{Chapter 13}

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"Can please we get pizza?" I keep whining because Gray won't get me pizza but he doesn't understand how much I want some. He also won't give me my wallet so I can't pay on my own. "No peaches! We are getting ice cream and that's final." He pulls up to an ice cream shop and just my luck there a pizza place right next to it.

"Teddy bear, please! I really want pizza!" He rolls his eyes and unbuckles his seatbelt but I don't budge. He looks back at me and I huff; crossing my arms. "You're kidding right?" I don't look at him and I slouch in my seat.

"You do realize I'm not leaving without you right? Come on just get pizza flavored ice cream, let's go!" He looks back at me while standing out of the car, I just huff and continue to look out my window "Fine then." He closes the door and walks over to my side; opening my door. 

"I want pizza!" He just ignores me and unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls my legs toward him "I swear you're like a baby!" He lifts me out of the car an I hold onto him with my legs and arms, he closes the door and walks to the ice cream shop. 


"You know I'm kinda glad we didn't get pizza, this ice cream is way fuckin better" I scoop another spoonful and he gives me that 'I told you so' look. "What flavor did you get?" He scoops some of mine and I gasp "How dare you!" 

"Ew did you get licorice?" He pretends to throw up an I slap his arm

"I bet you got something stupid like orange or fucking carrots. I mean what else kind of ice cream is orange." I taste it and soon realize it was peach. I look at him in awe and pout as if I'm gonna fake cry.

"Awe Teddy bear, peaches you got peaches?" I smile wildly and he scoffs while taking another scoop of his ice cream "I didn't get it because I call you peaches I just got it because it's a good flavor" He puts his cup on the table on crosses his arms over his chest; looking at me. 

"Ohh, my poor baby! Look at him all angry!" Placing my cup next to his I straddle him and start playing with his cheeks. I hear a girl giggling and turn my attention to a couple walking our way, it was Ethan and some blonde girl. "Shit it's my brother! What do we do." He turns his face the other way and I get an idea.

"Do you trust me?" He looks at me through the corner of his eye. "What does that have to do with anything right now?" "Grayson oh my god just say yes or no!" The girls giggling got louder and so did Ethan's. 

"Yes-" Quickly, my hands cup his face and I kiss him. After a second his hands move to my thighs and I get a tingling feeling in my stomach from his touch. His lips were extremely plump and soft but his kiss was rough and passionate, I couldn't help but want this kiss to last forever, the way his hands traveled around my body made it feel like electricity.

My hair swings down and covers our faces but I still get a glimpse of Ethan and his new girl. "Wait, babe, I thought you wanted ice cream?" She asked pointing to the ice cream shop. 

"Yeah well now we're getting pizza, so get in." He opens the door for her and he closes it right after they enter.

After a couple of seconds, I slowly pull away, letting our lips make that sweet smack sound that I loved so much, when I open my eyes I see his hazel ones already starring into mine. ''That was... waw." I'm still processing what had just happened and how much I loved that kiss. His were so different from Ethan's, his being rough and lustful with no feeling. But Grayson's kiss being soft and passionate with meaning and feeling. 

" I know I shouldn't be saying this because I wanna stay here but we should probably get going before he comes back out." Nodding my head I get off of him and we run to the car completely forgetting our ice cream.


The drive home was quick and kinda awkward because of what had happened but I could tell neither of us wanted to talk about it. I didn't want to talk about it, but I also I didn't want to ruin the bond we have by not talking about it. What if he thought it was more than just a simple kiss? What if he has feelings for me now, maybe I have feelings for him now? No, I can't think like this, he's friends with Jess and to make it worse he's Sophia's secret brother. 

I see my house up ahead so I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my phone, I reached for the door but Grayson locked it and I looked at him. "Oh god is this the part where you tell me you're a murderer and you kidnap me to keep as a sex slave?" He stares at me like I'm crazy then we both start laughing obnoxiously.

"Ok but seriously I want to ask you something." I nod my head for him to continue and he says "About that kiss, it was just a kiss right?" I kinda didn't know the answer to that, a part of me is saying it meant nothing but then there's a whisper that maybe it did. 

"Um yeah totally, I hope you weren't uncomfortable by me kissing you. I just did the first thing that came to mind, I didn't want him to see you then get mad at me." He seemed to be processing what I said then he replied with "Yeah I get it, and it was fine so don't worry. You just did what you had to do, it would have been kinda awkward if I did meet up with him like that anyway." I smile at him and he unlocks my door. 

"Bye teddy bear." I kiss his cheek and make my way to the door, I look back at him before I open the door and he waves at me. 

When I get inside I sigh and think to myself, was it really just a kiss?


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

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