Fluffy Meggy - Music Class

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High school AU

Peggy's P.O.V.

Ugh, I hate music. Not like songs music, I mean classes. Now we're in a stupid group assignment and my group sucks. Except for Maria, of course. She's the only reason I chose this group, and not my sisters group. If I hadn't, she would be surrounded by idiots. Okay, maybe pity isn't the only reason I chose this group, but whatever. Now I'm surrounded by two idiots, James Reynolds and Charles Lee. Great.

Before I left the music room to practice Angelica stops me.

"Sis, why didn't you choose our group last week? I forgot to ask you last week, and the one before that. I mean, you got to choose your group instead of the group picking you! Eliza and I can sing together because of our lessons, but you could choose your own group. What gives?" She asks curiously. I clear my throat and move my head to Maria. Angelica's eyes widened. "Heh, okay. See you later!" She waves back as she goes back to her group with Eliza, Alexander, and Thomas. Geeze, must be tough to be in THAT group.

Time skip

So far James Reynolds has not been too mean. Let me rephrase that, he has been mean, but not too much. I got my xylophone and Charles got one for him, but Reynolds TOOK MINE AND GAVE ME THE BAD ONE! Not to mention James took my mallets, took the chair, AND THE SHEET OF MUSIC ALL FOR HIMSELF. Ugh, idiots. At least Maria hasn't been the center of attack. Actually, she's been off at Tech Support by the library. So when she comes back we practice the song, and there we go. Reynolds strikes.

"UGH MARIA! You're doing it wrong! The first part is repeated, stupid!" James screams at Maria, who is on the piano. I grip my mallets tightly. Not now, not when we're in a small room. But it's just so mean! Maria wasn't here last week to practice the song! That's it!

"Shut up Reynolds! She wasn't here last week, stupid!" I snap. James stares at me, before getting up from his seat, which is quite difficult for him since his chair is in the corner, with his xylophone in front. He goes up to me, the only thing between me and him is my xylophone. James holds up his mallet, MY mallet, and stabs me with it. Like, not life threatening, but it still hurt. Maria had been watching and she let out a yelp when she saw what Reynolds did. He whirled around, and walked back to his seat, hitting Maria with the mallet on the back as he went back. I felt the anger burn up in me, then dissipate. My sisters would've held on to their anger, but not me. There's just no use. Besides, it could've been worse.

Time skip

Finally, we are finally getting good at this. Well, after about 20 minutes of Reynolds screaming and hitting me and Maria. Anyway, we took a break. Maria went back to the classroom to get her water bottle. Huh. Wait a second...her water bottle is on the piano. Where is she going?

I walk briskly out of our small room, just fast enough to see Maria duck into the bathroom. I run after her, determined to help her. Oh, I hope Reynolds didn't mess her up! I burst into the bathroom, only to see Maria sobbing in a corner.

"MARIA! HOLY-" Okay, that's not good. Let's try again. "I-I mean, Maria, are you okay?"

She turns to me, tears running down her face. I crouch down and hug her.

"Yo, don't worry. Reynolds is gonna turn up as some store cashier, then maybe, no probably will steal money and get sent to jail. Who cares what they think?" I assure her. Maria smiles and laughs sadly. My heart swells, her laugh is amazing, even sad.

"Y-yeah. Reynolds is gonna turn up as the real loser." She says, chuckling and I use my finger to wipe away her tears. Maria sweeps away my hand, confused. Uh oh...

"UH! Sorry Maria, I'll just go now." I panic as I stand up and start walking away. Ugh, I'm so stupid! Maria wouldn't like me like THAT!

"N-no! It's okay! I just didn't you liked me like that as well!" I stop. As well? Yes. YES!

"Really!? Uh, um." I say nervously. We both just stay there, Maria is now standing up, and we just stare. I clear my throat and gather up my courage. "So, does that mean you wanna go out with me?" I ask her. Please say yes please say yes please say ye-

"Y-yes! I would love that!" Maria laughs her amazing laugh again, but this one is happy, so happy. My heart swells to the size of a watermelon. YES! I run over and hug her, both of us laughing hysterically.

"So, you wanna come over later and, I don't know, get to know each other better?" I ask her, because I realized we should spend more time together. She nods, still laughing happily. Wow, her laugh is amazing. "Has anyone ever told you that your laugh is the most amazing and cute thing in the world?" I say as we pull away from the hug, still holding each other's arms. Maria blushes, and giggles. I smile as we exit the bathroom, hand in hand. Heh, what are Angelica and Eliza gonna think? Who cares? And to think that Reynolds started this, and to think that MUSIC CLASS started this. Yeah, music is SO my fav class now.

So, some events in this actually happened to me and my friend. What Reynolds did is true, and my friend actually did go to the bathroom to cry. I couldn't go in and comfort them, because 1 I had to perform my part to my music teacher, and 2, I can't go in the boys bathroom of course! And the girl in my class did take my mallets, my xylophone and all of it! I'm still kinda angry! And uh, yeah. Charles Lee didn't do much, as the other person in my group didn't do much either. Everything else is not true.

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