{Chapter 27}

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Oml thank you so much for 200 reads‼️😭 I know I didn't say anything for 100 sorry!!

"Ok well, what do you want?" That came out rude but I didn't know how long I had until Harvey would notice I wasn't in my room.

"Would you like to go to a ball?" Was this guy crazy too? A ball?

"Um.. listen buddy I barely know you I'm not going anywhere with you-" he started laughing but I was so confused.

"Not with me! With Ethan, you could go buy a dress any color shape or price and wear it to the ball with Ethan. As his date, he doesn't want to go because he has to have a lady by his side and he's all "But Capo I don't want to drag her into this she is special" blah blah you know." He mimicked Ethan and I smiled. Sweet sweet Ethan.

"He thinks it will scare you off but you seem strong, I know you had a bad past so I know you aren't a goody two shoes which is good." How does he know about my past? Who even is this guy?

"So would you like to go with Ethan?" This was so fast I had no idea what as even going on. So I'm basically being asked to go to a gang prom? Is that what this is?

"When is it?" I asked "In like 3 days" my jaw dropped how was he expecting me to find a dress, shoes and accessories in 3 days! It takes me weeks to find a dress let alone for something this big.

"I mean- I wouldn't know how to act, I've never been around a gang before. Let alone a get together, what if I say something wrong?" I didn't know what to ask or say it was like he took my words away "Darling we are still people you know, we like the same things you do and feel some of them too. You'll be fine plus you would meet the gang one day anyway so why not just get it over with." Meet them one day? Was he going to recruit me?

"Um yeah I guess.. I will go for Ethan." He smiled and clapped his hands "good, you can go now. Oh wait! One last thing." He held my hand and I looked at him "tomorrow I will have one of my drivers pick up you and Ethan to take you shopping. Buy something big, this event is a big deal gangs from all over the world come for one night of peace. Nothing is too much or too crazy. Also get something that will make Grayson crazy. He will be there" he smiled evilly then let me leave.

I snuck back up to my window and when I looked back his car was gone. God today was so tiring.

I finished doing my hair and I was waiting on the Cameron's car to pick me up, I wonder if they picked up Ethan first or will I be alone while we shop. Ethan texted me and my heart fluttered for some reason

Ethan- come outside! God damn it's been 5 minutes how didn't you notice

Me- Geez sorry I'll be out in a second

Ethan- okay babygUrl

Me- Kms

I put my phone in my purse and ran downstairs to the car. It was a sleek black SUV with completely black windows, I couldn't see anything so I opened the door and there was Ethan sitting there with a goofy look on his face.

"Hey cutie" He cued and I smiled smugly and got in, I sat next to him and swung my legs over his "Hey Ethy" He sighed and rubbed his temple "Seriously Ethy, god that sounds so cheesy. I expect more from you Audrey." He put his arm around my shoulder, pushing my head onto his shoulder.

"Oh come on Ethy is cute! Plus I needed a nickname for you." I played the fingers of his free hand and he started laughing "why are you being so cute today, where's the annoying Audrey?." I slapped his chest and tried to pull away but he held onto me tighter "No don't get me wrong I like you being all lovey it's nice but I'm just not used to it." He continued "you're not being like this cause I told you about my ex are you?" I didn't even notice that much of a difference, was I acting like this out of pity or were my feelings real?

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now