{Chapter 30}

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I honestly just wanted to go home, Grayson came back inside after a couple minutes and I had to lie to Ethan yet again. I wanted to tell him the truth but this was not the time or place. So I just told him that Jess met Grayson and i saw him at my house. I didn't tell him that we hung out or anything, just that I met him once before. He was upset at first but he let it go after a while.

A slow song started playing and it happened to be my favorite "I don't want to set the world on fire" by The ink spot. It became a little darker and no one was dancing since it was a slow song I guess.

"Ethan can we dance?" He looked at me like I'm crazy but I stood up. He didn't move so I turned to Cameron "Cameron? Come on I know you have an old soul." He bit the side of his lip and looked at Ethan. "No I'll go." Ethan quickly got up and we walked to the middle of the dance area. All eyes were on us, some of them smiled and 'awed' and some looked at us like we were weird but I didn't mind.

He put his hand on my back and held my other hand so I put my free hand on his shoulder. We slow danced and some older couples joined us as we danced in the center.

"You know ever since I moved to LA my life has been crazy." He looked at me and I continued "I haven't had a day to just relax and do nothing, my mind has been working so hard and I've been so stressed but tonight... right now." He smiled at me but I kept a serious face, I had to tell him how I feel. What Grayson was going to do was a wake up call. If he would have said something to Ethan then everything would have been ruined.

"Today was everything I needed, this right here. Us right now. Being with you is like a safe place, you've helped me keep myself together. And you don't even know how thankful I am." I smiled at him shyly and I was about to continue but he started speaking "You're the only other person who knows about my past, Well other than the ones who lived it." He dipped me then slowly brought me back up bringing us closer so there was no space between us and our cheeks were touching.

"Ever since I told you that story I felt free, I felt happy. Like I finally moved on and let her go," he spun me and my dress swung and made my train lay flat behind me showing off all its glory. The song replayed and I was thankful so we could keep talking.

"I trusted you with that and not many people know about it. People just think I became a druggy to act out but I couldn't tell them. I couldn't go through it again." He held me tighter so I moved my head back and looked him in the eyes, putting my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and smiled. "You're different and I don't want to let you go. I want to have you around all the time, I want to be with you all the time." He opened his eyes and we stopped dancing but stayed in each others arms "I don't want to let you go either Ethan." He smiled at me and spun me out so we were only holding hands and I put my other hand out but someone grabbed it and pulled me into them.

I heard gasps and whispered when I was pulled into someone else, I was engulfed by a strong manly scent, Grayson. I looked at him and he was smiling down at me. "Hey Peaches." He said quietly looking down at me slightly. I looked over at Ethan and he was looking at me already, there was another woman dancing with him "Don't worry I wouldn't leave him lonely, I had a friend of mine step in." We were dancing so it wouldn't make a scene but I wanted to be back in Ethan's arms. I looked at him and furrowed my brows.

"Grayson was I not clear enough when we last spoke? Or so I need to repeat myself?" I tried breaking eye contact with him but I couldn't and I felt myself start to melt into him. I couldn't do it not here, not now or ever. He twirled me around and held me closer, I tried pushing off but he gripped my back and pulled me into him. 

"See what I mean? I knew you still had feelings for me, don't you love the way I hold you. How I can scoop you off your feet?" He lifts me up and spins me like how Ethan did and continued. "How I make you feel safe and warm?" He pulled me in close and put my head onto his chest over his heart. It was calm and slow, mine was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about what he did to that girl, what if this is a trap and he's going to kill me too fro how I treated him.

He started humming as we danced and put his head on mine, as much as I hated it, It felt natural. I felt warm and secure in his arms. I looked at our hands and how tiny mine looked in his. I adjusted my hand and held his again instead of just having my hand in his.

"I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want start a flame in your heart." He sang lowly, his voice was cueing me like when you sing to a sleeping baby. Soft and passionate, I moved my head so I was looking at him and he said lowly "But don't underestimate me love, because I will set the world on fire." He kissed my cheek and spun me out, another hand grabbed mine and I was back in Ethan's arms.

Ethan was looking at Grayson angrily, holding onto me with both hands. Him and the girl who was dancing with Ethan held hands and left the dance floor. I looked around and everyone was standing and no one else was dancing.

Then everyone started clapping.


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