{Chapter 10}

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My breath hitched and I felt my body get cold

"Well um, what did you see?" My hands started playing with the ends of my shirt. "Well, when Grayson drove off just a couple seconds after you wanna know what I saw?" I didn't even want to answer. "I saw Grayson crawl out of your window and down the driveway! But then I realized it was Ethan instead!" His voice was now high pitched and he had a smile on his face but I could tell he was heated.

"That's.. that's crazy!" I giggle nervously and he gets off my bed and stands next to it "Audrey are you kidding me? I told you earlier today not to fucking hang out with Ethan and what do you do! You hang out with Ethan at 1 in the morning! To make it even more suspicious you sneak him through your window? Honestly, Audrey could you be more of a whore!" His voice was laced with venom and I felt my heart break, it felt like a slap in the face to hear my brother, best friend and role model call me a 'whore'

"Jess please it isn't-" I didn't even get to finish the he spun around  "What Audrey it wasn't Ethan sneaking out of your room after what I'm praying wasn't sex? Like what do you want me to think? I see some boy who I've already heard so many bad things about sneak out of my little sister room? God Audrey, you're so stupid!" His voice echoed through my room and every word burned into my mind.

He was right I am a whore, I am stupid. Everything he said was right, every word. A tear slowly made it way out of my eye and onto my cheek, leaving a warm trail behind it. I look up at Jess and his eyes were full of regret and sorrow.

"Audrey, Audrey I didn't mean it-" His voice was soft and gentle but the damage has already been done. I push past him grabbing my phone and wallet. I storm out of the house and just start running. I have no idea where I'm going, my vision was blurred from all the tears and dark sky. There was a diner about 2 blocks away so I run to it.

As I walk onto the sidewalk I start wiping my tears and try to steady my breathing, I slam into a person and almost fall but they caught me. Their huge warm arms wrapping around me and pulling me upright.

I clear my eyes and see Grayson with a worried look on his face. "Peaches, oh my god what happened!" He pulls me into his arms similar to how he hugged me before but I was still on the ground. I just start crying into his arms but he didn't pull away or ask me whats wrong he just held me in his arms, against his warm body,

"Jump." His voice was soft and I follow his directions, wrapping my legs around his torso and he holds my back instead of my ass or thighs which made me feel a little better since he wasn't being all horny right now.

He puts me down on the trunk of his car and lets me cry for a little while longer, rubbing my back and while whispering sweet, calming words into my ear.

After a while he pulls me away from his shoulder and cups my wet face, wiping tears from my cheeks. He stays standing between my legs, and he shushes me softly while holding my hands. Once I had finally calmed down enough to talk he asked me "Hey, baby what happened? Are you hurt, did someone hurt you?" His eyes were full of hurt from seeing me like this, and I felt bad for crying and panicking him like this.

I take a deep breath "It's- It's Jess, he saw Ethan sneak out- and he called me a whore and kept yelling at me." My voice was weak and low, another warm tear slowly made its way down my cheek but didn't get far because Grayson was cupping my face so he wiped it away.

"Well did you tell him that nothing happened?" His face still looked worried and hurt and it made my heart hurt a little to see him so upset "I tried to but he wouldn't listen! He just kept yelling at me." He held onto my face a little tighter and made the 'tsk' sound with his tongue

"awe my poor little baby peaches." He sounded like a mom and that made me laugh a little. "Hey if he won't let you explain then guess what?" I looked at him with that 'what' face "Let him think what he wants, trust me it will make him crazy." He tickled me a little and I started laughing, instantly feeling better.

"Waw, you really do have a way with words teddy bear." My hands rested on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around me. "Teddy bear? Is that my new nickname?" His brow arched a little and his lips curved slightly. "Well, you call me peaches so I'll call you teddy bear, cause you're my teddy bear." I smile and he just rolled his eye's

"Why because your gonna throw me away in a few years?" His voice was laced with sarcasm and I laughed "No, I'm gonna call you teddy bear because you make me happy." At first, his face was expressionless then his lips curved into the purest smile I've ever seen.

"Alright well, why don't I take you inside because you're freezing and I'm only wearing a short sleeve." He's right, he didn't have a jacket on either. I wouldn't have taken the jacket from him anyway, I never do.

We pick a booth in the far back because no one was over there so we can speak as freely as we liked. "Hey uh, do you want anything? Fries, a milkshake, nachos... maybe fries with nachos and a milkshake?" He smiled and I giggled lightly. I actually wanted a milkshake but I didn't want him to pay. He already did enough for me tonight.

"Um, no I'm fine. Hey, I'm gonna go to the restroom ill be back." I slid out of the booth and over to one of the waiters.

"Hey, girly what can I get you?" She was an older woman but not really old, she looked about  25 and she was beautiful. "Can I get 2 vanilla milkshakes please?" she wrote that on her little notepad while rubbing her ruby lips together "Anything else?" she looks back up at me through her lashes "Um, maybe a basket of curly fries?" I paid her and went back to the booth where Grayson was patiently waiting for me.

"Finally, I thought you had ditched me." He smiles and the waitress brings us our drinks and fries. Grayson looks up at me and scrunched his brows "Oh yeah I forgot to mention I didn't go to the bathroom I actually got us food." I look at him with that 'sorry not sorry' look and dip a fry into my milkshake.

"Peaches I asked you if you wanted anything and you said no, I should have paid. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet but before he can open it I pull it out of his hands and put it under my thigh "Teddy bear if I didn't let you pay before what makes you think I'm gonna let you pay me now?" He grabs his milkshake and takes a sip while smirking at me.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come down with you?" He was sweet enough to drive me home and give me a good time and that was really all I needed. "No teddy bear it's fine, plus my parents are home so I don't think it would be a good choice." I tap on my screen and show him the time. It was 4:30 A.M

He grabs the phone from my hands and unlocks it with my finger. Then he goes to my messages and adds his number then goes to my setting and adds his thumbprint, "Here, now you can text or call me whenever you want." I kiss his cheek and grab my phone, "Thanks teddy bear."

I open the door slowly and luckily all the lights were off so I slowly made my way upstairs and into my room but Jess was asleep on my bed. I wanted to yell at him but I didn't, instead, I walk over to him and lay by his side. I'm way too tired to deal with him tonight.

Slowly my eyelids got heavier and I fell asleep.

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now