{Chapter 21}

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{Play "Sober" by Childish Gambino when Audrey calls Ethan} chapter is a bit more about Ethan and Audrey and I kinda thought this song was perfect for this chapter! Or if you can find one that's on a loop that's even better!!

Grayson dropped me off later on and oddly enough no one was home. Did they go get breakfast, or go out somewhere without me? I knew my parents might have work but I can't think of anywhere Jess might have gone. "Jess? Hey, dumb ass are you home?" Silence.

I went on my phone and saw so many missed calls and texts from Jess and Sophia

Sophia- Hey mami!! where are you??? The group is asking for you!


Sophia- I asked your brother and he said you weren't home!! I hope you're ok!!

Me-hey baby!! I'm sorry for not coming today!! I'm ok!! I'll pick you up after school make sure you tell Ethan

Holy shit I totally forgot I had school today, I don't even want to know what my brother texted he is probably gonna kill me.

Yesterday at 8:35 P.M.

Big bro- I'm gonna kick your ass when you get home

Today at 7:25 A.M.



Big bro- If you aren't home by the time I come back from school I will come find you, sit on you and crush you with my ass.

Me- LMAO PLEASE DON'T CRUSH ME!! I'm home!! Lmao and no I'm not a stripper

It was only 12:30 so Sophia was probably at Lunch so she still had 3 periods left, it got boring in the house so I decided to go out and get a pizza, I was hungry first of all plus I was bored. But having pizza alone is boring and I already saw Grayson today so I decided on the second best thing.

Calling 'Ethan'

"Audrey? Hey, girl whats up!" Ethan sounded tired like he just woke up even though it was about one in the afternoon "Get ready I'm picking you up and we are getting pizza." I grabbed my things and started getting ready while I was on the phone with him "yeah I guess I could get pizza, what time will you be here?" I heard the sink turn on and him brushing his teeth "You have 15 minutes" I said sternly "What the hell can I do in 15 minutes-" I hung up on him, tied my shoes and went to my car. 


I rang the doorbell like 20 times then a shirtless, wet haired Ethan answered the door. "Jesus Audrey I was in the shower." He looked at me like I was crazy but I just smiled innocently "oops." He rolled his eyes and went back upstairs "Where are we getting pizza anyway cause I have to pick up Sophia from school?" He yelled from upstairs "Don't worry about that I'm picking her up today, we were going to have a girls day." As I finished my sentence Ethan came back down with a shirt and damp hair.

"Aren't you gonna put product in your hair? Or at least style it?" I furrowed my brows and tried to touch his hair but he leaned away "Yeah I will use my fingers when its dry, my fingers work wonders." He was smirking at me but it took me a second to realize it was a dirty joke.

The drive there was quiet but not awkward until Ethan broke the silence "Hey now that I'm thinking about it why aren't you at school? You don't seem sick or anything." I was hoping he wouldn't ask that I didn't want to lie but I can't tell him I was with Grayson so I told him the truth, well part of the truth.

"I went clubbing yesterday like you saw then Aaron took me home after we ate and I ended up sleeping in." I mean other than Aaron taking me home and to eat the whole story was true "Oh, I just thought you skipped so you could spend the day with your favorite Dolan." I looked over at him and he was looking at me seriously, but not like a mad serious just like a natural no emotion serious. I looked back at the road and opened my mouth to say something but just kept it to myself.

"What were you going to say? Was I right! Am I actually your favorite Dolan?" He asked while bouncing in his seat "Well it depends on the I skipped school for you then no it's not true but the favorite Dolan thing..." I let my sentence trail off and Ethan gasped "Oh my god! Am I your favorite Dolan? What the fuck how-" He cleared his throat and sat back "I mean hell yeah I'm your favorite Dolan." His voice was much calmer and I couldn't help but laugh. "But in all seriousness, you are my favorite dolan." I smile but keep my eyes on the road as I pull into a parking space. While we are walking there Ethan holds my hand and I look up at him and he's smiling but not looking at me. I put my other hand on his bicep and rest my head on his arm as we walk. Ethan and I walk in hand in hand but my smile drops when I see my old friends from Florida.


Hey, lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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