{Chapter 5}

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"Audrey what the fuck! Who was that boy? Are you seriously hoeing?" I found it hilarious that Jess was worried about me, even though deep down he knew I wouldn't do something like that.

"Relax Jess, I swear I was with my friend Sophia. That was just her brother." I mean that is the truth, I didn't know he would join us

"Oh so he just decided that he's going to join you two? Does he go to our school?" he surprising seemed too concerned

"No he got expelled, I guess him and I are going to be great friends" I look at him with a wide smile but he looks at me shocked and stays quite the rest of the ride home.


Today was a total success, I made a new friend, got my schedule memorized, and met a cute boy in the process. No I can't say that, I won't do that to Sophia. I can't

"Audrey?" Jess opens my door and sits on my bed

"Hello brother" I spin to face him in my chair
(Hello Vampire Diaries reference😉)

"I just wanted to check in on you, tomorrow being our official first day and all. Are you nervous?" Jess was always the more caring sibling, I wouldn't do things like this

"Yeah I'm fine but-"

"So do you want to tell me who this guy actually is?" Jess smirks at me and I roll my eyes

"Jess! Get your ass out now!" I grab Jess and shove him out the door. God he was so annoying

I turn off my light and my phone dings, making my way to the bed a random number texted me

Unknown number- Hey cutie 
Me- who dis?
Unknown number- really you don't know?
Me- oh god. Ethan?
Unknown number- 
Me- ew go away

I set Ethan's contact as "Ethan" 

Ethan- whyyy I thought we was best friends
Me- well you thought wrong you thot
Ethan- me?? A THOT? Never
Me- well I'm going to bed.. soo
Ethan- is that an invite?? If so I'd gladly accept

I bit my lip at the thought of Ethan and I sleeping together, I mean damn he's an actual god.

Me- should it be?
Ethan- yeah
Me- hah you thought
Ethan- rude

I left him on opened because I really did want to sleep, I didn't really have time for him to keep me up.
"Wake up fatty!" Jess brought his stupid fucking speaker and yelled in my face as he kicked my door

"I've been awake, and I'm not a fatty" I put on some lipgloss to finish my natural look. I didn't want to cake my face just because I knew I'd get sweaty for PE

"Sure fatty, well I'm driving today because I don't need you leaving me for some dick" I slap Jess and grab my backpack

"Suck it Jess, and I didn't fuck Ethan we are just friends." If only that were true

"Suck it? Is that what you did to Ethan? Did you Suck the soul out of him?" Jess makes a slurping sound and I run down the stairs to the car

"Oh I'd suck the soul out of him for sure." I say to myself
We made it to the school and I see Sophia just getting dropped off. So I hurry over to her while she's talking to someone in the car that just dropped her off

"Sophia, hey girly!" I wave to Sophia to get her attention and she smiles at me. When I make it to the car I see Ethan sitting in the front seat shirtless

"Wow.." I cant take my eyes off his body I mean I wouldn't even if I could

"Sorry I couldn't find a shirt so I left my titties out." Ethan hides his boobs and smiles at me

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now