{Chapter 19}

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Grayson's POV:

It's been over an hour since I sent Aaron to get Audrey from the club and they still haven't arrived yet, I kept passing around the room trying to stay calm and not think of the worst. After about 5 minutes I get a call from Aaron. 

"Aaron! You dumb ass where are you! Is Audrey ok, whats taking you so damn long!" I yelled into the phone and balled my hands into fists "Yeah well I've actually been here for the last ten minutes it's just that I need some help with Audrey." He said that more as a question than a statement and I began to panic as I made my way down the stairs to the front. "What the hell does that mean?" I fling the door open and see him standing outside of the back seat door looking into it, I hang up and run to his car and see a sleeping Audrey in the backseat. She looked kind of lifeless and that made my heart race. 

"Peaches, hey wake up." I tried lightly shaking her shoulder but it didn't work my head shot towards Aaron and I grabbed his collar "What the fuck happened to her!" My voice was very loud and a bit more bitter than I wanted and I felt bad, I let go of him and rubbed my temple "Nothing too bad geez calm down! I just used some carisoprodol {Lol idk if that's the real name sorry I'm a failure.} cause she punched me in the face." I looked at him amused but he just scoffed "It's not my fault she has hands."He defended then started walking away.

"Wait I still don't get why you couldn't just take her in. She isn't heavy and it's not like she's dead." I said and he turned around slowly and gave me that 'you dumb bitch' look. "How about you look at what she's wearing, I feel like I made a good decision on letting you take her." I looked back at her and got a good look at what she was wearing, she looked like an absolute goddess. Red was her color, plus the dress was going up a little. I slowly lifted her out of the car bridal style and brought her to my room. 

When I put her down on the bed I noticed her heels and decided to take them off. The dress was soft but I still changed her into one of my older shirts then threw the dress onto my chair. I was changing into shorts when I heard her shuffle and mumble something, I quickly put on my shorts and stood there silently waiting for her reaction. 

At first, she didn't really move but I knew she was awake by the way she was breathing then she quickly sat up and looked around the room, then she saw her dress and got out of bed. She looked beautiful, her long hair slightly messy from laying down and her eyes slightly squinted. I came out from my closet but she didn't seem to notice, then she turned around and saw me standing in the doorway of my closet. 

"Grayson? How- how did I get here? Where the fuck am I?!" I was kind of surprised she was mad I figured she would be relieved to see me "Didn't Aaron tell you that he would bring you here? Oh and I'm sorry he knocked you out, I will have that handled with tomorrow." I knew I wouldn't but I wanted her to trust me "Gray I thought I was being kidnaped or something! Do you even understand how terrified I was when he did that to me!" Her voice was very cold and her eyes were full of hurt.

"I'm sorry Peaches, I didn't mean to put you through that. I'm just glad you're here though." I smile at her and she starts walking to me but then she jumped into my arms. I loved when she did that or when she let me pick her up cause I felt uncomfortable when I hugged her down at her height cause she was shorter than me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and her legs were around my waist so I put one of my hands on her butt and the other on her back. 

"I'm glad to be here too teddy bear." Her voice was very low and her words came out sleepily, I pulled her head out from my neck and look at her. She seemed exhausted so I walked over to the bed and put her back under the sheet and climbed in with her. I didn't know if I should cuddle her or if I should just keep my distance so I laid down next to her but I didn't touch her. I had both my hands behind my head and I was looking up at the ceiling. 

"I'm kind of surprised you've never brought me here before, I mean you've been to my house plenty of times yet you never invited me over? That's kind of rude." She did have a point, I never told her about the house or that I lived here in the area but then again it would be a risk to bring her here anyway "Well you had never asked so I never offered, plus I didn't really think you cared" When I looked down at her she seemed so shocked and kind of angry.

"How could you think I don't care! Of course, I care about you, I would have loved to come over and hung out here with you." While she's talking she wraps her arm around me and puts her head on my chest and snuggled into me. It felt good to know someone other than the gang cared about me, especially her. I put one of my arms around her back and she closed her eyes. 

"well, peaches that's good to know, now you should go to sleep." I felt like today was a bit of an emotional ride for her so I just wanted her to end the day on a high note. 

"Goodnight Gray."


Hey, lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Oof! The whole chapter was in Grayson's point of view! That's new!!

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An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now