{Chapter 28}

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Oh my god I love that dress so much so I added a picture to show Audrey's dress. Ethan's suit is basically the one in the picture. Anyways enjoy!!

I was getting my hair done professionally because I wanted it to look nice and stay in place for a long time. I could have done it myself but I was lazy and I knew it would look so much better if I had it done.

"Waw your hair is so nice, very soft and healthy." I've had had my hair done with this company so many times before so they sent a lady to my house which was nice.

"So what's the special occasion? I mean you must be getting your hair done for a reason? Are you a model or going to an event?" Well I can't just say I'm going to a party full of gang members "yeah I'm going to a private event with a friend, it means a lot to him so I wanted to make sure I looked my best." She smiled an continued with my hair.

When she finished my hair looked amazing, way better than I ever could do it. The curls looked so big and natural. I paid the last and she left. I still had an hour to get ready so I took my time with my makeup, I didn't do too much even though Cameron said "the bigger the better" {like dick cough cough} I did a simple red to black smoky eye, mat red lips, highlight and filled in my eyebrows. My skin was clean and clear so I didn't want to cover it in makeup.

I had 20 minutes left so I put on my dress and heels, Ethan was right the dress was kinda heavy and my heels weren't that comfortable so I just put on some black flats. It's not like anyone is gonna see my feet anyway. The dress looked really good on me and the sleeves were thin so I wouldn't get hot. I looked through my closet for a black or red clutch and I found a black one so I put my phone, cash, and lipstick just incase.

I heard the doorbell so I made my way downstairs as quick as I could without wrinkling the dress or tripping. I opened the door and Ethan was standing there with a single red rose. "Waw you look... waw" I said amazed, the suit looked better on him than I remembered "I could say the same for you, your hair looks great, so does the dress." He gives me the rose and I kiss his cheek. I put the rose on the small table we had by the door and we made our way to the car. It was the same one that picked us up the day we went to that underground city.

We had been in the car for almost an hour which wasn't too bad when we pulled up to a huge building. It kinda looked like a casino.

"Ok Audrey I need to tell you something but please don't freak out of be mad at me." I looked at him and he was sitting at the edge of his seat I nodded my head and he said "Ok so remember how I told you about my ex and best friend?" I nodded again and he continued "Well it was actually my brother and girlfriend, he's my twin. I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier, I'm just telling you now because he might be here tonight and I don't know what we are but I don't-" I held his hand and he stopped "Ethan don't you ever think like that, I'm not gonna just drop you for him. Tonight I'm here with you and that's all that matters." He smiled at me and the driver stopped in a parking lot close to the front.

"Ok let's go, we need to hurry before Capo comes, he likes everything organized." I was about to leave when realized I didn't have my clutch with me. "Hey uh you go ahead and wait for me by the door, I need to get my purse I'll be there in a second." I had to get out of the car because my dress was blocking everything and he left. It took me a second to find it but when I did I noticed a black car pull up across the parking lot, Grayson's car. Jack and Aaron were with him and they stopped at his trunk talking about something.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" The driver snapped me out of my thoughts but I just thanked him and closed the door. I straightened myself out and took a deep breath. I walked from behind the car stepping confidently and sassily. I kept my head up and swayed my hips slightly with each step. Everyone's eyes were on me because of my big red dress but I didn't mind. I wanted them to see me in all my glory. I got a few whistles and comments but I didn't stop walking. "Do my eyes deceive me or am I looking at the one and only Audrey." Aaron. I liked him the most even though he drugged me and put me in the back of a car. He was fun, so I looked over and saw him walking towards me with Grayson's eyes following intently. "No darling it's me, don't worry you aren't dreaming." I flipped my hair and we laughed.

He swept me off my feet into a hug and spun me around, I had one arm around his neck and the other on his bicep. "It's good seeing you again, you look amazing. Like really amazing." He put his hand on my back and kept us close "Thank you, you look great as well, grey is a good color on you." His suit is was grey in stead of black but it looked good.

"Thanks, so um what you doin here? And how did you know about this place." Grayson must have sent him over, even better "oh I came with Ethan, Capo invited me." His eyes widened when I said his name "Wait Capo? As in Cameron?" How did he know Cameron?" He pulled back a little so he could see me clearly. "Yeah he came to my house and we had a chat." I smiled but he just looked at me sternly "Alright Aaron I think your getting a little handsy there." Aaron took his hand off my back but I kept my hand on his bicep, I looked up and saw Grayson standing close behind him. I suddenly felt angry. I didn't want him here and I didn't have the right to tell him that. "Alright Aaron I'm gonna go have fun." I kissed his cheek slowly so Grayson would see. I waved at him and walked away.

I looked toward the crowd and I saw Ethan talking to Cameron.


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