{Chapter 36}

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I was on my way to the airport and I kept getting calls and text from Grayson and Ethan so I shut off my phone and threw it into my duffle bag. When we got there the I thanked the Uber and we got inside it wasn't as packed as I thought so we got through scanning pretty quickly, we put our bags in the area for our flight but I kept my duffle bag since it has fragile things in there. We had 20 minutes to just relax and get snacks so I went to a café and got a light snack and iced tea.

I took my phone out and when I turned it on I was spammed with calls and texts from all the three Dolans, I muted all of their numbers so I could be on my phone in peace when I got a call from Jess.

"Hello darling brother, why are you calling me and no you can't join-"

"Your little girlfriend is here why didn't you tell her you're going to New York? Did you too break up or something?"

"Jess, who the fuck are you talking about- wait, Sophia? She's there? Don't tell her anything! Please Jess I don't want her telling Ethan."

"Wait so you are dating her? Geez, all these years I thought you were straight.. well I support and love you, sis-"

"NO you scum I'm straight and she isn't my girlfriend shes my friend."

"So she's on the menu? I've always wanted a tiny girlfriend just imagining me pound into her tiny-"

"Jess I swear to god if you touch a hair on her I will literally cut off your dick and shove it up your nose!"

"Don't worry sis.... my hands were planning on being somewhere lower anyway."


"I'm kidding, I won't fuck her"

"You better not, and just tell her you don't know where I am and you'll have me call her."

"Yeah, whatever."

He hung up and now I'm worried about Sophia, I know he wouldn't do anything without her wanting it and that's not what I'm worried about but she's my little baby. I don't want him to expose her to the dirty side of herself, god knows he's good at that, that dirty man could turn a nun into a stripper if he wanted to. "Flight 43B will be boarding in 5 minutes please make your way to your gate and have a great flight." I put a tip on the counter made my way over to my dad, we take our seats and I put in my headphones so I could sleep.


We were in a taxi driving to the apartment and I was entranced by this city even though I'd only seen so little of it, it was so beautiful and busy. I knew I'd definitely move here one point in my life or at least come to visit more often, we pulled up to the apartment building and my dad was right it was in the middle of everything, the building looked like a hotel and it was amazing, my dad gave the woman at the front desk out paperwork and I had to sign a few contracts and agreement papers, after they copied and printed everything they gave me the key and apartment number. We went into the elevator and I freaked out "Dad oh my god! It's official that's my apartment, I get to live here over summers. This is crazy!" I exclaimed and looked down at the card "Floor 78 apartment 14B" I looked up at the buttons and found the floor so I pressed the button and off we went, I turned around and saw the city as we went up, it truly was the city that never sleeps. It was late in the night yet there were so many cars driving around and people walking the streets.

The elevator dinged and I ran through the hall down to my apartment, when I turned the hall I bumped into someone and almost fell but they grabbed me. I looked up and saw Jack "Jack? Jack, what are you doing here?" I exclaimed and he smiled "I think I should be asking you the same thing, Grayson's been going insane trying to find out why you aren't talking to you." He smirked and took out his phone but I held it while it was in his hands "Jack don't please! I need this, for my sanity, it's been too stressful dealing with both Dolans." I begged but he just stared back at me with no emotion "Does it look like I care? Sorry apricot but I don't, plus Gray has been going crazy calling me and Aaron to go around looking for you since he only trusts us. And guess what he's a pain in the ass." He shook my hand off his phone and started pressing buttons "Jack please," I put my hand on his shoulder and I noticed his arm was still around me "I know you don't owe me anything but please you don't understand how much this getaway means to me!" He looked back at me and examined my face "What makes you think I'd do anything to help you?" He hissed and I was getting angry but I knew that was the last thing I needed right now "You don't have to but I'm asking you, literally begging you Jack, please. Don't tell him I'm here I will owe you a favor if you do this for me? And maybe we could talk while we're here." I smiled but he didn't move he just stared at me again then scoffed and put his phone to his ear.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now