Fluffy Jamilton - Boyfrenemies

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Futuristic AU

Thomas's P.O.V.

September 1st, 2089. First day of senior year! Yes, I just quoted Heathers. Surprisingly, the Heathers fandom hasn't disappeared after a century. I climb into my bus. I'm the last to board the bus, so I don't have that much seating choice. Each row has like a cubicle, which is closed off. Very private.

"Hurry up! There's only one seat left!" The driver shouts. I roll my eyes and find it. Each cubicle has a sign saying which seats are full and which are not. I open the door for the cubicle with the last seat. Inside, aw crap. I'm gonna have to sit next to Hamiltrash.

"Can't believe I have to sit with YOU, Jeffersnake." He snarls. I flip him off and sit next to him.

"Attention students!" The loudspeaker blares. "For this year, the headmaster has decided that the seats will be set. So the person you're sitting next to is the person you will be next to for the rest of the year." I groan, and so does Alex. I mean, Hamiltrash. The rest of the ride went in silence.

Time skip

It's been a month, and all of my bus rides went silently. We greet each other with an insult, then nothing for the rest of the drive. But suddenly, he stopped coming. It was weird. One day, he calls me a bad name, the next day, gone. He's been gone for a week, and I feel...off. Like I'm worried about him? But I hate him! Right?

I'm in my room contemplating life. I mean, I already know I'm gay, but do I like Alexander Hamilton? He's like, the worst! But he's smart. Kind of kind, at least to his friends. He is semi-hot, as well. Arrgh! I groan and turn over, putting my pillow over my head. Maybe I should text him? I got his number for a science project in middle school. Our project ended up in flames and the firemen had to come. I chuckle, before lifting up my phone, the iPhone 89. It's a terrible phone. I hate it. I open up a texting app and input Alex's number. I type, Hope you're okay! But my finger hesitates over the send button. That might be weird. How about...Hope you're okay, Hamiltrash. Yeah! That's more passive-aggressive.

Thomasdaman: Hope ur okay, Hamiltrash.

Ineedcoffee: I'm okay. Just broke my leg. But why would YOU care, Jeffersnake?

Crap he's onto me. Maybe into me as well? How did he reply so fast?

Thomasdaman: Just noticed u weren't on the bus this week.

Ineedcoffee: Huh. ok. I'll be back on Monday.

Thomasdaman: yeah ok, see u.

Ineedcoffee: See you.

I shriek happily like a fangirl of marvel when they see their favourite actor on TV. Yes, marvel still exists. Didn't it start in like, same time as Heathers? I don't know. Anyway! I don't think Alexander hates me anymore! I might actually talk to him like a normal person on Monday, no insults! It's official. I have a crush on Hamilton. Middle school me would've never had these thoughts. I decide to tell my best friend, James Madison, about my new crush.

Thomasdaman: James! I have a crush on Alexander Hamilton!

Jamesdonttalktome: ur kidding right? U hate him!

Thomasdaman: Something changed.

Jamesdonttalktome: Alright. Isn't he on ur bus?

Thomasdaman: Yeah.

Jamesdonttalktome: Cool. Alright bye, I have homework to do.

Thomasdaman: See ya!

I switch off my phone and sigh happily. Oh, no...I'm in the first stage of having a crush. Must resist...urge to stalk him on social media...ugh...

Half an hour later I'm stalking Alexander on every social media we both have. Great.

Time skip

Eek! I'm actually excited to go to school today. I skip into my bus and into our cubicle.

"Hey, Alex." I say nervously, putting my bag down. He looks at me curiously. I glance at his left leg, which is wrapped up in a cast.

"What's up with being so nice, Jefferson?" Alexander says. Well, at least that's better than Jeffersnake.

"Eh, you're injured, we're bus mates, y'know." I shrug while putting my seatbelt on.

"Uh huh." He replies, and is it just me or does his face go a little red? Must be my imagination, right? Maybe I should tell him I like him...no no no he wouldn't like me back we're enemies after all. But what if he does like me? There's no harm trying, right? I mean, it'll be awkward for the rest of the year cus we'll be bus mates if he says no, but- "Thomas? Helloooo? I said I have a crush on you?" Alex snaps me back into reality by clicking his fingers.

"What!?" I exclaim. Alex groans.

"I knew you didn't like me..." He says, staring out of the window.

"Huh? No! I-I do like you!" I say quickly.

"No no, in that way. Not like as a friend." Alex says. "But it is strange you like me even as a friend as we're enemies..." I groan before grabbing his shoulders. I turn Alex to me and kiss him. His eyes widen and kiss back.

"I like you, Hamiltrash." I mumble when I pull away. He looks at me in disbelief.


"Yes! Do you need me to kiss you again?" I snap playfully. Alexander smirks.

"Yes, that would validify you liking me even more." He declares in a fancy accent. I snigger.

"Shut up, nerd."

"After you, dork."

I laugh. This relationship could work.

I'm uploading two chapter this week because I won't be able to update next week. I'm watching Hamilton, Heathers and The Book of Mormon in a different country! Huzzah! So yeah. Just a heads up.

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