{Chapter 39}

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Silence, that was it just complete silence. I tried to move my arm but it was so heavy, I tried to open my eye's but they were glued shut, I tried to sit up but something was holding me down. I could barely breathe my chest was burning and my mouth was so dry. I started to hear a ringing sound, but it was very faint like it was from far away but I heard it so clearly then my eyes shot open and I saw a crowd of people, smoke, and glass everywhere. I slowly lifted my head and I felt a sharp pain in my neck, I slowly lifted my head and saw blood all over my arms and legs. Looking to my left I saw cars stopped and people getting out to help, to my right I saw an ambulance coming this way and in front of me was a fire. I didn't move, am I dead? Someone swung the door open and pulled me out, I heard them screaming and cursing, it was a man. His hold felt familiar but I don't know where from. I felt so awake but so dead at the same time, I tried to look at the person holding me but my eyes were blurring from my tears. He placed me on a stretcher and I finally saw his face, it was Grayson.

They put me in the ambulance and I looked at my car in horror, how did I survive that? Half of the front was actually inside the building and the ruff of the car was bent in. Someone put their hand on my leg and I felt another put a shot in my thigh probably to numb it so they can pull the glass out. I slowly looked at the woman sitting next to me and she was saying something but I couldn't hear it, it was muffled and sounded as if she was whispering even though she was right in front of me. Lifting my shaking hand I touched my ear but there was no blood or pain, why couldn't I hear anything? She put a breathing mask over my face and counted to three with her fingers then took a big breath, signaling me to do the same so I did, we did this a couple times ad I felt a bit calmer and the ringing was going away. "My name is Audrey Miller." She smiled at me and wrote it down "Ok Audrey can you hear me now?" I nodded my head and she grabbed her flashlight "Ok I want you to look at me while I check your eyes." I looked into her sparkling grey eyes as she checked me and the person touching my leg was now rubbing it, it was comforting but I knew it wasn't her she was too far away.

"Ok Audrey we are taking you to the hospital because you were in a car crash do you remember that?" I took the mask off and rubbed my eyes, I saw small pieces of glass lodged in my arms. Why didn't I feel them? "I remember everything I don't have amnesia, I need to call my parents." I was about to reach for my back pocket but she stopped me "It's ok we already have that under control, all we need from you is to stay awake and stay still, we are pulling the bigger pieces of glass out." How could they be doing that while we are driving? Wouldn't I need stitches, will I still be able to walk? I heard someone sniffle and it was from the person rubbing my leg, slowly I moved my head to the side and saw Grayson with puffy red eyes and tears streaming down his face "Hey Teddy bear." I smiled weakly and he laughed, he moved up so he was closer to my head and he held my hand and kissed it "I'm glad you're ok Peaches, god I was so scared." I reached up and wiped his tears away, he held my hand against his cheek and smiled, he looked so tired and weak, like he hadn't slept in days. I felt tired too, maybe I could sleep for a little while until we get there, my eyes got heavier and I tried to stay awake "Audrey? Audrey honey stay awake please we are almost there!" She raised her voice a little and put the breathing mask back on me "Just a little nap that's all I need..." I stopped holding Grayson's cheek and closed my eyes "Audrey no! Audrey stay awake please we are almost there!" He yelled and shook me slightly but I couldn't stay awake anymore.


I took a deep breath and heard beeping, a heart monitor. Again I couldn't open my eyes or move anything, so I just took a few breaths and tried to move my fingers. I could curl my fingers slightly with my left hand but there was something in my right, it felt like hair, like a head, Grayson. Suddenly his head moved from my hand and I heard a chair squeak "Audrey? Can you hear me?" I opened my eyes slightly then blinked off the sleepiness and looked at him. He laughed a little and ran his fingers through his messy hair, I tried to sit up but there was a stinging pain in both my arms. "Don't move too much, you have some stitches in your arms." He picked up the little remote and the bed moved up so I was sitting upright. I looked down and both my arms were wrapped and so was my left leg. "Am I ok? What did they say?" I asked anxiously, I didn't really want the answer but I needed it. "Well you have 2 broken ribs, you broke your right half of your collarbone, a mild concussion, but the stitches in your arms and legs aren't too bad. The doctor said they should be discharged in 4 or 5 weeks." He smiled weakly and tried to lighten the mood. I looked closely and he looked tired, like exhausted and he had some stubble growing, despite the pain I moved over as much as I could and tapped the area next to me "Come on you look dead, you need sleep, Gray." I held his hand but he only sat down."I really shouldn't, your parents are gonna be here any minute now-" I grabbed the remote and pressed the nurse button to get one of them in here "Audrey what are you doing! That's for emergency's only!" He looked at the door then back at me "Well this is an emergency, you need sleep and you're gonna get it." I said sternly and he rubbed his temple, I nurse came in and smiled at me "Did you need anything dear? Any discomfort or pain?" She looked at the clipboard with my information on it then pulled out a pen "No I feel fine I just wanted to tell you not to let anyone see me until I give you the ok, I don't care who they are I don't want anyone in here at all." She looked at me shocked then pulled out a red card and put it on the door.

"Are you sure honey? Won't you want your parents to see you and make sure you're ok?" I shook my head no and she walked out I looked at Grayson and he was smiling sleepily at me. "Come on nerd, you need sleep and I won't be happy until you get some." He smiled and laid his head on pillow then pulled me close, he moved me gently since my rib was broken. I rubbed his back and closed my eyes as well, just enjoying his company. After a couple of minutes his breathing became calm and I heard little snores, I opened my eyes and he was cuddled into me with the cutest puffy face. I can imagine waking up next to him every day, making breakfast and having him shower me with kisses, he really wasn't a bad guy he just puts up these walls to keep himself safe and I didn't see that till recently.

"You know I can imagine you with a big family, at least 3 kids and a dog of course. Your wife would be smart, she'd have to be smart if she would be right for you if she wasn't then she could never tell when you were lying. She'd also need to be a good listener and observer, so she could listen to your tone and watch your body language. Also very strong, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Emotionally, so she could be there to handle when you aren't fully there, mentally, so she won't crack under pressure and physically so she can help your drunk ass or slap the shit out of you when you get smart." I laughed quietly to myself as I spoke to a sleeping Grayson, I knew I couldn't say this while he was awake but I had to say him it while he was here. "Independent as well, she shouldn't leach onto you and just take you for granted. And finally beautiful, on the inside and out she needed to be beautiful, on the inside so she could truly care for you and worry about you and on the outside so she could be confident and give you what you want and need. Her outer beauty isn't a huge thing but you need someone as amazing as you." My neck got sore from looking down at him so I put my head back against the bed and sighed I needed that, I needed to say what I knew but wasn't thinking.

The day comes closer, it's almost here and I don't know how I'm gonna tell them it's not like I can just say 'Hey guys I'm leaving you both good luck' it's not that easy I needed to explain myself to them and give them reasons on why I made my decision and I needed answers to their questions, I knew all this but I didn't do anything about it because when I start it's official. Once I get the answers I need then I'll have to go through with it and let them go but I didn't want to, I couldn't let them go. I knew I needed too and I would go through with it no matter what but I just wanted to pretend I didn't have to, just for now I want to pretend that I can be with them both because it's the only thing keeping me sane. I don't even know what I'm going to do without them, well I know I will go to that apartment my dad got me but what about school? Summer is only 2 months and I know I won't forget or get over them in 2 months. Should I tell my parents I can't go back to school or just ask to be homeschooled?

Grayson started waking up and I looked at the clock, 1 hour has passed since he fell asleep, I knew he was still tired but that must have helped a little "Good morning Peaches." He whispered and kissed my jaw, I smiled and giggled "I could get used to that, but you should sleep more it's only been an hour." He rubbed his eyes and yawned "No it's ok, I bet your family is here anyway. I wouldn't want to keep them waiting too long." He laughed and sat up, I grabbed his arm and pulled him down so I could kiss his cheek "You're so sweet." He said in a girly voice and I just laughed at him, he stood up and brushed his clothes then kissed my head as a final goodbye.

A couple minutes after he left I called the nurse and asked her if anyone had come to see me and she said my family had been going crazy trying to see me so I told her to let them in, and of course soon after they all burst through the door and my mom was crying.

"Oh, my poor little baby! My sunshine, look at your arms and leg!" She cried into my dad's arm and Jess rolled his eyes at her "I knew she was all for dramatic but this is too much even for her." I laughed and he sat next to me "Jess don't touch her! She's so sensitive!" She yelled and I laughed, I told them that I got dizzy while driving home and I crashed, luckily none of them questioned anything so I was off the hook.

They kept talking to me and asking questions but all I could think about was how I would tell the boys.

Oml this chapter was a bad I want to rewrite it but I really like that little conversation Audrey had with sleeping Grayson. This book is going nowhere you hoe's never comment so I don't even know if you're real but it's fine I hope the ones who do read this story are enjoying it and have fun reading it.

Hope you enjoyed! Much love!!}

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now