{Chapter 26}

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I ran into my house screaming and crying, he could have killed me just like he killed her. I spent so much time with him, I trusted him and cared about him now I find out he's a murderer.

Why would he think that was ok, he was at fault too. He had no right to just take her life as if it meant nothing. I wonder why he thought only punishing her was justice, as if he didn't take part in what had happened.

What am I gonna do? Does Ethan know, does anyone know? The thought of him not knowing gives me hope and comfort. Maybe it's better he doesn't know, so he wouldn't know how truly heartless his brother is. I walked into the kitchen and just rested my hands on the counter still crying.

"Audrey?" I looked back and saw Harvey, words can not explain how happy I was to see him. It was a blessing an actual blessing from god himself. I needed someone and of course he was here, god heard my cry. 

I run to him and jump into his arms, crying even harder than I ever thought I could. He didn't question it or pull away he let me cry and he just let me have my moment. After a couple minutes of crying he put me down and wiped the tears from my face, cupping my cheeks he made me look up at him.

"Hey, Audrey everything is ok. You're home and you're safe, it's just me and your brother here. You're ok, please just calm down and tell me what happened." His voice was so calm and loving, I felt awful I must have scared him. "I can't" I said with a shaky voice "Ok well can I at least ask you a couple questions? All you need to say is yes or no." I nodded my head and he sat me on the couch

"Are you or anyone else hurt?" Shes dead  I shook my head no and he continued

"Are you or anyone else in serious trouble? Like with the police or anything?" Grayson is a murderer I shook my head no again

"Will you or anyone else be getting hurt?" Grayson could decide to kill me for how I acted  I said no

"Are you involved in this in anyway?" I didn't call the police on Grayson. I shook my head again and he sighed.

"Ok that's all I needed. We are done, I won't say or ask anything else." He hugged me and I melted into his arms. Harvey really was the dad of the group, no he was the guardian angel. He was so caring and comforting. If he didn't come I don't know what I would have done. Probably passed out from crying so much or gone insane.

"Come upstairs I'll help you get your makeup off and into some comfortable clothes." He smiled and led me upstairs into my room, we walked into the bathroom and I sat on the counter as he soaked a small towel in warm water.

"Here wipe your face and I'll get your shoes off and find you some comfortable clothes." I nodded and started cleaning my face. He took my shoes off and put them in the corner of the bathroom. "You want me to do this?" He offered but I shook my head and he went into my room. I finished wiping my face and cleaned the towel and hung it

I walked into my room and Harvey was holding some shorts and my favorite sweater. "Here I'll help, I promise I won't look." He looked into my eyes and took off my shirt not breaking eye contact he slipped the hoodie over my head then went for my pants and slid them off, putting my shorts on.

"Ok go to sleep I'll be right here." He moves the covers so I could get in then he covered me and kissed my forehead "Harvey I'm sorry, I know you probably-" he didn't let me continue "Don't apologize it's ok, we all have things we can't share. I'm just glad I could be here for you, not gonna lie you scared me a little." He chuckled and bit his inner cheek

"I know and I'm sorry, I swear I'm not normally like this. If I could tell you I swear I would! I trust you and I don't want you to think I don't, you're really sweet Harv." I hold his hand and smile. He gives me a goofy smile and I chuckle

"You can go if you'd like, I'm ok now." I said "yeah I should probably go downstairs, your brother is going to be home soon but if you need anything I'll be just downstairs." I nodded and he left. People like Harvey give me hope, the guy barley knows me but here he is treating me like his daughter.

I got a text but I didn't want to answer it, I was scared it was Grayson. Then I got a call but it wasn't  Grayson's ring tone. It was the default one which means it's an unknown number.

It had a caller ID so maybe it was a family member or something, I answered it and heard some cheesy music playing in the background lightly. No one was talking so I spoke up.

"Hello?" Why didn't they say anything, they called me

"Well hello! Is this Audrey Miller." It was a man, he sounded young. His voice was strong and happy

"Um, yes who is this."

"Hi darling I'm Cameron. I've been watching you for a while and let me just say your absolutely beautiful." My eyes widened and I almost choked on air

"Who the hell are you! How do you know me?" Jesus this was creepy

"I just told you who I am darling. Oh I'm outside could you come out for a quick minute I want to have a quick chat." This is it, he's gonna kill me. Grayson sent him to kill me I know it. I'm gonna die.

"And don't worry you'll be fine, I really only want to talk. We won't go anywhere so you don't need to change." How did he know I wasn't dressed to go out? Right he's outside.

"How do I know if you're telling the truth, what if you kill me or something." I wasn't just gonna get into a car with some stranger.

"Well you'll just have to trust me, plus I'm sure you'd like to hear this." He laughed, I walked to my window and moved my drapes. He was right, there is a white BMW i8 outside my house.

"Hello! Waw you really are beautiful." He rolls down the window and waves at me but I still can't see him.

"Ok, I- I'll be down in a second" I hang up and open my widow. I can't just walk past Harvey after what just happened, so I snuck down and walked to the car.

"That was impressive, you should join my team sweetheart. Along with your fighting skills and loyalty you'd be great!" He gives me a card and it reminded me of the card Ethan told me about. When I looked at him I was amazed, he was covered in tattoos, his whole neck and arms, and possibly his chest but I couldn't see it. He was also very handsome. "Well I'm Cameron Dallas and it's a pleasure to finally meet the girl who won the Dolan brothers hearts." He looks me up and down amazed.

"How do you-" he cut me off and answered my question "Well Ethan is my second hand and Grayson well, he is the thorn in my- you get it." Second hand? Was he the leader, was he the Mafia leader?

What could he possibly want with me?


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