{Chapter 31}

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The night was coming to an end and a lot of people had already left, I couldn't stop thinking about that last encounter with Grayson. How he spoke and looked at me, how he kissed me. His voice was firm, his stare was intense but his kiss was soft. God I'm so confused, at the beginning of the night I felt nothing for Grayson and everything for Ethan but now... I don't  know what I feel.

I know for sure I like Ethan, there isn't one doubt in my mind about that, but Grayson on the other hand, he was so kind and open yet he can be cold and evil in seconds. But still I couldn't help but feel something for him, have little sparks go off when he holds me and make my heart skip a beat when he stares.

Ethan was talking to a couple guys when Cameron came over to me. "Hello Darling, you don't look very happy." He said fake pouting and put his finger under my chin making me smile. "Oh no trust me I'm having an great time." I said sarcastically and made jazz hands. He stood next to me and put his arm over my shoulder so I put mine around his waist "I saw that little scene with the Dolans and let me just say... you were truly living in an amazing nightmare" I sighed, he was right it was an amazing nightmare. I had two of the most attractive men at my hands and feet yet I couldn't help but cause problems and make their relationship worse.

Anyone else would have handled this way better than me, literally anyone, any other human being with rationality would have known how to handle this situation. For fucks sake I can't even choose who I want to be with, let alone know how to handle this. I let go of Cameron and walk to the door, some people smiled at me and stopped to talk about the dance with the Dolan brothers and some just sent me looks of jealously and anger. Those negative looks came from most of the  girls, I just smiled at them and continued on. When I stepped outside I was greeted with freezing air, it felt like little needles, even though my dress had sleeves they were extremely thin so it didn't help much but I couldn't go back inside it was to weird. I walked to this little section that was well lit and just walked around.

It was a little garden with a fountain in the middle, the area was very small so it wasn't like I'd get lost there's literally no way I could.

"Hey aren't you that girl who danced with the twins?" An older huskier voice said behind me, I turned and saw a tall man in all black, his dress shirt, pants shoes and coat were completely black "Yes, yes I am." He walked over to me and I realized he was about the same height as Grayson, maybe an inch or 2 taller. He looks older though, maybe late twenties or early thirty's, he looked down at me and took of his coat, putting it over my shoulders.

"How could any man a woman like you stand out in this cold alone?" He smiled and crossed his arms, his muscles stretched the fabric of his long sleeve dress shirt. His coat smelled like expensive cologne "Well a gentleman shouldn't be cold either, plus it isn't too bad. I barley even noticed." I lied, it was freezing and my arms were hurting from how cold it was but I didn't want him to think I'm a brat or something, like an over protected princess who's never been in the cold. I tried to take off his coat but he gently held onto the collar of the coat, closing it so I couldn't take it off. "Honestly I insist, I'm used to this cold I'm from Michigan, it snows there yet you'd still see me walking around in shorts eating ice cream." He smiled and I was amazed by how bright and perfect his smile was, his smile was wide and you could see his perfect white teeth.

"So mystery girl, could I ask for your name?" He smirked and I put my finger on my chin to show I was thinking

"I think that would be ok, since you've saved me from the cold." I laughed "My names Audrey." He smiled shyly and put his hand out for me to shake it "Well Audrey I'm Kyle, and it's been a pleasure talking and meeting you." He slyly turned my hand and kissed it. Well played Kyle, well played indeed.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now