{Chapter 1}

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Quick Thank you to Carameldxlan for making my book cover! I love it so much and thank you!! Ok I hope you guys enjoy the book! <3


"Audrey Miller report to the front office immediately!" the principles voice echoed through the speakers as the students turn there heads to face me.

"Don't worry there's no way they know it was you, it's not like anyone saw!" Harper helps me collect my things and puts the spray paint into her backpack.

I make my way to the front office trying to think of a backstory on what I was doing during 3rd and 4th period, the principal made it very clear that if I got caught vandalizing the school again I would be expelled. I've gotten in trouble for fighting on campus, smoking and vandalizing the walls with my graffiti. I don't get why the school gets so mad about my graffiti, I mean it adds color, its school appropriate and the students love it.

The second I step foot into the office the principal takes my backpack and hands it to the officer standing next to him. "Well, Ms. Miller I assume you know why you are here?" Mr. Kamp puts his elbows on the table and his voice is stern.

"Actually principal Kamp I don't, I haven't done anything wrong all day, surprisingly." I lean back into the seat and cross my arms, letting my brow arch.

"Well if you must know B hall was vandalized this morning, and of course as our prized school artist you young lady were our first suspect." Principal Kamp grits his teeth and slides me pictures of my work and I want to laugh in his face

"Principal Kamp!" I place my hand on my chest as if I was hurt, "Im honored you thought of me but sadly this art isn't mine, although I wish it was." the police officer starts going through my backpack slowly examining my books and going through all the pockets.

"Young lady, you do realize you will be getting expelled right?" I can see a smile forming on the principal's face as he starts typing on the computer

"What, why? You have no proof that this is mine! You can't just blame me because I've done this before! You need actual proof that I-" He shows me security footage of me spraying the wall of B hall

"So Ms. Miller is this enough evidence for you?" the officer hands me my backpack and I stand. "Yeah, um ill go clean out my locker. You should call my mother." He stands and shakes my hand

"Nice knowing you Audrey." I look back up at him and sigh "Wish I could say the same."


"Expelled Audrey! You got Expelled are you kidding me!" It's been an hour and my mom and dad haven't stopped yelling at me about how im ruining my life and how I have so much potential.

"Audrey honey do you know how hard it's going to be to get into a good college now? You're going to have to work so much harder than everyone else!" My mom is an attorney and my dad owns a company, I know crazy that I'm a pothead.

"Well Kev, you know what this means" my parents sigh and I see the vein on my dad's neck pop.

"Jess, come down here now, we have an announcement!" my older brother Jess comes downstairs in his basketball shorts and sits next to my mom.

"Well kids your mother and I have been planning something and we were going to tell you over the summer but due to your sister's actions, I guess we might as well tell you now." My mom stands next to my dad and they look at us proudly

"Wait whats happening? Are you two getting a divorce because of this fuck up?" Jess slaps the back of my head and I kick him

"Jess language! And no we arent, the news is we are moving!" My heart drops and I wanted to scream

"Where are we moving exactly?" I wanted to punch something I didn't want to leave this place, I grew up in this house, in this town.

"We are moving to a beautiful house in Los Angeles! There will new opportunities for both of you, and the house has already been paid for, so all we need to do now is start moving in!" Jess starts jumping in excitement like an idiot while I sit as stiff as a stone trying not to burn this house down.

"So you did all of this behind our backs? Without even asking us if we wanted to leave?" My hands ball into fists as I stand

"Well, we thought you wouldn't mind moving to Los Angeles, it's beautiful there." My mom tries giving me a hug but I push past her to the stairs

"It's bullshit, that's what it is."
Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! More to be posted soon!

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now