{Chapter 20}

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Audrey's POV:

When I wake up I'm no longer in Grayson's arms, I'm laying in an empty bed with fluffy white sheets and big pillows. As much as I'd love to stay in bed I wanted to go look for Grayson and find out what was going on.

I opened the door and I saw a long hall with a view of the bottom floor by the stairs, this house was a mansion, it looked beautiful with the cream marble floors and light aesthetic. It reminded me of a palace or a castle. I quietly made my way to the outlook {That weird window so you can see the bottom floor} and no one was there, the house wasn't quite so I knew people were home I just didn't know where they were.

I made my way down the stairs and saw a group of guys standing around a table looking and passing things around. Then I noticed 3 guys off to the side smoking something and by the smell, I knew it was weed so I went to them first. "Hey mystery men, mind if I take a couple hits?" They all looked down at me like im a child and started laughing, then one of the boys with dirty blonde hair said "Aren't you a little too young to participate in smoking? Why don't you go play with barbies or braid your hair." The other two started laughing and I just scowled at the blonde kid, snatching the blunt away from him. I took a big hit and exhaled in his face

"Aren't you too old to participate in smoking? Why don't you go finish your prune juice and glue in your dentures." I spat and the other boys started laughing, even some at the main table. I smiled at him and he started walking to me "I don't know who you think you are but if you-" He stopped when Grayson wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Are we having any problems here boys?" He didn't look at me but I knew he was annoyed at how the blonde one talked to me, you could hear it in his voice. I smiled evilly and took another hit.

"No, I was just talking to the girl." He said while standing straight "You sure about that? It looked like you were going to do a little more than talk-" Grayson stopped talking when I blew out my cloud and turned me to face him. "You smoke? Since when do you smoke?" He raised his voice but it didn't really phase me so I just rolled my eyes and said: "I don't know, a couple years now. Maybe since I was 14 or late 13. Plus I'm not a fucking kid so it shouldn't really matter." The blonde kind tried to hold back his laughter but I could see his struggle. "Yeah well don't be smoking with them, they put crazy shit in there." He tried to pull the blunt out of my hand but I slapped his hand away. "Sorry, grandpa but you can't tell me what I can and cant smoke. I'm not a lost puppy who's going to listen to every word you say." I shrugged and I was about to put the blunt back to my lips he took it out of my hands and gave it to one of the guys.

"Teddy, what the hell was that for?" I furrowed my brows and try to grab it back but he pulls me behind him and up the stairs. When we get back to his room he slams the door and starts breathing heavily. He didn't look at me so I knew I fucked up while I was being sassy earlier, "Hey Gray I'm sorry but you were treating me like a kid down there like I was your baby or a little puppy." My voice was calm and soft but he still didn't look up at me. I slowly walked towards him and put my hand on his back since he was facing the door and he quickly grabbed me and pushed me against the wall with his hands holding mine down.

"Geez all this over a blunt? Really Gray?" I chuckled but his facial expression stayed the same "I'm not mad over a stupid blunt I'm pissed because you were acting like a smartass in front of the guys. Who do you think you are talking to me like that huh?" He spat at me with such venom it reminded me of Ethan and how he had a short temper. "Calm down Grayson, they all knew it was a joke it was funny." I scoffed and tried to pull my hands away but he held them tighter and got closer to my face "Where is all this attitude coming from? I didn't know you were a brat in the morning." He growled and I felt my blood start to boil "Yeah well I didn't ask for Ethan 2.O so I guess we both didn't get what we wanted." I snapped back at him and I saw his jaw clench and his eyes narrow.

"Don't you ever compare me to Ethan, if I were like him then you wouldn't even want to be here right now!" His grip got tighter on my wrist as he spoke and it started to hurt "Well it's not like I asked to be here! You had one of your friends drug me and practically kidnap me!" I shouted back and I saw his eyes soften and he let go of my hands but stayed in front of me "So you didn't want to be here with me?" His voice was calm again and I heard the sadness in his voice. God it's like this guy was bipolar or something, one minute he's so angry at me then the next he's sad. But then again maybe I was a little harsh with him. I wasn't going to soften up and take the blame because it was his anger that got the best of him.

"Not if you're going to act like a child, you're 18 years old Grayson. Get it together." I say with no emotion and he looks back up at me shocked "If you want I can have on of the guys take you home, I'm sorry I didn't control myself it's just that... my anger always gets the best of me and I know you probably think I'm crazy or dysfunctional but I promise to try and keep it under control if you stay." I couldn't help but look up at him, this was the Grayson I knew and the Grayson I wanted. I never really liked guys who were always angry, I like laid back and doesn't really care kind of guy.

"Fine but I don't want to be doing anything if I stay, maybe watch a movie in bed but that's it." He smiles and I just roll my eyes playfully and go over to his bed, at first I didn't get on I just leaned over on it with my feet on the ground but I was kind of bent over on the bed trying to grab the remote when I felt Grayson put his hands on my hips and pull my butt to his front and kind of rub circles on my hips with his thumbs.

"Gray, what do you think you're doing?" I asked as I tried to stand up straight but he puts one of his hands on my back to push me back down. "You really shouldn't be in this position you know, my shirt was long but not long enough. So you were technically teasing without even knowing it." I felt my cheeks get red and I covered my face as Grayson laughs and moves away so I can stand up straight, I turn around but he is right in front of me. I look up into his eyes and he's already looking down at me, after a couple of seconds I slowly lift myself up and he starts leaning in so our lips meet in the middle. His lips melted into mine and I held his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

This kiss was slow and rough but it felt nice and very welcoming, he lightly pushed me back onto the bed and laid himself between my legs and propped himself up on his elbows. He kissed his way up from my neck to my jaw then he met my lips and I felt my fingers get lost in his soft fluffy hair. I didn't know what we were but I'm glad we are whatever we are, he groaned and bit my lip hungrily for entrance but I denied it to tease him. I pulled away and started kissing his jaw and neck and he groaned when I kissed his sweet spot so I kept my lips there and I tried to flip us so I was top but it wasn't long until he put his hand around my neck and pushed my head back down on the bed so he could see me.

"I know what you're doing peaches, I won't let it slide." His voice was deep and very raspy but it was a huge turn on. "What exactly am I doing?" I asked as I put both my hands on his wrist which was still around my neck "You're trying to be dominant, sorry baby but that's my thing." Before I could reply he put his hand on my chin and kissed me.


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