{Chapter 35}

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1 month until school is over

I only have thirty days, thirty days until I lose one of the boys. I still had absolutely no idea what I was going to do, my mind was still in the middle of it all, I couldn't choose. I didn't want to choose. It was a Saturday and my dad was home but my mom had a meeting to go to, with her new promotion she's spending a lot of time at home so as rude as it sounds it nice to have her out of the house. I went into the kitchen and my dad was sitting at one of the stools next to the counter.

"Hey dad, good morning." I said happily as I gave him a kiss on the cheek "Good morning sweetie, I actually wanted to talk to you." He exclaimed cheerfully, I nodded my head and he cleared his throat. "So I remember you saying something about wanting to try living on your own over the summer so I may have done some searching and well, I found an amazing apartment for you to spend summer in!" My jaw dropped and I couldn't breath, he remember what I said. "Well what about you guys? And the price I won't be able to help pay rent-" he held his hand up and shook his head "No need, with your mothers promotion this will be paid with ease your mother and I have agreed it's a learning experience and will help you get ready for when you buy your own apartment. Plus I could use it as a work space or a vacation home when you aren't living there." I squealed and hugged my dad "Dad you have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you so much!" He pulls away and kisses my head "no problem, and you're not going to believe the location!" His eyes widened showing off the bright blue eyes I wish I had "Hawaii? The Bahamas? Paris? Australia!" He kinda looked down and made a 'Well...' face "Ok those places are great but this one is just as great." He laughed "The apartment is in the center of New York!" He smiled brightly and so did I until I remembered that's where I wanted to live with Grayson, if I did choose him.

I gave my dad a fake smile and another hug then went back upstairs to my room. I went into my laptop and started a pros and cons for each boy.

Well one of Ethan's defiant pros is that he is kind, when he does something wrong he always tries to fix it. He's also strong not only physically but mentally, after what happened with his brother and his girl I'm surprised he didn't take being in a gang to his advantage. He also has such a sweet side I think its adorable. When we hang out he always treats me like a princess and its nice to see how he's changed from our first encounter to now. He's become a lot softer not only with me but his family.  One defiant con was his jealously, he has a short temper and I notice he acts out a lot more when it comes to other guys. I don't want to limit who talk to so he doesn't get mad. He's also controlling in some ways, maybe that was in the past but it was still something to note down. I didn't like how when something didn't go his way he'd just storm off. What good would that do long term.

With Grayson he was very careful, he knew when something was too crazy or too much for me and he respected that. He was also fun, he was a bit of a risk taker and I need excitement in my life. I know this is more of an opinion but he's also extremely attractive, yes him and Ethan are physically similar but Grayson energy was strong and dominant. Grayson cons were very serious though, he seems bipolar. Like the time he snapped at me when I first went to his place, well when he had me drugged and sent to his house. He was also very vengeful, after what he did to that girl I don't think id ever let that go. In al honesty it wasn't the fact tat he killed her its the reason he did it that hurts.

I noticed Grayson's main cons were more serious than Ethan's, that's something to note for sure. But Ethan's were more annoying and would get in the way most likely in our daily lives. I spent hours adding to each list and making little notes, these lists were so long I could write a book for each. My dad walked in and I closed my laptop slowly, "Hey um your school just called." His tone wasn't normal, it was low and kinda sad. Did I do something wrong? "Whats wrong? What happened?" He sat on my bed and sighed "Well there was a major fire in the office so school is canceled for a while so we don't know when they'll reopen." I know I should be worried and sad that there was a fire but I wasn't phased, I was kinda happy I didn't have to go to school. Maybe we can go look at the apartment, and I could put some stuff there. "Wow that's awful, but with that free time why don't we fly out to New York and check out the apartment? Maybe we can get things ready while we are there, there isn't much time left anyway." He thought to himself for a second then smiled "Sure, I will have everything set up so we will be gone in 2 days! Get everything ready, bring things you would like to leave at the apartment."

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