{Chapter 24}

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"Do you want to come in? I could finish the story and we could hang out more." He sounded like he kinda wanted to talk about it like he needed to get it off his chest but he was also hesitant. I didn't want to turn him down because I really did want to know but I also didn't want him to feel like he had to tell me.

"If you're ok with telling me then yeah I'd love to." I smiled and so did he, we went upstairs but before I went into his room I noticed Grayson's door was open slightly, it wasn't open last time. Ethan came out and stood next to me then looked at the door. "Oh, that's um, an extra room." He sounded impatient and I was going to ask him why he lied but then I remembered he doesn't know that I've met Grayson.

"Ok, well come on you still need to tell me the story." I grab his hand and sit on the bed with my back against the headboard, Ethan lays down next to me but I pull his head onto my lap and I put my hand on his back "Audrey I don't need comforting, I told you that its fine I want to tell you." I start rubbing circles on his back and he chuckles "Well this isn't for you then, I just want to cuddle." That's a lie.

"Yeah I'm sure you do, anyways I'm gonna start from the beginning and I don't want you to interrupt until the end because this is a very long and complicated story so just hear me out." That worried me, what was he going to tell me that he would have to warn me about. I mean I knew things were bad but how bad could they be.

"So about 4 years ago I got into an argument with someone and it affected my family dearly because he was a family friend. We were so close, we spent every day together just doing whatever. When I got into a serious relationship he didn't mind he was actually friends with my girlfriend it was perfect, we made sure to make the 3 of us equals. It was never Ethan, his girlfriend, and his friend or Ethan, his friend, and his girl. Then one day I noticed her and him getting closer and they started to hang out without me, of course, I thought nothing of it because I knew they were friends but when we would hang out she would treat him as if he was her boyfriend instead of me." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes then continued.

"Like she would always sit by him and post pictures with him and all that other couple shit, so I talked to him like guy to guy but he got all defensive saying that it was fucked up I didn't trust him and that I should be happy they are friends so I let it go, a couple weeks later my birthday rolled around.." He put his arm across my legs and hugged me, I wish I could take his pain away, I wish I could fix him and make him better. I knew where this was going I just hope I'm wrong, no one deserves to go through that.

"They planned me a surprise party at my place since my parents weren't home and my house was the biggest. The party was amazing, all my friends were there and we were having so much fun, after a couple hours I could find either of them so I went upstairs because some people were up there smoking and all the doors were open except mine. I thought some people were in there smoking but-"

I touched Ethan's cheek and he opened his eyes "Its ok it's the story is almost over just- just please let me finish." He looked up at me desperately and I knew him telling me the story wan't about me knowing his past. It was about him letting go or getting past it.  "I saw them in bed together, in my bed. I swear I felt my heart leave my chest, the worse part is they didn't even notice me. I don't know why I didn't leave sooner I was just in shock, I didn't want to believe it when I finally regained myself I ran out of the room and called off the party. I told everyone to grab there shit and leave right away, it took a while for everyone to leave cause half of these people were high as fuck but I didn't care I just needed them out. There was probably a handful of people left when I snapped." I really didn't want him to continue I knew it was breaking him, thinking about all this and reliving it but he needed this to get over it.

"I started screaming and throwing things, then they came downstairs sweaty and messy. I looked her in the eyes and she looked at me as if she didn't just fuck my best friend. She tried to touch me but I shoved her hand away and started screaming at them both. Of course they tried to convince me otherwise but I saw what I saw. I knew it was her I knew her moans and the way she held him. She was my first love, I've had girlfriends before her but non of them were serious most of them were just quick fucks and the relationship only lasted a week at most but with her, god she was different, she was smart, tough, kind and pretty." That kinda hurt me but I push it aside knowing we weren't even together so I shouldn't be phased.

"After that I became who my reputation proceeds me to be, I'm violent, heartless, a fuckboy, whatever you've heard is true. I smoke, drink, party, and-" he held his breath and moved up so his head was on my chest. "Audrey I'm going to tell you something but I don't want you to look at me differently, it's going to be a lot but please let me explain." His voice was kinda mumbled because his face was on my chest and he started playing with the fabric of my shirt. I hummed an ok and he continued.

"And I'm in a gang, co-leader to be more precise. I was out one night and I was drunk off my shit and got into a fight. Of course I won and was kicked out of the bar and someone came up to me handed me a card and left. I didn't understand so I went home and slept it off. When I woke up I saw the card on my desk and decided to look at it. The card was for the Mafia. They had been watching me for a while and thought I had potential, they also said they'd give me a shit ton of money and any kind of drug I asked for so of course me being me went to the place they wanted me to and talked to me for a while and had me go through the initiation and don't worry I didn't kill anyone, I had to sell some shit and do a couple lines of coke and I was in." He sighed and chucked a little, I started rubbing his back and he nuzzled into my chest more.

"God your boobs are so soft, I'm gonna use you as a pillow more often." He cupped my other boob in his hand and I slapped his back "ok enough talk about my boobs continue your story!" I flicked the back of his neck and he squeezed my boob.

"Ok ok, so I started doing coke a lot more and that made me change a lot. I spent a lot of time at the leaders house and earned his trust. I started training there and working out a lot more, I also started fucking around a lot like every night I had a new girl and I thought that would be my life until I got expelled. I mean I don't regret it I actually wanted to do it again but since I was almost 18 I couldn't go back into campus. I started getting more aggressive and impatient with my family and would never talk to my mom or sister unless I seriously needed to. I started ignoring Sophia and yelling at her whenever she would bug me and the thing I'm most ashamed of is I started pushing her like physically I would shove her out of my room and way. I never hit her I would never do that ever no matter how angry I got I would never hit a girl.

"My mom would point out that I was being a dick and she'd  push me into my place and I'm thankful for that, I stopped doing drugs other than weed cause how could I ever but I wouldn't do it that often and I also stopped drinking. I spent most of my time either at the leaders house, sleeping or working out. Then I met a special girl and she changed me a lot, she was beautiful, confident, daring, hard headed and she had some great boobs."  I was about to slap his back again but I let it slide because of everything else he said.

"And what was so amazing about this girl? She sounds just like any other basic girl." I put my arm over Ethan's shoulder and held him so my hand wasn't on his back anymore "Oh trust me, she isn't basic she's far from it. She kinda swept me off my feet. She's a tease and also a huge flirt, she's like a girl version of me but is it wrong I want to fuck the girl version of me? Cause god damn is she pretty." I started laughing and Ethan wrapped his arm over my stomach and pulled me into him so we were smushed together instead of laying in each others arms.

"Ethan! You troll let go your pointy chin is hurting my boob!" I slap his cheek a couple times but he doesn't move so I use the hand that's around him and squeeze his butt and he jolts back and let's go of me "Audrey! My manhood you cant touch my ass like that!" He grabs both my wrists and puts them around his shoulders and he lays back on my chest "oh but you get to grab my ass? And lay on my boobs?" I say and he chuckled "yeah but you like when I do these things."

I couldn't even argue with him, he was honestly right.


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