{Chapter 2}

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The flight here was pretty nice, only because I sat far away from my family. All I did was text my old friends and look up the new school I was going to, LA High (I know right im so creative haha) everyone there looked like actors who were cut from High School Musical.

I didn't wanna leave my old life but here I am flying away from it. I already knew I was going to hate the new house and school. Mom chooses a safe and rich neighborhood with curfews and shit.


"Alright, guys we are here!" My dad had one of his workers drive his car to the airport just so we wouldn't have to rent a car, yeah that's how extra my dad is I still love him though.

The house I must admit was absolutely beautiful, also very big for only four people. The house had a huge gate around it with a long driveway.

"Try not to get expelled here too sis." Jess nudged my shoulder and we laugh. My brother and I have a special bond where no matter how mad we are at each other nothing and no one can permanently rip us apart. We both share the same pain of being left behind. Kind of ironic because we were two of the most popular kids at our school.

"Well, the moving company will be here in a couple hours so you should go and choose your rooms!" My mom claps her hands and my brother and I run to the house.


Music blasts through my headphones as I bring my boxes upstairs, I can't unpack yet because the truck with my dressers and desks haven't come yet. So the only thing I have to do is wait for the men to finish putting my bed together.

"Audrey honey I think the guys are done with your bed. And the last truck with your things in it will be here in about thirty minutes." I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and go upstairs to put my sheets on my bed.

As I open my door I see Jess jumping on my bed filming a video for his Snapchat. "Hey sis!! Hope you don't mind me breaking your bed!" He zooms in on my face and I throw my slide at his face. "Get off my bed, you nerd!" He jumps off the bed and knocks me over and sits on me

"Oh god, your fat ass is suffocating me!!" We are both laughing and he zooms in on my face which is red from laughing "You're just jealous that im thick and your not, you crippled stick!"

He posts it to his story and seconds later his friends are already messaging him. "Haha Gage said the only reason why your flat is because I keep sitting on you," I start slapping his back and he gets off me

"Well he's not wrong, you sit on me all the time. It doesn't help that you have a football player body. You fat ass" Jess helps me pick up the sheets I dropped.

"Do you miss Florida?" I look up at him and he seems kinda hurt by the reminder that this is our new home

"Well of course I do, I've lived there since I was born. But the thing I'm gonna miss the most is my friends, you know the team."

It's all my fault that he has to start over, I didn't really think about him when all this happened. I mean one week ago we were in Florida talking about moving and here we are now. I was so selfish.

"Do you need any help setting up sis?" He places my sheets on some closed boxes and turns back to me

"No, im fine thanks though." I give him a hug and he leaves my room.

I put my sheets and pillows onto my bed and push it to the corner of my room just so I have more space for my vanity, desk, and drawers. I start hanging my shirts and dresses just so I can throw away some of these boxes.

"Audrey honey! Your desk and drawers are here!" My mom opens my door and the men walk in with my things.

The moving team places my things down and leave, giving me privacy to set up.

Time to make this room mine.


"Audrey get your flat ass up or your running to school today!" I was finishing up my makeup when Jess kicked my door open and started snap chatting me. It's been two weeks since we moved here and im already going to school.

"Ok damn, you almost messed up my highlight!" I turn off my vanity light and grab my backpack


"You ready sis?" We are sitting in the car in front of our new school looking at everyone with huge groups of friends.

"I mean I guess, it's not like I have a choice right?" Jess puts his hand on my shoulder and I look at him

"If anyone bothers you at all ill beat the fuck out of them." We both chuckle and walk out of the car.

I feel everyone's eye's on us, I don't mean to sound self-centered or anything but our family is pretty attractive, like my brother and I have been known for our good looks, we always have. He was tall and muscular, and I was petite but thick.

I look to my left and see a group of boys starring us down, I see one wink and I just roll my eyes, I love this attention im not gonna lie.


My brother and I made it to the office and I see a man in a suit talking to the woman at the front desk

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady gave us welcoming smiles and shook our hands.

"We are new students here, Jess and Audrey Miller." The lady types our names into her computer and prints what I assume are our schedules.

"You will both have a tour guide to show you to our classes and around our beautiful campus." She walks us over to some students and they stand to greet us

"Hi! Im Sophia Dolan and ill show you around LA high!" She pulls me into a hug and I know im gonna like her. "Hi Im Audrey Miller, so here's my schedule should we get started?"

"Totally! Im kinda glad I got to show you around, not just because I get to spend the day out of class but because you're super cool." I lock arms with her and she starts the tour.

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

More to be posted soon!

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