you he's broken. Of course he's not okay!" Hercules rages. "Oh, and back to France. Do you even know what you've caused? Laf here has been tortured, whipped, and all that pain, was because of YOU." Herc says. His voice is soft but menacing. I love it. Alexander whimpers, backing away slowly. I clench my fists.

"Now, let's give you a taste of your own medicine, hmm?" I slowly walk towards him.

"Wait wait did you die?" Hercules inquires, putting his hand on my shoulder. Alexander breathes a sigh of relief.

"Um, Aaron Burr shot me. In a duel." He explains. Woah. Burr? How the heck did that happen? I mean, the only way we get our news is when people die and we ask them but...we haven't asked anyone to catch us up on the news since the Reynolds Pamphlet. How the heck?

"Ha! You got shot from Mister Wait for it and actually died! Alright, question time is over. Time to beat you up for your deserved time: 50 years!" Hercules sniggers. He notices Alex's horrified expression. "Don't worry," he adds, "it'll only feel like 10 years." I laugh. Let's get him!

Third person P.O.V.

Lafayette and Hercules run towards Alexander, who is backing up fast. Then they beat him up. Hard. Alex falls to the floor, covering his head. Lafayette shouts while kicking him, his French accent prominent in his speech.

"You meanie! You've caused Laurens's heart to break, then pretty much all my bones to break!" He yells. Hercules screams a similar thing.

"You hurt my boyfriend!"

John's P.O.V.

Huh. I wonder what's all that noise. I walk over to the entrance point and peek around a corner. Lafayette and Hercules are beating up Alexander. My heart clenches up, beating faster. Alex. The guy who got with Eliza then cheated on her with Maria. Alex. The guy who caused Laf and Herc to die. Alex. The guy I'm freaking gay for. I run over.

"Stop it!" I yell. Laf stops and looks at me like I'm from the moon.

"But...he broke your heart?" He says, confused. I roll my eyes.

"Who cares! I'm still gay for him!" I kneel to Alexanders side. "Lexi?" I whisper softly. I see his hands move from his eyes.

"John?" My feelings soar. Everything's gonna be alright. Then, Lafayette kicked him. "Ow!" Alex screeches. I glare at Laf.

"What the heck dude?" I shout. He shrugs.

"He still caused for me to die, soooo he gets what he deserves." Laf says nonchalantly. I growl before facing Alex again.

"Don't worry I'll protect yo-" I'm cut off by Hercules kicking Alex. "Herc! Why!?"

"He hurt my boyfriend!" He protests. I roll my eyes.

"But-" I'm cut off again.

"But, he should get what he deserves. So step away John." Laf instructs. I shake my head. No way.

"It's true though John." Alex sighs. I stare at him in disbelief. "I've done so many bad things, I do deserve it. Just go." I sigh, trying to contain my tears. I walk away, and I don't look back. I mean, he can't die again, so I'll just hang out with him later. Much later.

Alexander's P.O.V.

I messed up. Big time.

My punishment? Getting beat up by a angry Frenchman and his boyfriend, who I used to be friends with. Wonderful. I just hope my son doesn't see me like this-

"Pa? Is that you?" I groan as I hear Philips voice. Whyyyyyyyyyyy-

"Stay out of this Phil. Your father has done many bad things." I hear Hercules say.

"Oh." Philip mutters.

"Don't worry Philip! In about 50 years we can play catch and I'll teach you more poetry tips!" I yell. I can't actually see him but whatever.

"Wow! Thanks dad!" I hear Phil run off. Jeez, how long does 50 years feel around here?

Time skip

Huh. Pretty long.

"Alright, that's enough Laf." Herc says. I breath a sigh of relief. It's finally over. "Huh, who's that?" A bright white light flashes, and I turned my head to see...Eliza. Wow. For the past years I've been suffering, I've met Angelica, who actually kicked me for about five years before going to hang out with Philip, and now Eliza is here.

"Hello." I greet her. Eliza let's out a sob and throws her arms around me.

"What! You've forgiven him!?" Laf and Herc yell in unison.

"Of course!" Eliza beams. "Where's Philip? Where's Angelica? And where's Peggy?" She gushes out. Eliza rushes off. I smile. Okay, now everything is going to be fine. Absolutely fine.

"Hey Alex." Laf says. I turn to him.

"Yes?" Then, Laf slugs me in my gut. "Oof!" I groan. Laf grins.

"That was for being mean to Thomas. Okay, we're good now. Wanna head to the bar?" Lad asks. I stare at him.

"You beat me up for 50 years then want to go to the bar with me?" I say, confused.

"Listen, it's not good to keep grudges around here. So yeah. John can come too." Laf turns to Herc and they start walking away.

"Wait! You had a grudge on me- whatever! Wait up!" I run after them, grinning. We stop in front of a building with a sign that says; Local Bar 4 Cool Kidz. I don't get it. Why is there a number in the name? I look inside and John's in there, waving at me.

"C'mon in guys!" He yells happily. I smile. I could get used to this.

There we go. Thanks again jeffermads . I hope you think Hamilton got beat up enough. I mean, 50 years is a long time, so I think I'm good. Oh, I wrote this whole thing on my phone.

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