Jeffmads - Walking in Paris

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James's P.O.V.

This may become the best three weeks of my life. Cus one, I just got married to the man of my dreams, Thomas freaking Jefferson, and two, because he's taking me to Paris for our honeymoon, just as he had promised back in college. We had landed a day ago and I had promptly fallen asleep when we got into our hotel room.

I yawn while opening my eyes and turn my head to see Thomas sleeping peacefully next to me. He looks so cute, with his hair in a messy tangle. I giggle and cup his cheek before I kiss him on his nose. His eyes open groggily.

"Morning, Jemmy." He whispers. I smile. "What shall we do today? I'll let you choose!" Thomas says excitedly, sitting up and stretching his arms.

"Maybe we can just walk around? Find a nice café for breakfast, and just see what it's like around here." I say softly, sitting up as well.

"Of course, James! This is our holiday, we can have as many lazy days as we want!" Thomas laughs, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him. I freaking love this man.

Time skip

We walk out of the hotel, hand in hand. This is my first time in Paris, so Thomas points out some good restaurants we should eat at some time. I sigh contentedly and rest my head on Thomas's shoulder. Well, he's actually really tall or I'm really short, so rather I rested my head on his arm. He puts said arm around me and we walk comfortably.

After a while of aimless walking, I start to notice a pattern. A pattern that makes my stomach churn with fear and anxiety. The passing pedestrians would always glance at us, and some of them would stare a little, but most would glare. When we walk past young children, they would almost always shriek, and with a smirk point us out to their parents. The preteens and teens didn't seem to care though. One or two even gave us a thumbs up. But the majority of it was stares, glares and at least five of them directed swears at us. This made me very unsettled. Thomas always talked highly of Paris, but I had not known that its residents were this homophobic. I tried to shake it off and ignore them, but it became increasingly harder.

"Tommy?" I whisper to my lover.

"Yes, James?" He says, pulling me closer.

"C-can we go back to the hotel for lunch?" There was a slight pause.

"Sure. But first, there's a good breakfast place near here. It should be right around that corner." Thomas points and I smile before nodding.

Time skip

After breakfast, we walk back quickly on my request. Thomas still seems confused as to why I want to go back so soon, but I don't care. I just want to get away from the staring. It's become impossible to ignore, and when I got another stare at my hand intertwined in Thomas's hand, I let go and shove my hands into my pockets. Thomas looks at me worriedly.

"James, are you-"

"I'm fine. Let's just get back to our room." I cut him off before walking faster. My voice is wavy in that way it is when you're about to cry, and it takes all of my self-control not to start bawling. Thomas jogs to keep up with me and starts to fast walk again. I burst into the hotel and press the button for the lift, Thomas right on my tail. We go up in silence.

I open the door to our room and collapse onto the bed. Tears start to prick my eyes. So many stares, so many people who don't want us together. We just got married two days ago, and I'm already questioning myself if I had made the right choice saying yes to Thomas.

The man in question had climbed onto the bed and is now rubbing circles on my back.

"Hey, it's okay Jem. Whatever's bothering you, we will get through it together." Thomas says soothingly, but I could hear the worry laced in his voice. That's when I knew I made the right choice. I love Thomas. He's kind to me and treats me better than all my previous boyfriends. He buys me things, even when I say that I don't want them but I really do. Thomas knows me better than anyone else, even my parents. This is my husband. The most wonderful man on earth. And nothing, no one, will take that away from me. I sit up slowly. "Jem? C'mon, where's the man that I love?" Thomas says softly. I turn to him and throw my arms around his neck.

"T-Thomas!" I cry out, tears finally coming out. "D-did you s-see all the p-people staring at u-us? They even g-glared at us and some m-muttered swears under their b-breath!" I sob. Thomas holds me the entire time.

"Hey, James c'mon. You know I hate seeing you like this. It's gonna be fine. I can just beat someone up if they do that, huh?" Thomas jokes. I let out a shaky laugh and start to take deep breaths. "There we go, Jemmy. In and out. In and out. Perfect." He says. I pull away from the hug and start to wipe away my tears.

"Thanks, T-Tommy. I needed that." I whisper.

"It's no problem, James. Let them stare, we're happy the way we are, right?" Thomas says. I smile.

"Yeah. We've already found our soulmate, they're just jealous." I say. Thomas grins, and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Exactly James!" He says happily. I hesitate before I continue speaking, but then I remember that I love this man. He's my favourite person.

"I love you, Thomas."

"And I love you, my dear James."

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