{Chapter 4}

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"Yeah im so sorry about him he's a bit of a- Ethan! What the hell are you doing in here!" Sophia nearly throws her water bottle at Ethan.

I walk in and he is looking at her pictures and jewelry

"What can't a big brother hang out with his little sister and her new friend?" Ethan walks over to me and stands tall compared to me

"Hey, cupcake." He winks at me so I scoff and push past him to her bed and sit

"It would be normal but its You so, of course, it's not." Sophia rolls her eyes and Ethan slowly turns to her

"What did you fucking say to me?" Ethan slowly starts walking to her and I feel my fists clench

"You heard me, Im tired of you fucking all my friends and leaving me to clean up the mess!" She stands up straight and raises her voice

"Well if you don't like it why don't you-" I don't know how but in a matter of seconds I was standing in front of Sophia and my palm connected with Ethan's cheek causing her to gasp

I wanted to kill him, I wanted to fucking kill him.

"Did you just-" He puts his hand on his cheek and I interrupt him

"Get out of her room now or the next hit is gonna ruin your pretty face, Ethan." I stand my ground and clench my fists at my side

"Don't make me prove it, and if I ever see you talk to her that way don't expect me to stop myself." All that can be heard is my jagged breathing and the sound of Ethan's knuckles popping

"Fine." like that Ethan gives up and sits on the floor leaning back against the bed

"While im in this room you will never speak to her that way or ever, do you understand me, Dolan?" I kneel in front of him and I can see my hand print slowly forming on his face

"Yeah, whatever." Ethan looks back at me but his smirk quickly drops when he sees my facial expression

"Ok then, now that that's covered how about we all have some fun?" I look down at Ethan and he looks extremely confused

"Hey, Sophie? Do you have any extra hair ties?" I sit behind Ethan on the bed with my legs over his shoulders as I pull his hair into a ponytail


"Yes, girl! Work it!" Ethan currently has a little ponytail on the top of his head holding the hairs that were long enough and is wearing the booty shorts that I had in my bag

I zoom into Ethan as he pushes out his butt and drops slowly

I scream in excitement as I quickly save and post the snap

"No! You can't post that people are gonna think im a big bitch or a manly woman!" Ethan tries to grab my phone from my hands

"Oh come on Ethan you look beautiful!" He reaches for my phone but I sit on it

"You really think that's gonna stop me?" A smirk creeps its way onto Ethan's face and he grabs my thigh to flip me over

"Ethan no!" He lifted me up and threw me to the other side of the bed and grabbed my phone

"Whos Gage with the ring emoji!" Ethan seemed slightly annoyed with the message that was sent, doesn't help that Gage is my ex and we never officially broke up.

"What did he say? He's my... my ex from Florida" Ethan stays quite and starts typing

"Ethan what are you doing? What did he say?" He walks toward me with the camera on his face

"Here let's take a picture, this guy is pissing me off." He grabs my waist and pulls me to his chest

"Ethan this isn't the best idea Gage is going to get mad." I didn't want to be slut-shamed even if I was never gonna see him again, Ethan might be a muscular guy but Gage was insane when he was angry 

"Oh please, what he gonna do kill me?" Ethan chuckles and looks at the camera "If he tries to hurt you I swear I'll beat him to death and have him wishing he never said a thing." He didn't make eye contact but he spoke low so Sophia couldn't hear.

The hearts floated above our heads and Ethan kissed me on the cheek, he saved it then went and took another picture

"Kiss me," A smirk crept onto my face and Ethan's brow arched

"Now why would I go and do a thing like that?" I put my hand on his chest and Sophia starts giggling

"Just do it! Come on I don't even know this Gage kid and I already hate him, for once my brother is right!" Ethan squeezes my hip slightly

"So can we take the picture or do we have to wait another fifty years?" Ethan rolls his eyes and I kiss his cheek, I see the flash go off and look at the screen. Ethan is winking and he has his tongue out

"Real mature Ethan, sticking out your tongue really?" I roll my eyes and push off Ethan and lay on the bed.

"I hope he gets mad or realizes he's gay and jacks off to the picture of-" Lisa walks in and Ethan scratches the back of his neck

"Hey kids, food is ready I just wanted to let you guys know." Everyone stays silent and I look at Ethan and he seems annoyed

"Thank you, Lisa,  we will be down in just a second." Lisa smiles and closes the door; Sophia sighs

"Oh thank god, I don't think mom would be very happy if she caught Ethan cursing around you, I mean your still new." She stands and brushes off her jeans

"Yeah I get that, my mom would feel the same...." my voice trails off when I realize I can't find my phone

"Is everything alright?" Sophia places her hand on my shoulder and I look at her

"Yeah im fine it's just I can't find my-"

"Your phone?" I look up at Ethan as he finishes my sentence

"Ethan give me my phone, I don't need you texting people you shouldn't or going through my messages." Ethan slides my phone out of his pocket and he's checking something

"Oh shit, you have an older brother, don't you? Like an actual brother" Ethan locks my phone and hands it back to me

"Yeah why, what did you do?" I open my phone and go to my messages and see a screenshot of the picture Ethan and I took earlier

Big bro: Hello darling sister, would you care to explain why your 30 minutes late and why you're at some BOYS HOUSE!?!?

Me: Oh shiz sorry Jesse Ill be there in like 2 seconds im coming now!

Big bro: Oh screw you, haha, you better be lucky half the team is still here or id be pissed

I run downstairs and grab my bag, I guess I hadn't realized what time it was.

I say goodbye to everyone except Ethan, just because he didn't come down and I wasn't trying to be even more late. And after my goodbyes I sped back to the school.

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now