Goodbye boys

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The road was smooth and it was silent, I didn't want to play music I just wanted to let my storm of thoughts settle so I could rationalize how I feel. I didn't even feel sad in all honesty, I didn't really feel anything my brain wouldn't slow down enough to let me even think about how I feel. The sun had finally risen and the water looked beautiful, it mimicked the colors of the sky. pink, yellow, orange I rolled down my window and let the cool air wash over me, I was almost at the top and I hadn't seen any other cars so I sped up a little and the wind blew though my windows quicker. I rolled down all my windows and let the sound of the air racing through my car fill my ears. It was nice, I had a beautiful view all around me, fresh clean air, and myself. I made it to the top and to my surprise no one was up here, normally this place is packed with people. I parked in the middle even though there were parking spaces I was suppose to be in. I rolled up my windows and turned of my car but didn't get out yet, I looked around remembered all the crazy rides I had with my friends in this thing. Not only with the twins and my friends here but also back in Florida, I missed the views and people.

I finally got out and sat on the lid of my car and waited for the boys to get here, I wonder if they would come together. What if they start fighting? What will I do? What if they refuse the idea and force me to choose. Deep down I already know who I'd want to spend the rest of my life with, who made me happiest, who made me feel the most important. I heard the gravel crushing in the distance and I was hoping it was the twins. To my surprise it was only one car and it was Grayson. My heart starts racing again and my emotions started to flood through me, I jumped down from my car and waited for him to get out. The passenger door opens and Ethan comes out, then Grayson from the drivers seat. My heart was beating so hard I'm shocked you couldn't see it pop out through my skin. They both looked at me with no expression on their faces but I could tell they were just as nervous as I was.

"I don't really know what I'm supposed to do now, this doesn't feel real." I looked up at Ethan and I could tell he was hurting to see me like this, I look over at Grayson and he wasn't even looking at me. "Well, here it is, heres the truth and everything you've both been waiting for." I grab Ethan hand then Graysons, I kiss both of them then let go "These past couple months have been hell for me, everything thats happened since then has been beyond stressful and I've been dreading this day since-" My voice broke as a sob managed to break its way out "Do you see what you did to her? Do you finally all the pain you've put her through!" Ethan roared out as he began shoving Grayson, I tried to grab Ethan but he pushed me to aside "You're so selfish Grayson! You rushed her and her emotions because you hated the thought of me finally being happy! Why'd you come back after all these years and ruin everything!" Grayson just starred at him blankly as Ethan began beating at his chest. I could see tears streaming down his face. "Guys please don't do this, not now please I just- I need to tell you both." Grayson put his arm around Ethan and they come back over to me "Audrey I'm so sorry I rushed you, you're a real person with real feelings and I had no-" I cut him off by cupping his cheek, as he shut his eyes a tear came trickling down from his sweet hazel eyes and my heart felt as if it was about to fall out of my body.

"After weeks of comparing you two trying to find flaws I realized that the problem wasn't either of you, it was me." They both look at me but I shut my eyes and continue, the tears were coming down but I didn't feel like even trying to stop myself I knew there was no point. "I am being selfish with you two, here I am coming in-between you two and creating more problems that you don't need. I kept you both because I knew that nothing was going to make me feel this real, you both had so much love to offer and you were both so determined to give me your all." Grayson tried to cut in but I put my hand up to his chest to stop him.

"I want nothing more than for you two to mend what was once broken." I grab their hands and connect them. They look at each other then down at me again "You both deserve someone who ill love you and only you unconditionally. And I am not the woman for either of you." Ethan looks at me with hurt and shock "Audrey what- what are you trying to say?" I cup both of their cheeks and step closer "Im letting both you go, its the best choice for all of us and its the only choice. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I broke one of you." Grayson dropped to his knees and started sobbing silently. As I continued explaining how I refuse to hurt either of them my mind and heart started ripping each other apart, my heart wanted so desperately for me to stop but my mind wouldn't let me.

"Did everything these past few months mean anything to you." Ethan was still standing with me and he had grabbed my face with both of his hands "Ethan everything we've been through has meant so much to me, I've enjoyed and cherished every moment with you and I will think about everything we've been through an everything you've done for me. Both of you, my experiences and friendships with both of you will never be taken for granted or replaced." I put my hand on Graysons head and he wraps both of his arms around my hips and I could feel him shaking "When we had sex did you know that you were just going to leave me?" I look up at Ethan but his softness was gone and again he looked at me with no emotion. I couldn't hold eye contact with him so I turned away and he scoffed "You knew didn't you, you knew you didn't love me and you still used me. That night was special to me Audrey! You made me think I actually had a chance at having you but you knew that you'd leave me anyways." He was now directing his anger at me and it was understandable, I did use him and I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop my selfishness from taking over. "Ethan no, you don't understand. That night was special for me, I do love you and Im sorry I used you like that but please-" I tried reaching out to him but he slapped my hand away. "Grayson when youre ready ill be in the car, goodbye Audrey." He didn't spare me second glance and with that he was gone. I wanted to run after him and kiss him and tell him everything was going to be ok but it wasn't, and me going after him would only make it harder on us both.I looked down and Grayson was still clinging onto me desperately.

"Grayson? Grayson please get up." I tried pulling his arms off of me but he just held on tighter "Audrey please, please Audrey you can't leave me. Ill give you more time ill give you all the time in the world but please you can't leave me." He looked up at me and his face was burning red from the tears. I cup his face and he finally stands "Audrey I am nothing without you, you're everything I could have ever wanted and I will be better I promise Ill- Ill be good." He started sobbing and he pulled me into his chest. I didn't realize I was crying until I wiped my face and looked at his wet shirt "Teddy bear, look at me please look at me." His big watery puppy eyes are the first thing I see when he finally lets go, I didn't want to let him go but both of us had so much we needed to work on. I wanted to keep him in my pocket forever and keep him safe but I couldn't. "Grayson everything we've been through has been real, every laugh, every hug, every kiss, you have made me feel so beyond special these past few months and I can not express to you my gratitude." He wipes away my tears and kisses my forehead "Grayson Dolan I love you, part of me will never stop loving you and thats why I have to let you go." He shook his head and the tears start streaming down his face again "You and your brother have full lives ahead of you and I know you will do so many amazing things together but promise me you will fix your relationship with your brother and the rest of your family."

He nodded his head and let go of me, I was going to reach for his face when he grabbed mine and kissed me. I wanted this to last forever, if I could freeze this moment and stay here I would, in a heartbeat.

"I will see you in the next life Audrey Miller, I won't ever forget about you." He lets go and now its me sobbing unconditionally. He lets go of me and turns to his car, it took everything in me not to run after him and never let him leave but this was what had to happen. This was for us all. He got in his car and then they were gone.

"I will see you in the next life, I won't ever forget you."

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now