{Chapter 18}

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Oh my god! 2,650 words holy shit haha!! Enjoy!!

"Peaches don't be like this, please. I'm sorry I snapped at you let me know you're ok just hug me back " He begged but I didn't give in yet, I wanted him to know I was strong and that he shouldn't do that again "Didn't you say you had to go see your friend in 15 minutes? You should get going, Grayson." I pushed him off me but I knew I had taken it too far, when I looked into his eyes they were full of hurt and regret, his hands laid numb by his sides and he slowly drops his head and starts to walk away

When he reaches the door I run up to him and hug him from behind, at first he was stiff then he pulled me off him and pulled into the air so I had my legs wrapped around his torso and he had his arms wrapped around my waist holding on to me 

"That's what you get for being a dick." I look at him and he seemed shocked "Oh my god Peaches I thought you were actually upset with me! I felt like shit!" He started walking to my bed and he sits down but I'm still straddling him "Well I was upset but I let it slide this time" He smiled evilly and slapped my ass at first I was shocked but then I slapped his chest and got off him 

"Well as much as I'd love to stay here and slap the ass that I own I have to go." He said cockily and he wiggled his left brow a little. That sentence made me shiver 'the ass that I own' It sounded so cringy but also sexy at the same time, I wasn't used to this side of Grayson. He's usually very sweet and holy but then again I don't mind this side either. 

"Well don't get too cocky I could easily give it to someone else." His brows narrowed together and I started laughing. "If I wouldn't be busy I would have fucked you right now for saying that." My eyes widened and he walked out of the door and down the stairs 

Grayson's POV:

I walked into our group house and I saw the whole gang there, I also saw a man with a bag over his head sitting by a table. Jack was the first to approach me and he gave me a box "What the fuck is this?" I starred at the box and pulled the top off and saw a shit ton of pictures

"This guy has been watching you and Audrey" I pick up a picture and see Audrey in a parking lot, and another one of her in a store, and one of the day I took her to the beach. Then I saw one of me, I was at the Gucci shop looking for a new belt. 

I scanned through all of them and it was honestly disgusting, most of the pictures were of Audrey and I or just her. I slam my fist on the table and walk over to the man in the chair, he smelled like blood and alcohol. I rip the bag off and his eyes met mine 

"Why the fuck have you been watching me and this girl?" I spat but he didn't look at me "It's what I've been told to do, plus that girls pretty hot-" I punched him in the jaw and he yelled out in pain "Who do you work for?" This guy was clearly insane and the fact that he threated Audrey made my blood boil 

"I work for Cameron! Please stop I was just doing what I was told! I don't know why but she wanted me too!" He pleaded while crying, I didn't understand what Audrey had to do with this or what Cameron wanted with her "Cameron what? And are you the only one they sent?" He started breathing fasted so I kicked his foot lightly and he looked back at me "Cameron Dallas and yes I think so!" 

I looked back at Jack then to Karson, they just shrugged their shoulders "We will be keeping you here for a little while in case we need anything. Don't disobey and they won't beat you." I smile evilly and tap his shoulder 

"Gray what should we do about your girl? We can't just let her walk around alone, what if that bastard was lying?" When Aaron called her my girl I got this weird fuzzy feeling inside, even the mention of her made me weak. There was something about this girl that broke me 

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now