chapter 75

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I woke to the sound of a phone, my eyes shot open, I turned my head to see if james was still there but there was no sign on him.

I sat up, whtie sheets covering my bare body, I picked my phone up from the side, my mouth dropped.

50 missed calls off harry

and 2 off my mum.


I pressed harrys number, it rung three times and then it went stright to answer machine.

'what the' I muttered under my breath, I pressed on my mums number and held it up to my ear.

it rung three times and she didn't answer, I rolled my eyes and put my hand through my knotted hair. I looked down at my hand on the bed and in the window was a shining silver engagement ring.

tears came to my eyes as I glaried at it.

I am a terrible person.


once I was dressed and sorted I walked over to the door opening it, as I opened it I saw james come down to the door.

'hey, your still here?'

'er, yeah' I smiled at him, thinking back to last night.

I turned my head to see ella coming up the stairs with a booster seat thing, she gave me a confused look.

'hey charlotte' she smiled at me, my eyes turned back to james, tears came to them. he just shrugged his sholders.

'how come your here?' she questioned.

'auchally, I was just leaving' I said glaring into his eyes, a tear came slidding down my eye.

i'm sorry was the last words I mouthed before I barged past him.

last night was one of the biggest fucking mistakes ever.


harry styles point of view...

 my eyes opened to the sound of the baby crying, I sat up and turned my head, there was one half of the bed, still empty.

where would she has gotten herself into last night?

I dragged myself out of bed and walked into the babys room.

'morning baby girl' I said in my best happy voice.

I picked her up and craddled her, I walked back into my room and sat down on the bed, I grabbed her little teddy and started playing with her.


about two hours later I heard the door unlock, my eyes lit up and I ran to the top of the stairs. in came a very worn out charlotte.

she looked tired, she didn't look herself at all.

'and where have you been' I started to get angry as she has been gone for hours.

'I'm sorry harry, I got caught up in the rain, my phone died, so I stayed at ellas'

'oh yeah, I called your mum last night, you didn't go out with her last night?'

her eyes widended, my fist clunched up in a ball.

'I was with her, but then she went home after a bit as she was tired, so I stayed out with ella a bit longer, then I deiced to stay at hers' I said biting on her lip, she shoved past me and walked into the bathroom.

I have a feeling she is't telling the fucking truth.

the boy who changed my life. (harry styles and james mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now